Brendan Gregory


Little Deaths
Dr. Reese
Antología de terror formada por tres historias independientes, unificadas por dos temas: el sexo y la muerte.
Wound is a supernatural horror that explores the dark worlds of mental illness, incest, revenge and death. We follow Tanya as she searches for the mother she has never met – a mother who gave her up for dead after being abused by her own father who remains stuck in her present life. Tanya returns from the dead to confront and possess her mother with all her deepest fears and desires, sending Susan into a state of madness and gore filled retribution. A dark, disturbing look into a haunted woman’s mind. This is one terrible dream you will never wake up from.
Venus Drowning
Dr. Reece
After a failed suicide attempt, Dawn (Jodie Jameson) is sent by her psychiatrist on a trip to recuperate. She visits an old family flat in a remote apartment by the sea. Heavily sedated with medication and alcohol, she tries to decode her life through the pages of a journal. Walking on a deserted Norfolk beach she finds a dying mutant mermaid foetus. Initially repulsed, she becomes obsessed with it, takes it home and tries to resuscitate it. Dawn’s Swedish friend Milla visits at the weekend. While out drinking with Dawn, she catches a man at an unguarded moment and they end up in bed. In the cellar, the creature can sense the vibrations from the bedroom. Feeding off the sexual energy coursing through the flat, the creature strengthens and grows. After Milla leaves, Dawn checks on the creature in the cellar; it’s covered in a thin slime. Drawn to the smell, she tastes it and finds that it has hallucinogenic effects. Dawn’s life is about to get even stranger.
Do I Love You?
'Do I Love You?' is a romantic philosophical comedy about life and the questions it throws at you.
Dead Creatures
A group of women afflicted with a horrible disease (which forces them to cannibalism) try to support one another.
La Princesa de Sherwood
Narra las aventuras de la hija del mítico Robin Hood, Gwyn (Keira Knightley), que asume el rol de su padre en los bosques de Sherwood cuando éste es capturado por el príncipe Juan. El rey Ricardo Corazón de León ha muerto, y su hijo Felipe es el legítimo heredero al trono, pero se encuentra en Francia y teme demasiado a Juan como para enfrentarse a él. Gwyn buscará a Felipe e intentará convencerle de que hay que derrocar al príncipe Juan