Katherine Randolph

Katherine Randolph

Nacimiento : 1983-01-08, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA


Katherine Randolph


Centurion A.D.
Associate Producer
After miraculously curing her patients, a nurse discovers that a mysterious stranger is actually the Roman centurion who stabbed Christ, as punishment he was sentenced to eternal life.
Centurion A.D.
Kim Harris
After miraculously curing her patients, a nurse discovers that a mysterious stranger is actually the Roman centurion who stabbed Christ, as punishment he was sentenced to eternal life.
Return of the Killer Shrews
Lenora Mallard
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.
On Christmas Eve, two sisters sharing a Venice apartment discover their home is the final target of a brutal gang of criminals led by Jess and his sadistic sister Lorraine.
American Joyride
A down on their luck couple from South Georgia go on the run to get the money to repay a gambling debt, and decide to film their escapade, in hopes of selling their 'reality movie' to Hollywood for a quick buck. However, the danger becomes very real when their misguided foray into drug dealing does not go as planned, and they quickly find out they are in over their heads.
American Joyride
A down on their luck couple from South Georgia go on the run to get the money to repay a gambling debt, and decide to film their escapade, in hopes of selling their 'reality movie' to Hollywood for a quick buck. However, the danger becomes very real when their misguided foray into drug dealing does not go as planned, and they quickly find out they are in over their heads.
American Joyride
A down on their luck couple from South Georgia go on the run to get the money to repay a gambling debt, and decide to film their escapade, in hopes of selling their 'reality movie' to Hollywood for a quick buck. However, the danger becomes very real when their misguided foray into drug dealing does not go as planned, and they quickly find out they are in over their heads.
Rites of Spring
A ransom scheme turns into a nightmare for a group of kidnappers who become victims of a horrifying secret that must be paid every spring.
One in the Gun
Katrina Webb
A sexy brain teaser of a thriller with nods to classic film noir of the past mixed with a post-modern flair of David Lynch-style surrealism and surprises. When Mickey Lewis, a homeless struggling artist crosses paths with Katrina, the beautiful rich wife of Arthur Webb and is enlisted to paint their home, deadly passions ignite. Soon hidden agendas, dangerous seductions, double and triple-crosses spiral Mickey's life out of control leading to a motel in the middle of nowhere filled with strange people and twisted secrets that all hold the key to the mystery of Mickey's past, present, and future. All it takes is - ONE IN THE GUN.
A young mother decides to become a stripper to earn some fast cash only to find her worst nightmares are about to begin
Traci Leonard
When a WWII-era battleship, reactivated and deployed in the Persian Gulf for black-op interrogations, falls radio silent, an elite Marine task force, along with an NCIS investigator and two scientists, are sent to investigate. When the Marines arrive, they find nearly everyone on board slaughtered. The survivors join with the task force to hunt down the mastermind behind the attacks, a notorious terrorist named Fadawi who threatens their very survival.
Tennis Anyone?
Two mid level Hollywood losers attempt to find redemption, revenge and meaning in their lives through celebrity tennis tournaments.
Jarhead, el infierno espera
Young Mrs. Swofford
La historia de un chico de veinte años en la guerra del Golfo tiene poco que ver con lo que ofrecían los periódicos o la televisión de la época. Se describe la guerra vista desde el suelo con imágenes de pozos de petróleo ardiendo en la noche, cual cometas caídos del cielo; habla de reclutas ruidosos, cachondos, polvorientos, llenos de entusiasmo y, al mismo tiempo, atemorizados ante la idea de toparse con el enemigo en cualquier momento; de chicos jóvenes a los que habían dejado caer en un terreno inhóspito, que mataban el tiempo jugando al fútbol con las máscaras antigás puestas, mientras esperaban paquetes de casa, cartas y revistas porno, que apostaban en combates de escorpiones y se emborrachaban para celebrar la Navidad. Sin embargo, en esta situación infernal nacieron amistades improbables, lealtades eternas, una camaradería que nada podría romper, la hermandad de los “jarheads” que se habían jurado fidelidad eterna... "semper fi".
Girl Play
Robin está casada desde hace 6 años. Lacie nunca ha tenido una sola relación duradera en su vida. Ambas son lesbianas. Ambas chicas resultan escogidas para protagonizar una obra de teatro en la que el director, inocentemente, les pide interpretar...a dos lesbianas. Aunque se trata de dos polos opuestos, el director intenta crear entre ellas cierta alquimia a lo largo de los ensayos...
Nueva Orleans, 1981. Sonny Phillips, recién licenciado del ejército, regresa a casa. La única vida que él conoce es como un gigoló, trabajando para su madre, pero él quiere dejar eso atrás. Sin embargo, el trabajo que su compañero del ejército prometió no se materializa, y él no puede escapar de su pasado.
The Story of O: Untold Pleasures
"O" is a talented photographer in her late twenties with a promising career ahead of her. She is torn, however, between the tasks financial realities are forcing upon her and between her own artistic aims. Encouraged by her boyfriend, Rene, "O" decides that she should pursue her artistic passion without reservation, setting aside financial realities until she has completed her very beautiful, avant-garde book of original photos. In hopes of enabling "O" to focus her energies on the book, Rene introduces her to a mysterious benefactor, the wealthy and powerful Sir Stephen. What starts out as a promising arrangement, turns out to be self-destructive for "O". She allows outside influences to corrupt her artistic vision, as she is drawn into a seductive world of deceit, power, and eroticism