Jean-Christophe Folly

Jean-Christophe Folly


Jean-Christophe Folly


The Love Stories of Liv S.
Liv Sandor, 38, following an argument with her boyfriend, sets off to wander the city, observing passers-by and reminiscing about her past loves. In all her relationships, there was always a turning point, when things started going downhill. On the streets of Zurich Liv faces her fears, joys and demons. In her third feature film, Swiss director Anna Luif tells the tragi-comical trajectory of an independent woman who learns to love on life’s emotional rollercoaster. A rhythmic, colourful, collage-like journey into the mind and soul of modern women.
Icon of French Cinema
Judith Godrèche, who plays her fictional alter ego, returns to Paris after ten years of exile in Hollywood with the intention of making a comeback. Haunted by her past, Judith must confront the realities of her personal ambition and maternal angst with humor and disillusionment.
Mother and Son
Jules César
In the late 1980s, Rose moves from the Ivory Coast to the Paris suburbs with her two young sons, Ernest and Jean. Spanning 20 years from their arrival in France to the present day, the film is the moving chronicle of the construction and deconstruction of a family.
El triángulo de la tristeza
Tras la Semana de la moda, Carl y Yaya, pareja de modelos e influencers, son invitados a un yate en un crucero de lujo. Mientras que la tripulación brinda todas las atenciones necesarias a los ricos invitados, el capitán se niega a salir de su cabina, a pesar de la llegada inminente de la célebre cena de gala. Los eventos toman un giro inesperado y el equilibrio de poder se invierte cuando se levanta una tormenta que pone en peligro el confort de los pasajeros
A Corsican Summer
Summer in Corsica. In a Corsican village nestled in the mountains everyone experiences summer in his or her own way: children play, teenagers flirt, and the elders comment on the passage of time at their local bar. In the August heat, it doesn't take long for tensions to rise as one family struggles to keep grudges from bubbling to the surface. Sometimes a spark is all that is needed to set the maquis alight.
Blind Spot
Dominick Brassan
Dominick Brassan has the power to turn invisible, but rarely uses it. Instead he has kept it a shameful secret, hidden even from Viveka, his fiancée. But when his ability to control his gift gets out of hand, his life, friendships and relationships will be forever turned inside out.
Los gustos y los colores
Justo cuando Simone está a punto de confesarle a su familia judía conservadora que es lesbiana, se siente atraída por un chef senegalés.
Bienvenida a Montparnasse
ER Doctor
Paula vuelve a París pero no tiene dinero y se encuentra todas las puertas cerradas. En lugar de ponerse nostálgica, se sumerge en la vida parisina.
Il nostro ultimo
When their mother dies, Fabrizio and Guglielmo decide to take her on one last trip.
Take What You Can Carry
A character study as well as a meditation on communication, creativity, and physical space, Take What You Can Carry is a picture of a young woman seen through the interiors she occupies and the company she keeps. A North American living abroad, Lilly aspires to shape an intimate and private place of her own while connecting to the world around her. When she receives a letter from home, it provides the conduit she needs to fuse her transient self with the person she's always known herself to be.
La prima neve
Michele is eleven years old and lives in a small town in the mountains of Trento, with his mother and his paternal grandfather Pietro; his father has recently died. The boy’s pain meets that of Dani, a boy from Togo, who is a total ‘stranger’ to that place covered in snow which he has never seen before in his life.
Los canallas
Marco Silvestri, capitán de un carguero, recibe una llamada que reclama su presencia inmediata en París. Sandra, su hermana, está desesperada. Su marido se ha suicidado, la empresa familiar se aproxima a la quiebra y su hija ha sido internada en un centro psiquiátrico. Sandra acusa al poderoso empresario Edouard Laporte de ser el responsable de su situación. Decidido a encontrar el punto débil de este hombre de negocios y llevar a cabo una terrible venganza, Marco se muda al edificio donde vive Raphaelle, la amante de Laporte.
Objetos cotidianos
Días de verano en la Riviera Francesa. Una villa con vistas al mar en lo alto de una colina. Merle acepta la invitación de su amante pero al llegar ahí sólo están sus hijos, Emma y Felix. No saben nada de la relación de su padre. Una guerra silenciosa pero constante por el statu quo comienza. Merle lucha por la posibilidad de un futuro socialmente prometedor, el cual se va desvaneciendo delante de sus ojos.
Justin & Almina leave Paris and the threat of an expulsion. They hitch-hike to Nevers, where an uncle lives. The cars do not stop. Their journey, on foot, along roads and fields, takes them to edge zones. As they wander, the slowly realize how far away they now stand from each other, their love and desire now gone.
Sleeping Sickness
Alex Nzila
Ebbo and Vera Velten have spent the better part of the past twenty years living in different African countries. Ebbo is the manager of a sleeping sickness programme. His work is fulfilling. Vera, however, feels increasingly lost in Yaounde’s ex-pat community. She can’t bear the separation from her 14-year-old daughter, Helen, who is attending boarding school in Germany. Ebbo must give up his life in Africa or he risks losing the woman he loves. But his fear of returning to a land now remote to him increases with each passing day. Years later. Alex Nzila, a young French doctor of Congolese origin, travels to Cameroon to evaluate a development project. It’s been a long time since he set foot on this continent, but, instead of finding new prospects, he encounters a destructive, lost man. Like a phantom, Ebbo slips away from his evaluator.
Cargo, the Lost Men
35 tragos de ron
Lionel, a widower, has raised his daughter, Josephine, on his own since she was young. The two are used to living alone, depending solely on one another. But, now that Josephine is older, Lionel is beginning to realize they cannot stay isolated forever.
Edén al Oeste
Le chanteur / musicien
Elías es un joven emigrante que debe afrontar numerosos contratiempos para entrar ilegalmente en la Unión Europea. Al igual que en "La Odisea", el Mar Egeo es el escenario de sus aventuras. Después de innumerables peripecias, de una escala en el paraíso y una estancia en el infierno, su periplo termina en París. Es un intento recrear el viaje de aquellos que cruzaron tierras y océanos embravecidos a la búsqueda de un hogar.
Le petit chaperon rouge
Delphine is twenty years old. She is too young to have experienced the activism of the seventies, but for her it is not something that belongs to the past. She decides to find something that will allow her to act and which, she claims, is owed to her.
Vincent Must Die
It follows Vincent who finds himself under attack for no apparent reason overnight. When the phenomenon intensifies, he must run and change his way of life completely.