Kicki Rundgren


Seeking Temporary Wife
Fredrik is a happy man; he has a girlfriend he loves, a business running smoothely and he is going to be a father. But his happiness proves false. At a party, his girlfriend declares that she will leave him for her true love. Frederik is distraught. But his biological clock has started ticking, and his desire for a child is overwhelming. At an adoption agency he meets Milla, a woman who has also been treated unfairly by love. Could Milla be the answer to Frederik's dream?
About a Swedish family during WW2 who help their friends, relatives and refugees to cross the border from Nazi occupied Norway.
Mi vida como un perro
Gunnar's Wife Ulla
Gran éxito del cine sueco de los años ochenta. Narra la odisea de un niño de doce años a quien el abandono paterno y la enfermedad de su madre conducen a un pequeño pueblo del interior del país. Una amarga crónica de la infancia, basada en hechos reales, alabada por la crítica del mundo entero.