Anna Hilgedieck

Anna Hilgedieck


Anna Hilgedieck


During an evening performance in the an urban multiplex cinema the spectators of a social drama are suddenly torn from the film Reality: Karsten, charismatic leader of a group of starry-eyed idealists, interrupts the running film, steps before the white screen and starts a talk about structural violence and global injustice to the protesting audience. When the first spectators want to defend themselves against this intervention in her evening plans and go it becomes very clear that Karsten is not anlone and is supported by some armed comrades. As the first shots fall, the audience realizes that they are held hostage in a seriously menacing situation and there seems to be no way out from the obstructed cinema.
Eine Insel namens Udo
Udo is invisible - no one ever seems to notice him. He makes the most of it, working as a department store detective and living off other people's lives as they never notice him tagging along. Until he meets the one woman who sees him.
Flor del desierto
Girl in Shower
Como en un cuento de hadas, Waris Dirie, nacida en Somalia entre pastores nómadas, se convirtió en una de las modelos más solicitadas de la época. Recorrió un camino fascinante hasta pisar las pasarelas más famosas y ser portada de las mejores revistas de moda. A los 13 años huyó de una boda de conveniencia y anduvo días por el desierto antes de llegar a Mogadiscio, capital de Somalia. Allí, sus parientes la mandaron a trabajar como criada a la Embajada de su país en Londres, donde pasó la adolescencia sin saber leer ni escribir.