Chikashi Makiura


The Phantom Thief Nezumi Kozo and the Tattooed Judge
Magistrate Toyama no Kin-san is ordered to catch the phantom thief Nezumi Kozo, who is robbing daimyo and wealthy townspeople. Under the name of Nezumi Kozo, there is a small wholesaler Jiro. And once Toyama and Jiro, when they were young, were comrades who spent all their time gambling and having fun with women in the Yushima Tenjin area...
Director of Photography
A cowardly samurai is sent as an official executioner targeting the clan's former sword instructor, a man whose sword and spear skills are second to none.
El lobo solitario y su cachorro: cielo blanco en el infierno
Director of Photography
Sexta entrega de la serie de adaptaciones al cine de imágen real del famoso manga escrito por Kazuo Koike y dibujado por Goseki Kojima. Narra las aventuras de un Samurai que trabaja con su hijo siempre acompañándole en sus viajes. El fin de la saga, y la batalla definitiva entre Ogami Itto y Retsudo. Con la mayoría de su familia muerta a manos de Ogami, Retsudo lanza su último ataque para destruirlo. Una vez fracasado, Ogami desata toda su furia contra el ejercito de los Yagyu.
Hanzo the Razor: Who's Got the Gold?
Hanzo deberá investigar el extraño caso de una aparición fantasmal en el río. Pero durante la investigación Hanzo descubrirá que el fantasma es mas real de lo que parece y que el oro del castillo ha sido robado.
La conspiración de Zatoichi
Director of Photography
Vigésimo quinta de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Después de más de veinte años, Zatoichi regresa a su pueblo natal donde conocerá a una hermanastra. Por otro lado, un viejo amigo de la infancia, se está aprovechando de los granjeros del pueblo para enriquecerse. Una vez más Zatoichi tratará de imponer la justicia con sus propios medios.
Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice
Hanzo es un detective de Edo con muy mal carácter que vive para impartir justicia. El más duro samurai del Japón y sus dos ayudantes, criminales rehabilitados a su servicio, no se paran ante nada ni nadie. Su técnica es única; llegando a partir pedruscos con la mano o ser maestro en varias armas, domina el interrogatorio como nadie, donde no duda en torturar a quien no le dé información. Hanzo se reune con sus compañeros policías ante sus jefes para prestar el juramento anual de su cargo como detective. Ningún año se ha presentado. Siempre da una excusa pero esta vez decide explicarse, la corrupción que ve no le permite estampar su firma. La ley sólo protege a los comerciantes y samurais; no trata a todos por igual, la gente humilde no tiene protección, pero Hanzo va a cambiar eso. Para él todos son iguales para la justicia.
El lobo solitario y su cachorro: carro de bebé en el Hades
Director of Photography
Tercera entrega de la serie de adaptaciones al cine de imágen real del famoso manga escrito por Kazuo Koike y dibujado por Goseki Kojima. Narra las aventuras de un Samurai que trabaja con su hijo siempre acompañándole en sus viajes. Ogami Itto acepta ser torturado por la Yakuza para salvar la vida de una prostituta, y estos alquilan sus servicios. Su objetivo es el malvado chamberlán.
El lobo solitario y su cachorro: carro de bebé en el río Estigia
Director of Photography
Segunda en una serie de adaptaciones al cine de imagen real del famoso manga escrito por Kazuo Koike y dibujado por Goseki Kojima. Narra las aventuras de un samurai que trabaja con su hijo, el cual siempre le acompaña en sus viajes. En esta ocasión deberá enfrentarse a un grupo de ninjas femeninas al servicio del Clan Yagyu. También deberá asesinar a un traidor que planea vender los secretos de su clan al Shogunate.
El lobo solitario y su cachorro: Niño y maestría en alquiler
Director of Photography
Primera en una serie de adaptaciones al cine de imágen real del famoso manga escrito por Kazuo Koike y dibujado por Goseki Kojima. Narra las aventuras de un ronin que deambula por el japón del shogunato Tokugawa acompañado de un niño. Esta película narra los orígenes del personaje y también es conocida por su título literal:"Lone Wolf and Cub: Child and Expertise for Rent".
Director of Photography
A detective is charged with investigating a bank corruption scandal.
Zatoichi conoce al espadachín manco
Director of Photography
Vigésimo segunda de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Un luchador manco chino llamado Wang Kong se encuentra con otra familia también china. Debido a que el hijo de la familia entorpece sin querer una procesión de ofrenda al shogunato, se inicia una reyerta en la que mueren el padre y la madre del niño. Zatoichi más tarde se encuentra al niño, y se queda con él momentáneamente hasta que después, se va con Wang Kong. Zatoichi decide ayudarlos a escapar, pero las cosas no salen como habían previsto.
