Mikhail Nazvanov

Mikhail Nazvanov

Nacimiento : 1914-02-24, Moscow, Russian Empire, [now Russia]

Muerte : 1964-07-13


Mikhail Nazvanov


Las ceremonias que celebran la coronación del Rey Claudio y su matrimonio con la madre de Hamlet dejan al joven príncipe indiferente. La inquietud de Hamlet no desaparece hasta que recibe la visita del fantasma de su padre. Al comprender la traición llevada a cabo por Claudio, Hamlet trazará un plan para vengar la muerte de su padre.
Сокровища республики
Виктор Антонович Лебедев, профессор живописи
Flower on the Stone
Set in a new mining town in the Donets Coal Basin, it centres on a clash between the young miners, the political establishment, and a religious cult lead by a devious Pentecostal evangelist infiltrated into the community who tries to make the workers fall under his influence.
My Younger Brother
Andrei Petrovich
Based on the novel of Vasiliy Aksyonov "A Ticket to the Stars". School is over, final exams are behind — and Dimka was the first to think of waving away from home. The convictions of his elder brother Viktor about a serious attitude to the future life only more “warmed up” the four friends, and for the first time they went to Tallinn for the first time without the bored care of adults...
Battle on the way
He was appointed as the new chief engineer of a tractor factory. The presence of this man, direct, hard and uncompromising, creates a lot of conflict - primarily between him and the director of the plant. However, clashes in the production are nothing compared with the pain that causes the loss of the beloved hero ...
First Trials
Iván el Terrible, segunda parte: la conjura de los boyardos
Prince Andrei Kurbsky
Mientras Iván el Terrible intenta consolidar su poder estableciendo un ejército personal, sus rivales políticos, los boyardos rusos, se conjuran para asesinar a su zar.
Love story filmed in Russia.
Gutta-Percha Boy
Karl Becker
The end of the XIX century. Petya, an eight-year orphan who has been cast in training German acrobat Karl Becker, who curses and beatings would incorporate the new assistant to the circus profession and ruthlessly exploited child in their speeches. The only consolation, brightens the harsh life gutta-percha boy, as referred to Petya on the posters, is the concern of the carpet clown Edwards, who regretted the fatherless and secretly taught him this circus arts...
An Unusual Summer
The film takes place in 1919 in Saratov. Student Kirill Izvekov becomes Commissioner of the Red Army and participates in the battle with Wrangel and the capture of the city.
Khozyayka gostinitsy
An attractive woman who runs a country hotel tricks three men who challenge her favour.
Khozyayka gostinitsy
An attractive woman who runs a country hotel tricks three men who challenge her favour.
Khozyayka gostinitsy
An attractive woman who runs a country hotel tricks three men who challenge her favour.
Первые радости
На бойком месте
Павлин Миловидов
Шведская спичка
Policemen investigate a murder and find out astonishing facts.
Nikolai I
A biopic based on the life of Russian literary critic Vissarion Belinsky (1811–1848). The production of the film was completed in 1951, but it was not released until 1953, following the reshooting of various scenes demanded by Stalin.
Свадьба Кречинского
Man of Music
Czar Nikolai I
The young composer Mikhail Glinka performs his new work at a soiree at earl Vielgorsky's house. However, the public is accustomed to Western music, and reacts coldly to the creation of the composer. This makes him very sad, but soon he decides to go learn the art of music in Italy. After returning from Italy, he is full of desire to write national Russian opera. Vasily Zhukovsky proposes a subject: a feat of Ivan Susanin. Tsar Nicholas I change the name of the opera to A Life for the Tsar and assigns a librettist - Baron Rosen. Acquaintance with the future co-author shocked Glinka: Rosen speaks Russian with a noticeable German accent. The premiere was successful, but Glinka was still not entirely happy with the libretto: "False words were written by Rosen". When Nicholas I learned that Ruslan and Lyudmila was written on Pushkin's subject, he sees it as sedition. The bitter experience of the composer brighten his supporters.
Taras Shevchenko
Nicholas I / Alexander III
Growing up in a Ukrainian peasant family, knowing all hardships of serf life, young artist and poet Taras Shevchenko in the years of study clearly identifies the meaning of true art, which is to serve the interests of the people. The poems of Shevchenko are imbued with love for the common people. Fiery freedom-loving creativity of Taras Shevchenko is known throughout Russia. Nicholas I exiles the poet to the distant Caspian fort where he is to serve as an ordinary soldier and is banned from writing or drawing. In the poet's difficult days he has the support of Ukrainian soldier Skobelev, Polish revolutionary Sierakowski, captain Kosarev and the commandant of the fortress, Uskov. For the sake of his release Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov are hard at work. And so, the sick and aged Shevchenko is finally free. Together with Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, he dreams of a bright future of the motherland, when the Russian and Ukrainian peoples throw off the chains of slavery.
The Tale About the Dead Princess and Seven Strong Men
Episode (voice) / эпизод
Animated film based on the story of Alexander Pushkin. The new king's wife wants to get rid of their stepdaughter and expels it to certain death in the forest. Princess finds refuge in the forest in the seven bogatyrs. The queen, finds out about it and poisons her...
A biographical film about the fate of the great Russian mechanic and creator of aerodynamics Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky.
Meeting on the Elbe
Major James Hill
Soviet and American soldiers are meeting on the shores of the Elbe river in Germany in 1945.
The Russian Question
The film is based on the play by K. Simonov. It is the story of an American journalist who spends time in Russia and sees socialism in action. Upon his return to the U.S., a prestigious editor asks him to write a book about his experience. He receives a handsome advance for the project and he and his fiancée are able to buy a house, a car, and other symbols of the American dream. But the editor’s generosity comes with a caveat: the book must present a negative picture of Soviet society. Will he simply keep the money and do what is expected of him, or will he instead tell the truth?
The Great Glinka
Kostya, the Hussar
Iván el Terrible
Prince Andrei Kurbsky
Al inicio de su reinado, Iván el Terrible afronta la traición de la aristocracia e incluso de sus amigos más cercanos mientras busca unir al pueblo ruso.
Wait for Me
A story of true love set during the WWII.