Antal Konrád


El León en invierno
Año 1183. El rey Henry II (Patrick Stewart) se encuentra rodeado por parientes engañosos y ambiciosos, todos dispuestos a obtener ganancias personales y ventajas políticas a sus expensas. El es un monarca formidable que ha gobernado Inglaterra por muchos años, pero ha comenzado a cuestionar su propia mortalidad en los días postreros de su vida. Con la llegada de las fiestas navideñas, Henry quiere usar la ocasión para anunciar a quién ha escogido como heredero del trono. Henry invita a su esposa, la reina Eleanor de Aquitania (Glenn Close), a asistir a las celebraciones que van a tener lugar en el castillo Chinon, en Francia. Eleanor es una paria real y ha estado prisionera por orden de Henry por conspirar en su contra durante un golpe político una década atrás. Usando su carisma, ella está determinada a prevenir que los planes de Henry se hagan realidad
Hungarian Requiem
1958. In the cell of the condemned, seven men await the signs of an approaching execution. All of them recall their pasts and envision their wish-dreams.
En nombre de todos los míos
Un soldat allemand
Historia de un grupo de judíos durante la II Guerra Mundial, y sus avatares en diversos campos de concentración, resultado de lo cual es que sólo sobrevive uno de ellos. Finalizada la contienda, emigrará a los Estados Unidos para comenzar una nueva vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Antal Konrád
When a young boy comes in to see a doctor abourt a red mark on his face, the doctor's wife welcomes him into the consulting room instead. As they talk, she offers him something to eat and then notes that his manner of eating is just like that of her previous husband, who died in prison many years earlier. It turns out that the young man had been his cell mate for a year, and he tells her the story of how her husband died. She then remembers (in flashbacks) how she had helped her first husband rid himself of his sexual repression, and how she had promised him she would marry her current husband if she were widowed. It seems her doctor-husband was a man who could remain untouched through any political climate, and was much admired by her first husband. Now that her memories have been awakened by the young man's account, she ignores the repeated phone calls of her current husband and decides to rid this young man of his own sexual repressions.
Angi Vera
Federal deputy
Angi Vera, as a promising young woman, gets invited to a Communist training center to undergo the next level of indoctrination into Party life. She begins to realize how people get ahead in the Party: by saying things they don't mean but think are politically correct; by becoming friends with Party dignitaries, even if you don't like them; by being seen as a dedicated worker (as opposed to actually being a dedicated worker).