Nacimiento : 1972-03-11, Suita, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


Kaori Hasegawa (長谷川 歌織, Hasegawa Kaori) (born March 11, 1972 in Suita, Osaka, Japan), simply known by the stage name UA, is a Japanese singer-songwriter.




Fighting Spirit: Fishmans
A documentary film chronicling the rehearsal, preparation and performance of a Fishmans concert performed on February 19, 2019 @Zepp Tokyo.
The words I promised to Kin-ichi Motegi,'This is the first and last. I tell you everything about Fishmans without telling a lie.'" The friends who made the sound of Fishmans devoted their lives to music. Shinji Sato's way of life is packed in this movie for nearly three hours.
The Samurai That Night
Theme Song Performance
Five years after a hit-and-run accident kills his wife, a distraught metalworker comes face to face with the man behind the steering wheel.
An exploration of the act of eating, both as an interaction among people and between people and nature.
Big Man Japan
Manager Kobori
Falso documental que sigue el día a día de Daisato, un hombre aparentemente ordinario, divorciado y con una hija a la que apenas ve, cuya vida discurre tranquila... hasta que las autoridades se ven obligadas a llamarle. Porque Daisato es Dainipponjin, un superhéroe dedicado a salvar a su país de la invasión de los monstruos que histórica (y cinematográficamente) han amenazado con su destrucción. Pero la gente parece haberse cansado de él. Debut en el cine del prestigioso cómico japonés Hitoshi Matsumoto (director y protagonista del film), convertido en las dos últimas décadas en una de las principales referencias del humor japonés, que ha revolucionado con sus innovadores espectáculos.
Akai bunka jutaku no hatsuko
Theme Song Performance
15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
A Long Walk
Theme Song Performance
A lonely retired girl's High School Principal who's lost his wife to alcoholism moves to an old apartment in a country town. There he forms a relationship with a neglected little neighborhood girl.
The Long Season Revue
A film dedicated to the band Fishmans and their "Long Season Revue" tour in 2005, the first since the death of frontman Shinji Sato.
El Jardín Colgante
Theme Song Performance
Los Toshiaki son una familia peculiar que se rige por una única norma "Nunca ocultamos la verdad. Ningún tema es tabú". Pero lo que en apariencia es una familia perfecta, pronto se ira desmoronando a medida que empiezan a salir a la luz los verdaderos secretos que guarda cada miembro
Original Music Composer
Película que explora el dolor inexpresado de una familia que ha perdido a uno de sus hijos. En un caluroso día de verano, durante la celebración del festival anual de Jizo, dos hermanos gemelos echan una carrera para llegar a casa. Pero uno de ellos desaparece por el camino, como si se hubiera desvanecido...
Woman of Water
Theme Song Performance
Ryo personifies water, since whenever something important happens in her life, it rains. She inherits a bathhouse and meets a pyromaniac named Yusaku. Their confrontation leads to an inevitable union, just like elements of nature blend together.
Woman of Water
Ryo Shimizu
Ryo personifies water, since whenever something important happens in her life, it rains. She inherits a bathhouse and meets a pyromaniac named Yusaku. Their confrontation leads to an inevitable union, just like elements of nature blend together.