Philip Glenister

Philip Glenister

Nacimiento : 1963-02-10, Harrow, Middlesex, UK


Philip Haywood Glenister is an English actor, known for his role as DCI Gene Hunt in British television series Life On Mars and its sequel Ashes To Ashes.


Philip Glenister
Philip Glenister


Lord James Davidson
Just in Case
How do you battle an invisible demon? How do you survive the war inside your own head? How do you tell your Dad you're fighting for 30? 'Just in Case' explores the harsh reality of what it's really like to live with bipolar disorder.
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Yet Again
Pierce Brosnan
Jennifer Saunders and a host of famous faces star in this hilarious Comic Relief reimagining of the hit movie featuring some of ABBA's biggest hits as well as a peek behind the scenes.
Espiando al ejército de Hitler
El servicio de inteligencia británico llevó a cabo durante la guerra una de sus operaciones más audaces: conversaciones privadas de prisioneros de guerra alemanes fueron grabadas en secreto y transcritas palabra por palabra.
Tales of Television Centre
Various actors, presenters, directors and other staff who have worked at the iconic BBC Television Centre at Shepherd's Bush in London reminisce about their time there.
Bel Ami: Historia de un seductor
Charles Forestier
No tener recursos y pertenecer a una clase social inferior no tiene por qué ser un impedimento para triunfar en la vida, sobre todo si se tiene encanto, belleza física y mucha habilidad para moverse en ciertos ambientes. Es lo que le ocurre al joven y apuesto Georges Duroy (Robert Pattinson). Después de ser destinado a Argelia como militar, ahora está dispuesto a abandonar esa dura vida y embarcarse en los placeres de la carne y el dinero. Su llegada a París será impactante, ya que, gracias a su natural encantó, embaucará a buena parte de las damas de la alta sociedad. Cuando se de cuenta del efecto que causan sus habilidades, decidirá sacarles el máximo provecho posible. Su objetivo, aprovecharse todo lo que pueda de sus amantes, todas mujeres hermosas que lo apadrinarán y lo convertirán en su querido.
Pavlopetri: The City Beneath the Waves
Just off the southern coast of mainland Greece lies the oldest submerged city in the world. It thrived for 2,000 years during the time that saw the birth of western civilisation. An international team of experts is using cutting-edge technology to prise age-old secrets from the complex of streets and stone buildings that lie less than five metres below the surface of the ocean. State-of-the-art CGI helps to raise the city from the seabed, revealing for the first time in 3,500 years how Pavlopetri would once have looked and operated.
Pavlopetri: The City Beneath the Waves
Executive Producer
Just off the southern coast of mainland Greece lies the oldest submerged city in the world. It thrived for 2,000 years during the time that saw the birth of western civilisation. An international team of experts is using cutting-edge technology to prise age-old secrets from the complex of streets and stone buildings that lie less than five metres below the surface of the ocean. State-of-the-art CGI helps to raise the city from the seabed, revealing for the first time in 3,500 years how Pavlopetri would once have looked and operated.
Conocerás al hombre de tus sueños
Poker Friend
Amor, sexo, humor y traiciones. Las pasiones, ambiciones y angustias de los miembros de una familia provocan conflictos que los llevan a vivir peligrosas situaciones e incluso los ponen al borde de la locura.
The Greatest TV Shows of the Noughties
Channel 4 has conducted a survey with the leading TV critics and industry figures, and asked the public in a YouGov national poll, to tell us what they think was the greatest television of the last ten years.
The Making of... Ashes to Ashes
The documentary about the making of the critically acclaimed British TV sequel series to the show Life on Mars, featuring behind the scenes interviews with the cast and crew, ahead of the final season.
Four career criminals, two glamorous bank workers and one over-the-hill has-been all happen to be planning a robbery on a London bank on the same day, by sheer coincidence. The two investigating detectives must try and deduce how these seemingly unrelated people came to be in the area and which were responsible for the lifting a priceless emerald.
El reino de los cielos
