Japanese detective video film adapted from the Jiro Egami series book by 90's mystery author Arisu Arisugawa. Sequel to 'Two-Headed Devil - Who is the True Culprit?'
Una mujer empieza a trabajar en una oficina de impuestos. Su primer caso será investigar a todo un especialista en evadir impuestos. La historia se complicará por la simpatía que le despierta el supuesto delincuente.
Naomi is a university student who is leaving for the US to study in a week; Shuichi is a washed-up gumshoe who's hired by Naomi's father to bodygard his daughter until she leaves. Shuichi finds the job annoying and wants to quit. But he also has a screwed-up ex and alimony to pay. Things go from bad to worse when Naomi and Shuichi stumble upon a murder which might involve the yakuza. They decide to find out who committed the murder but God knows what it will lead to.
A karate master played by Sonny Chiba is attacked and left crippled and blinded in one eye. He trains his daughter (Etsuko Shihomi) with the intention of her avenging not only himself but a murdered friend.