Don Jones

Nacimiento : , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Molly & The Ghost
Conniving and duplicitous tramp Susan tries to have her older sister Molly killed so she can have Molly's hunky husband Jeff all to herself. Things go awry when hired assassin John bumps off Susan instead. But Susan's pesky evil spirit returns from the grave to haunt Molly and Jeff.
Lethal Pursuit
A rock star babe and her hunky honey find themselves targeted by her psychotic ex, whose insane jealously sparks a deadly game of desert cat-and-mouse.
The Forest
Un caníbal que vive en lo profundo del bosque de California se alimenta de las personas que se pierden en su territorio.
The Forest
Un caníbal que vive en lo profundo del bosque de California se alimenta de las personas que se pierden en su territorio.
The Forest
Un caníbal que vive en lo profundo del bosque de California se alimenta de las personas que se pierden en su territorio.
The Forest
Forest Ranger
Un caníbal que vive en lo profundo del bosque de California se alimenta de las personas que se pierden en su territorio.
The Forest
Un caníbal que vive en lo profundo del bosque de California se alimenta de las personas que se pierden en su territorio.
Sweater Girls
A group of teenage girls forms a club, The Sweater Girls, to preserve their virginity.
Sweater Girls
A group of teenage girls forms a club, The Sweater Girls, to preserve their virginity.
My Boys Are Good Boys
Director of Photography
Teenagers at a correctional facility devise a plan to rob an armored van.
The Love Butcher
The twisted tale of Caleb, and his alter ego Lester. After being pushed around too far, Caleb transforms into Lester and returns to those who have wronged him.
Swingers Massacre
Director of Photography
This thriller/drama follows a a suburban lawyer, down a ruinous, blood-covered road. The trouble begins when he tires of life in the slow lane and suggests that he and his wife should join a swinging couple's club and do a little spouse swapping. But then he begins suspecting that the wife is having too much fun with the other swingers
Hot Summer in Barefoot County
A city cop is sent out to the country to go undercover and bust up a ring of moonshiners run by a woman and her three hot teenage daughters.
La maldición de los 7 cadáveres
Director of Photography
Un director de cine se propone rodar una película de terror en ua mansión victoriana en la que se cometieron siete asesinatos. El conserje les advierte del peligro que corren si pertenecen allí, pero el director quiere dotar a su película del mayor realismo posible.Para ello, rueda las sesiones de espiritismo en el cementerio cercano. Pero la maldición que pesa sobre la casa no conoce la diferencia entre la ficción y la realidad. Lo que en un principio tenía que ser un rodaje sin más, se convertirá en una auténtica pesadilla para el equipo y los propios actores.
Schoolgirls in Chains
Two deranged brothers, who are under the domineering influence of their crazed mother, kidnap young girls and keep them captive in chains in their basement, where they subject them to depraved "games" that often end in torture and murder.
Schoolgirls in Chains
Two deranged brothers, who are under the domineering influence of their crazed mother, kidnap young girls and keep them captive in chains in their basement, where they subject them to depraved "games" that often end in torture and murder.
Schoolgirls in Chains
Two deranged brothers, who are under the domineering influence of their crazed mother, kidnap young girls and keep them captive in chains in their basement, where they subject them to depraved "games" that often end in torture and murder.
About two girls and their erotic adventures.
Who Killed Cock Robin?
Sort of a homosexual Dirty Harry, a gay cop investigates the murder of a porn star.
Viaje al planeta de las mujeres prehistóricas
Special Effects
Unos astronautas que aterrizan en Venus en busca de una expedición pérdida se encuentran con un clan de mujeres que parecen salidas de la Edad de Piedra.
The Astro-Zombies
Key Grip
El doctor DeMarco, director del Astro Space Laboratory, ha creado, utilizando cuerpos humanos y sus órganos vitales, una raza de zombies asesinos. Un agente de la CIA se infiltra en el laboratorio, mientras que varios espias enemigos, intentan a la vez hacerse con el secreto de los "Astro".
Beggars Would Ride
First Man
Crime film directed by a 24-year-old Gary Graver.
The Forest
Remake of the 1982 slasher film of the same name.