Siglo XII, Europa entera está inmersa en las Cruzadas para recuperar la Tierra Santa. Godofredo de Ibelin, caballero respetado por el rey de Jerusalén y comprometido con el mantenimiento de la paz en la región, emprende la búsqueda de su hijo ilegítimo, Balian, joven herrero francés que llora la pérdida de su mujer y su hijo. Godofredo convence a su hijo para que lo acompañe en su misión. Tras la muerte de su padre, Balian hereda sus tierras y su título de caballero en Jerusalén, ciudad en la que cristianos, musulmanes y judíos han conseguido convivir pacíficamente durante la tregua entre la Segunda y la Tercera Cruzada. Con una fidelidad inquebrantable, Balian sirve a su rey y, además, se enamora de la princesa Sibylla, la enigmática hermana del monarca.
The Walk
Charity walkers raising funds for cancer research by crossing the Sahara Desert argue and squabble over their relationships in the past. However when one of their number gets lost each walker begins to put their life in perspective and make decisions on where their real priorities lie.
William Fletcher
Life and adventures of lord George Gordon Byron. BBC dramatization of the poet's final thirteen years
Las chicas del calendario
Lawrence Sertain
La vida de Chris da un vuelco cuando su marido muere de leucemia. La viuda decide emprender un proyecto para recaudar fondos contra la enfermedad. Su plan es publicar un calendario sensual con fotos de las mujeres del instituto de la mujer.
Las hermanas Bolena
William Strafford
Siglo XVI. Enrique VIII (Jared Harris) está casado con Catalina de Aragón, pero no tarda en buscarse una amante; la elegida es María Bolena (Natascha McElhone), una joven de 24 años casada con un miembro de la corte. Al verse presionada por su propia familia para seguir ejerciendo de amante en contra de su propia voluntad, María comienza a apartarse de los suyos, encontrando finalmente apoyo en un joven del que quedará embarazada. La huida parece la única manera de escapar a este nuevo problema para su torturada existencia.
Hornblower: Retribution
Gunner Hobbs
Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain.
Hornblower: Mutiny
Hornblower and his comrades come under the command of a revered but mentally unstable captain and are forced to mutiny in order to save their ship, the HMS Renown.
The Perfect Blue
When Sunny and Tom are reunited shortly before their respective weddings, the former lovers realize how much they still love each other. The pair must decide whether to turn their backs on the safe and sensible futures they had planned for themselves.
Sharpe's Justice
Matt Truman
Napoleón fue exiliado a Elba, los ingleses regresaron de las guerras y el comandante Richard Sharpe se encuentra en una especie de destierro para dirigir una compañía de Yorkshire Yeomen. Sus deberes incluyen proteger a los propietarios de molinos de los trabajadores inquietos que están al borde de la huelga o de la rebelión abierta. Mientras tanto, la esposa infiel de Sharpe y su amante están dentro del alcance de la ira de Sharpe. Sharpe, con sus dos devotos Hombres Elegidos cerca, debe decidir si continúa protegiendo a los propietarios de los molinos o si se pone del lado de sus trabajadores ferozmente oprimidos.
True Love
Comedy drama about Donna (Emma Wray) who tells her philandering husband Phil (Philip Glenister) to leave, and struggles to raise her two children on her nurse's wages. She unexpectedly meets James (Douglas Hodge), who runs a smallholding in the country, but the course of true love does not run smoothly.
Loved Up
La narración se centra en una joven trabajadora en un café londinense que conoce a alguien que la introduce en el mundo de las drogas.
I.D. (Identificación)
Cuatro policías se infiltran en una banda de hooligans para llegar hasta sus líderes y evitar así los numerosos actos vandálicos que llevan a cabo. Sin embargo, uno de ellos se identifica tanto con los hinchas violentos que poco a poco se convierte en uno de ellos.
A Fatal Inversion
Young Detective
Adaptation of the Barbara Vine (aka Ruth Rendell) novel. After Adam inherits a country house from his great uncle, he and his friend Rufus decide to spend the summer there instead of abroad. An odd assortment of 'house guests' turns up through different means and it's an uneasy mix at best. A decade afterwards, the bodies of a young woman and an infant are discovered in the woods behind the house. As the police investigate, they naturally look to Adam as former owner of the house, and what happened all those years before starts to catch up with him.
London Kills Me
Suited Man
For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe... a young man's life is almost lost, which is exactly what this film is all about: a man barely twenty who wants desperately to pull out of London's drug world by taking a job as a waiter in a 'normal' restaurant. But to do this he must come up with a "sensible" pair of shoes, an item that his homeless meanderings hasn't provided him.