Alexandru Bindea

Alexandru Bindea

Nacimiento : 1957-06-22, București


Alexandru Bindea


Priest on the road
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
America, Here We Come!
Six Romanian artists get to live the dream of their life in a road-movie full of adventures: America, here we come! Coming all the way from Targoviste - a little town near the capital, the five actors, director, and a little child with his huge teddy bear, cross the ocean to perform in New York. Not everything goes according to plan though. The six decide, for some extra money, to start working with a local agent, also Romanian, settled in The States for some time, who promises them a major tour.
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
Klaus Bernath, a wealthy German citizen, decides, after many years, to visit his birthplace, of the Banat Swabian village Lindenfeld, in Romania. Since the village has been deserted for many decades, his son and his biographer decide to reconstruct the whole space from scratch and present it as a populated place.
A Fairy Tale Wedding
After twenty years, five high school classmates meet again at Daniele's wedding, the only one who has built a career for himself. During a long weekend in Switzerland, the five friends rediscover the affection and complicity of the past, and they get a chance to straighten out their destinies. A whirlwind of misunderstandings will bring down their shaky balances, and they'll all find the courage to put themselves on the line and start their lives afresh
Happy Funerals
Three heavy boozers - a Romanian, a Russian and a Bulgarian - are tripling away their... happiness, into vodka, at "The Happy Immigrant", a joint kept by a Turk. The fauna of this venue is made up out of the Babel Tower's survivors: immigrants who had chosen Romania, as a country where everything is possible. The predictions included... A police raid chases away the pub's barflies. The three professional boozers stop from running just in front of a fortune teller expert in a niche field: death prediction. The rest is entertainment! Although we are all indebted to one death, some refuse to pay this debt. They don't want to die when it was written for them. Or just predicted...
Ipu el loco
II Guerra mundial (1939-1945), Transilvania (Rumanía). Cuando un soldado alemán aparece muerto cerca de un pueblo, los vecinos temen las represalias de las autoridades germanas, si no entregan al asesino. Ipu, el tonto del pueblo, se ofrece como chivo expiatorio a cambio de tierras para su familia y un funeral ostentoso. Adaptación de una novela de Titus Popovici, que Sergiu Nicolaescu llevó al cine en 1972 con el título de “Entonces los condené a todos a muerte”.
Three days 'till Christmas
Historical Docudrama, which describes accurately - based on evidence, documents, reconstructions and archive footage - the last days of life spouses Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. Main performers, Victoria Cocias (Elena Ceausescu) and Constantin Cojocaru (Nicolae Ceausescu).
Il rosso e il blu
Padre di Adam
El guión, basado en el libro homónimo escrito por el periodista y profesor Marco Lodoli, está protagonizado por una serie de personajes con distintos puntos de vista sobre el instituto. Dos destacan por encima del resto. Uno de ellos es el joven profesor Prezioso, idealista y obstinado, que sirve de contrapunto para el insolente desencanto del otro, el también profesor, aunque más veterano, Fiorito. El primero piensa que puede cambiar el mundo; el segundo, que los jóvenes no entienden nada de nada. La rigurosa directora del instituto, Giuliana, está convencida de que "en el centro hay un dentro y un fuera y nosotros tenemos que ocuparnos sólo de lo que pasa dentro", pero luego es la primera que se interesa por sus alumnos más allá de los límites del instituto.
Diaz, no limpiéis esta sangre
Fedele Pasticci
Basada en hechos reales, la película narra la noche en que se organizó la Contracumbre del G8 en la ciudad de Génova, en forma de rebatimiento a la Cumbre del G8 por parte del movimiento antiglobalización. Esa noche se produjeron varios incidentes, entre ellos, el trágico asalto a la escuela Diaz, un lugar de acogida para periodistas acreditados y para manifestantes. Varias personas se hallaban delante de esta escuela manifestándose. Tras un aviso por parte de los vecinos de la zona, se denunció un ataque hacia el cuerpo policial, por lo que las fuerzas del Estado italiano decidieron asaltar la escuela. Diaz, no limpiéis esta sangre narra desde la posición de policías, manifestantes y periodistas, los sucesos trágicos de noche del asalto a la escuela, que terminaron con personas heridas y numerosos detenidos.
Bibliothèque Pascal
Police chief
A single mother's struggle to support her child leads her into the surreal netherworld of illegal sexual enterprises, with her finally ending up in the Bibliothèque Pascal; an elegant but bizarre house of prostitution in which men can re-enact sexual scenarios inspired by great works of literature for a hefty fee.
If the Seed Doesn't Die
Taxi Driver
Two fathers, a Romanian searching for his daughter who was forced into prostitution in Kosovo, and a Serbian seeking the body of his son killed in a car accident in Romania, meet on the river Danube. A boatman recounts the 200 year-old legend of Romanian peasants struggling unsuccessfully to move an old wooden church up the hill to their village at a time when building Orthodox churches was prohibited.
