Before the basketball world came to know him as "The Human Highlight Film," a teenage Dominique Wilkins quickly became the toast of his new hometown of Washington, North Carolina. The 6'8" basketball star led the Pam Pack of Washington High School to 56 straight victories and two state titles. But when he chose the University of Georgia over local ACC schools, the cheers turned to jeers and resentment twisted the high school highlights into a lowlight. That betrayal left 'Nique distrustful of fans until a community of support in Georgia convinced him otherwise and paved the way for his return home.
Detached is a contemporary Scrooge tale set in the Hollywood Hills that follows Chadh Campbell, an unscrupulous mortgage broker, as he receives a stream of anonymous holiday greetings during Christmas Eve and Day. As Chadh searches for the perpetrator of this "festive" assault he must face the unfavorable reality of just how many people he's harmed during his life, forcing him to confront how emotionally detached from those around him he's become.
Una pareja se encuentra de acampada en las montañas. Sin embargo, su vida se convertirá en un infierno al descubrir que los residentes de la zona son personas trastornadas que tienen un diabólico plan para ellos...