Ron Goss


Sácame del paraíso
Construction Crew Supervisor (uncredited)
George (Paul Rudd) y Linda (Jennifer Aniston) son la típica pareja aquejada de estrés que vive en Manhattan. Cuando la empresa de George reduce la plantilla y lo echa a la calle, deciden irse a Atlanta a vivir con el insoportable hermano de George. Durante el viaje, George y Linda descubren Elysium, una idílica comunidad rural, cuyos habitantes tienen una espiritual visión del mundo: desprecian el dinero y todos los bienes materiales. El dilema está servido.
Psychopathia Sexualis
Asylum patient
Multi-narrative adaptation of Richard v. Krafft-Ebing's notorious medico-forensic study of sexual perversity.
Warm Springs
Convention Announcer
Franklin Roosevelt, left a paraplegic from polio at 39 years of age, seeks out a miracle cure in the backwoods of Georgia.
The Three Muscatels
Squeeky Lopsider
Donna Bon Viant (Belaine) is a college student, who has to complete an assignment on the 14th century for her African American literature class. She chooses to base her writings on The Three Musketeers, a famous novel by Alexandre Dumas, père. Donna begins to read the novel and falls asleep in the process. She dreams a zany dream involving the adventures of "The Three Muscatels". The adventures include a number of people in Donna's life including students in her class, members of her family, and an alcoholic she met earlier in the day named Russell (Pryor).