Masseur’s Curse
Director of Photography
One murky night, Soetsu, a blind acupuncturist and money lender, calls on Shinzaemon Fukami, a Hatamoto samurai, to collect some money. But Fukami is too busy having an affair with a maid and curtly tells Soetsu to ask Sawano, his wife, for the money. As they have no money, Sawano interprets her husband's words as telling her to give herself to Soetsu in lieu of payment. However, Fukami catches them in the act and kills them both. Snatching up Soetsu's money bag with 30 ryo in it, he then asks two ruffians, to sink the bodies in a marsh. From what follows, it seems as if the spirits of Soetsu and Sawano are still hovering on earth in anguish and anger. For soon afterwards, Fukami is found dead by his own hand and Osono, Soetsu's younger daughter, suddenly disappears from home.
Born Fighter
Director of Photography
Story about a big boss who built the foundation of an industrial city.
Blood End
Director of Photography
BLOOD END is one of the great unknown films from Japan's golden era of the late 1960's. Starring NAKADAI Tatsuya in one of his best roles, this is the story of the Mito Tengu Group who attempted to overthrow the Shogunate at the beginning of the Bakumatsu Period. Their political aspirations led to countless assassinations, as well as senseless killing of innocent people who got in their way. Sentaro (NAKADAI), a farmer who's been severely beaten for his outspoken defiance of the government and the high taxes during a time of famine is befriended by one of the group's leaders, KADA Gentaro (KATO Go) and joins up. This is the masterpiece of director YAMAMOTO Satsuo (who is best known for the first film in the NINJA, BAND OF ASSASSINS series) the erstwhile 'Leftist' director, who used his films to make his political points. Stunning fight choreography, and ultra-violence make this one of the bloodiest films of that era. A powerful film Rare classic!
Broken Swords
The tragic, yet exciting story of the friendship between Nakayama Yasubei, a member of the 47 Ronin, and Tange Tenzen, a relative by marriage of the vile Lord Kira. Remake of Hakuôki AKA Samurai Vendetta (1959).
Secrets of a Woman's Temple
Kanto Woman Yakuza
Director of Photography
The Bride from Hades
On the night of the summer Obon festival, Hagiwara Shinzaburo meets a beautiful courtesan named Otsuyu. Not knowing she's a ghost, he becomes infatuated by her.
The Snow Woman
Director of Photography
A master sculptor and his apprentice are trapped in a bad snow storm after finding a special tree for carving a statue for the local temple. Finding refuge in an abandoned hut they celebrate their luck in finding the tree but soon they are visited by the Snow Witch who freezes the sculptor to death but takes pity on the apprentice. He must promise to never speak of this or she'll return and kill him.
Zatoichi Challenged
Director of Photography
Decimoséptima de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Zatoichi comparte habitación en una posada con una mujer moribunda junto a su joven hijo. Como última voluntad antes de morir, le pide a Zatoichi que lleve a su hijo junto a su padre, Shokichi, al cual no ve desde hace muchos años.
The Homely Sister
In the 19th century Edo period, sisters Oshizu and Otaka have sacrificed their personal happiness to work and care for their ailing father. Otaka falls in love, but can’t accept a marriage proposal since her older sister needs to marry first. When Oshizu learns of this decision, she takes matters in her own hands.
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Man of Legend
Assignment Dragon No. 3
Director of Photography
In late 1940 the Japanese were anxious to conclude peace in China and to that end sent Colonel Hidaka to inaugurate negotiations. He was mysteriously assassinated, however, when his car was blown up. The General Staff Headquarters in Japan, sends Lieutenant Shiina, a graduate of the famed Nakano School of Spies inaugurated by Colonel Kusanagi, to investigate the matter. Arriving in Shanghai, he disguises himself as a Chinese coolie and sets out to watch for developments, the only clue being a silver dollar found beside what was left of the victim.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy
Director of Photography
Nemuri Kyoshiro discovers a conspiracy centering around a band of disgruntled samurai wanting to avenge the death of their sensei, a political reformer that pushed for better provisions for the lower classes until he was assassinated by Shogunate agents. Their plot, to set fire to the oil refineries of two rich merchants and unleash a raging inferno that will hopefully burn down the Edo Castle.
Dynamite Doctor Returns
Second movie in the yoidore hakase serie
The Betrayal
Director of Photography
A naively honorable samurai (played by Raizo) comes to the bitter realization that his devotion to moral samurai principles makes him an oddity among his peers, and a very vulnerable oddity in consequence. He takes the blame for the misdeeds of others, with the understanding that he will be exiled for one year and restored to the clan's good graces after the political situation dies down. As betrayal begins to heap upon betrayal, he realizes he'll have to live out his life as a master-less ronin, if not hunted down and killed.
The Virgin Witness
Director of Photography
A father decides to put his delinquent daughter into a temple in Kyoto known for its austere novitiate. Initially resistant to all forms of discipline, she ends up falling in love with the nun who is in charge of her.
Zatoichi and the Chess Expert
Director of Photography
Zatoichi makes friends with a dangerous chess player, while fending off angry yakuza and bloodthirsty relatives out for revenge, and trying to save a sick child. Meanwhile, his luck with dice is turning.
