Tatyana Bedova

Tatyana Bedova


Tatyana Bedova


En llamas
Georgich's wife
Lo que llamamos un acto de valentía es sólo una rutina habitual para ellos. Cuando las personas en peligro parece no tener a nadie que pueda ayudarlas, los rescatistas vienen a luchar contra las despiadadas fuerzas de la naturaleza.
Валентина Михайловна
A humble history teacher Alexander Lvov, happily married to Anna, a woman with a child. His adopted son, 8-year-old Vanka, has long become Alexander's family. But here comes back from the army paratrooper Vadim Kotov, who served under the contract, Anna’s ex-husband and Vanka’s father. He wants to get his son back. In men, a serious conflict is brewing.
Sinful Love
The ancient northern monastery has a guide Tatyana. Two former classmates seek her favors: medical student Ivan and young businessman Yves (that is, also Ivan). As a result of a fall from a balloon, the girl is in a coma. Only Ivan Voronov can deduce from this state if he is near. He decides to help his beloved by entering into intimacy with her. The nurse who discovered them reports to the police. Ivan was arrested as a "maniac", and the life of TANI is under threat again ... "
The Dream of Russia
Sumptuous filming of the journey of a shipwrecked Japanese expedition from the Pacific Ocean across Siberia to the court of Catherine the Great of Russia. A Russo-Japanese co-production of a unique event in history which was the hit of Cannes and other film festivals but did not receive wide distribution despite its huge scope, high production values, and very human story of culture clash.
KHOLOD is about the deportation of Karachays, which took place at the end of World War II. The film's director, himself a Karachay, tried to convey the experiences of people, life and culture, considering it important to make people realize what that did to him and his people.
Day of Love
In a small Russian town, a mafia boss is planning a big operation to illegally sell trucks. In order to distract police attention he orders a gang "Motalka" that works for him to commit mass acts of gang rapes in the city. One of the prospective victims is the newly elected beauty queen Christina. After the girl was raped her German father Mathias and new husband of her mother Nicolai decide to take revenge on the gang and their leaders...
From the Life of Fyodor Kuzkin
Story of life of Fyodor Kuzkin, who shared all the burdens of the 30s Stalins terror and after, WW2 and post-war years.
В ожидании Элизабет
Пиквикский клуб
Сквозь огонь
Таинственный старик
The Adventures of a Little Dad
A little girl is dreaming about what would happen if her dad would be her age...
Farewell to Sankt Petersburg
A story about love between famous composer Johann Strauss and Russian beauty Olga.
Country Singer Alyona Yefremovna
Салют, Мария!
The Beginning
A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.
Crimen y castigo
Sonya Marmeladova
Adaptación de la famosa novela de Dostoievski. Rodion Raskolnikov, un estudiante de San Petersburgo sin recursos económicos pero con síntomas de megalomanía, asesina a una usurera a la que considera una lacra social. Tras cometer el crimen, su vida se debate entre el amor que ha despertado en él Sonia, una joven prostituta, y el peso de los remordimientos que lo igualan al resto de los mortales...