Adaptación del relato de Edgar Allan Poe titulado "El sistema del Dr. Tarr y el profesor Fether". Sturgess interpreta al estudiante de medicina de Harvard que en la historia de Poe se adentra en el manicomio sin saber el cambio de papeles que ha habido en la institución. En el film se cruzará y enamorará de una joven que está encerrada bajo unas circunstancias que no son lo que parecen.
Two very similar families are settling in two identical houses in a new fashionable neighborhood built near a complex of panel-apartment buildings. The couples are in their forties. The husbands are moderate professionals and the wives are housewives without children and with firmly fixed habits. Step by step they find out how similar they are and step by step they come to hate each other. The more they strive to be different and the more they fail, the stronger their malice and their lust to harm each other grow.
Two very similar families are settling in two identical houses in a new fashionable neighborhood built near a complex of panel-apartment buildings. The couples are in their forties. The husbands are moderate professionals and the wives are housewives without children and with firmly fixed habits. Step by step they find out how similar they are and step by step they come to hate each other. The more they strive to be different and the more they fail, the stronger their malice and their lust to harm each other grow.
Ambientada en el futuro. Una empresa privada, propiedad de un expresidente norteamercicano, se apodera de Turaguistán, un país desértico de Oriente Medio. Inmediatamente después estalla una rebelión para derrocar al gobierno. Un asesino profesional (Cusack) recibe el encargo de matar al ministro de la compañía CEO, pero todo cambiará cuando el despiadado asesino se enamore de una cantante pop local.
Grendel es un malvado demonio indestructible que tiene a todo el reino acobardado por culpa de sus ataques. Beowulf, el guerrero más valeroso del lugar, es el encargado de enfrentarse a él. Cuando se dirige a su morada para llevar a cabo su misión, sin embargo, cae rendido a los encantos de la bella madre del monstruo.
Chris, slick adventurous grandson of legendary adventurer Allan Quatermain, searches for the mythical treasure of Alexander the Great with the help of a pretty German girl, while eluding a dangerous greedy gangster.
Three novels deal with the mentality of the children, their agitations, and the merry and sad things in their everyday life. The movie is created with a lot of humor, cheerfulness, and great love for the kids.