Sword Devil
Director of Photography
Hanpei es un joven samurái gentil que ama las flores. Un día, es testigo del rápido desenvainado de la espada de un anciano. Está tan impresionado que se convierte en alumno del anciano. Pronto, la habilidad con la espada de Hanpei llamó la atención de su señor. El señor le ordena asesinar a un hombre...
Shinobi No Mono 5: Return of Mist Saizo
[Period covered: 1616] On May 8th, 1615 the summer campaign of Osaka has reached the climax. This film takes place immediately following 'Ninja 4: Mist Saizo, Last of The Ninja'. Staying one step ahead of the Shogun’s forces, “Mist” Saizo tries to save the Sanada Clan, and avenge the death of his lord by assassinating the first Tokugawa Shogun. Following the first four films in this remarkable series, more previously unknown Ninja skills are shown to the world for the first time. The action heats up as Saizo single-handedly attacks the Shogun’s Palace!
Lucha, Zatoichi, lucha
Director of Photography
Octava de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. En esta octava entrega, una mujer es asesinada por error al ser transportada en un palanquín. Por fortuna consigue proteger la vida de su bebé y este sobrevive. Zatoichi se siente culpable de la muerte de la mujer debido a que él debía de haber sido el objetivo del ataque y por ello decide transportar al bebé hasta la aldea de Miyagi, lugar donde se encuentra el padre de la criatura.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 4: Sword of Seduction
Director of Photography
A fugitive christian "saint" (female, of course!) and a sadistic drug-addled princess both have their eye on Kyoshiro. The fact that a bunch of ruthless smugglers also want him dead is the least of his problems!
On the Road Forever
Director of Photography
A wandering gambler strolls into a village searching for his father's killer, unaware that the village is run by criminals who sell the poorest peasants into slavery.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 3: Full Circle Killing
Director of Photography
A decapitation at the hands of the shogun's monstrous misbegotten son kicks off the action and draws nomadic Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) into more sword-fighting adventures when he's blamed for the beheading. Meanwhile, the head-chopper's mother is busy knocking off the shogun's lawful heirs to secure the shogunate for her son.
Director of Photography
Kokubu Jiro is the captain of his university's Kendo team. Often standoffish, mild, stoic and minimalist, Kokubu is a mystery to those who know him. Kagawa wants to understand Kokubu, but being arrogant and flashy, has a hard time connecting with Kokubu.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 2: Sword of Adventure
Director of Photography
Wandering samurai Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) finds a bulls-eye on his back after befriending the shogunate's tightfisted financial adviser, Asahina, who's earned the wrath of the shogun's self-indulgent daughter for cutting off her allowance. The enraged princess promptly hatches a scheme to have Asahina bumped off -- along with his protector, Kyoshiro. Shiho Fujimura also stars in this installment of the enormously popular film series.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 1: The Chinese Jade
Director of Photography
Nemuri Kyoshiro, a youthful and cynical ronin with unparalleled skill, is approached by both sides in a game of corruption, ambition, and double crosses. The leader of the Kaga clan, who thinks he has killed his smuggling partner, fears that the shogunate will discover his illegal activities. He learns of evidence that will prove his guilt. Meanwhile, his partner is not dead, and, assisted by a master of Shorenji boxing, is looking for revenge and for his loot. The Kaga leader sends the beautiful Chisa to enlist Nemuri's aid. The unexpected happens: the hard-bitten Nemuri falls in love. Can he protect her, topple the criminals, and avoid the boxer's deadly skill?
Zatoichi el fugitivo
Director of Photography
Cuarta de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi, interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. En esta cuarta entrega, un clan yakuza pone precio a la cabeza de Zatoichi, por lo que muchos irán a por "el fugitivo" para ganarse una buena recompensa. Mientras tanto, Zatoichi se reencuentra con un viejo amor, Tane, pero esta ha rehecho su vida con otro hombre.
A Samurai Never Tells a Lie
Director of Photography
The shogun's vassal Harima Aoyama and a chamber maid are in love with each other, but they cannot be together due to a difference of their status. Soon, an offer of marriage is brought to Harima. Trying to test his love, Okiku breaks one of the plates of the family treasure of the Aoyama family, but Harima doesn't notice. However, someone surrounding her witnesses the moment Okiku breaks the plate on purpose.
La nueva historia de Zatoichi
Director of Photography
Tercera de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu y la primera realizada en color de toda la saga. En esta tercera entrega, Zatoichi es perseguido por varios enemigos que buscan cobrarse su vida. Mientras tanto se reencuentra con su maestro, Banno, pero todo se complica cuando la hermana de Banno y Zatoichi se enamoran.
La historia de Zatoichi
Director of Photography
Primera de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. En esta primera película se presenta al personaje de Zatoichi como un masajista ciego extremadamente hábil luchando con la espada, el cual se encontrará en medio de la lucha de dos clanes yakuza rivales (Lioka y Sasagawa).