Gruber's Journey
Guido Sartori
Boda muda
Cuando la muerte del líder soviético Iósif Stalin exige un luto silencioso el día de su boda, la celebración de una joven pareja rumana da un giro inesperado.
Militia Major
While fully enjoying the life of the 70's, in communist Romania, a young man is arrested and accused of a terrible crime. Freed a few years later and deeply affected by his sinister experience, he tries to find out what had really happened.
Niki and Flo
In this very black comedy about ill-suited neighbors united by marriage, Niki is a former colonel in the Romanian army whose daughter is married to the son of Flo, an aging Bohemian who is full of schemes for the “new” Romania. As the young couple prepares to emigrate to the U.S., Niki is obliged to interact with Flo, whom he finds totally unbearable.
Everyday God Kisses Us on the Mouth
Dumitru is a two-faceted killer: he kills animals and called a hunter, and kills people, and branded as an assassin. Dumitru is just out of prison, for the first time since the fall of communism. Even on the train taking him home, he is planning to return to his past practices as he is involved in a blood thirsty card game with some gypsies. The game turns out badly, and one of those making up the table is killed. He starts on a flight again, this time, bound for his home town, where he finds his wife pregnant by his own brother. Blind with a thirst for vengeance, Dumitru commits one more murder that unleashes a sequence of new crimes and makes him into a wanted serial killer. Life becomes a burden that is too heavy for Dumitru who decides to abbreviate his existence. However, he soon discovers he does not hold all power over himself. God has other plans for him and condemns to him to stay alive. Written by Gonz30
The Wackos
Le psychiatre
When his credit card has just been swallowed by distributor Bruno Lussac, State Inspector Débé crosses the limits of home ethics when he learns that he has just been banned from banking. Disguised as a Southerner for a costume party where he was supposed to arrest drug dealers, he lures his colleagues into robbing a bank; he causes a bloodbath but comes out victorious of this heist. For his accomplices, the informant, and pretty peacekeeper Cécile Barko, known as Cyborg, this is the start of a crazy run.
Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum
While visiting a museum, two siblings Ben and Kim a fierce electrical storm creates a passage between the real world and worlds within the paintings. They are magically whisked through time to the 1600's and find they must square off against a wicked magician and also locate a valuable jewel in order to return to the present day.
Enemigo de mi enemigo
Una embajada americana es tomada por un grupo de terroristas Serbios. Los agentes de la CIA Davis y Moore son enviados para intentar acabar con el problema por la vía diplomática. Después de muchos intentos, las fuerzas de la OTAN, envían al oficial Bill Ross por si el uso de la fuerza se hace necesario. Desafortunadamente, los Serbios matan a la mujer de Ross, mientras trabajaba para USA en Bosnia. Ross decidira acabar con los Serbios a toda costa.
Dănilă Prepeleac
It is the story of Danila Prepeleac, a silly, clumsy man that does things backwards. Once he took off for the market wanting to sell a pair of nice healthy bulls. On the way to the market he exchanged the bulls for an empty wallet. But this is only the start of Danila's adventures.
The Outpost
Gizella Weisz is an middle-aged office worker, who gets a promotion one day. Her boss told her that a new outpost is waiting for her. There she would be heading a new section. She travels from place to another and finally arrives at her new outpost. It is a remote shed, where a half-insane co-worker is waiting for her. It is obvious that Weisz has not been promoted, but punished. However Weisz does not realize that herself. Without questioning she just accepts her promotion.
The Second Fall of Constantinople
A romanian comedy from 1994
Fed Up
Young Doina has a car accident. In intensive care, the doctor, Vali, calls her time of death but discovers that the child she was carrying is still alive. Wishing to save its life, the doctor puts the mother on artificial life support. Just then, Bebe, the supposed father of the unborn child, enters the scene. A former teacher and mountain climber, Bebe will soon fall in love with the doctor...
Attack in the Library
Lt. Pahonțu
Andrei Mladin, a young investigative reporter, is set up for two murders by a criminal that he brought to justice earlier.
Divorț... din dragoste
sergent-major de miliție Bordea
The Drake's Head
After a play of the same name by Gheorghe Ciprian.
O vară cu Mara
Six carpenters from Maramureș go to a village in Bărăgan to build some stables. These are the head of the family, 4 brothers and their sister, Mara. Her beauty attracts local suitors.
The Secret of the Secret Weapon
In this allegorical fairy-tale, peaceful and warlike knights vie for the hand of a beautiful princess, while a discussion of disco goes on around them. She favors a peaceful knight, while her father and his advisors like the ones carrying around a lot of weapons.