Dominique Bouilleret


La dernière reine de Tahiti
Director of Photography
In the kingdom of the lagoons where the custom wants that only the men can become kings. The young Aïmata Pomaré will break this law. Faced with the hostility of her fellow men, threatened by the covetousness of England and France, Aïmata, a young Tahitian princess, will try to save her traditions and her people in order to offer them a destiny. This is how she will become the last queen of Tahiti and make peace with France.
A seaside resort in the middle of winter, with its abandoned beach bars and rain-battered alleys, can easily flank the drone. Refugees on the top floor of a building in La Grande Motte, Carole and Richard Lazure have zero morale: swindled by their tax advisor and badly defended by an incompetent lawyer, they lost their business, their house and no longer even enough to buy the essentials. The eruption into their life of a childhood friend of Richard, a talkative talker with questionable dating, could be a game-changer - or make their situation worse.
Camera Supervisor
La Révolte des innocents
Director of Photography
France, 1911. Louise Perreau is struggling financially to raise her son Gaston. A new job in Paris brings her the hope of a better life, but she has to enroll her son at Les Vermiraux, where children are supposed to get a good education.
Nacido en el silencio
Director of Photography
Sophie Humbert, una famosa abogada criminal que dirige un prestigioso bufete de abogados que trabaja a menudo para la Prefectura de Policía, decide hacerse cargo de la defensa de Gabriel Etchegaray, joven delincuente que acaba de confesar el asesinato del policía de Bertrand Malik.
Man's First Friend
Camera Operator
He has shared our lives for 20,000 years. Along the way, he has helped us find food, kept our livestock, protected us from our enemies, guided us in extreme conditions, and saved us from peril. Now, he comforts us, relieving loneliness and helping us cope with old age. How did dogs come about?
Niño desaparecido
Luisa tiene todo para ser feliz: vive con Mathieu, su amado, y Arthur, el hijo que él tuvo con Émilie, quien murió en un accidente. Pero el día después de su sexto cumpleaños, el niño desaparece....
You'll Never Walk Alone
Director of Photography
Sam, desempleada y animadora en su tiempo libre, lucha por mantener la custodia de su hermana menor y por llegar a fin de mes. Con Céline, su compañera de piso y mejor amiga, idean cualquier solución para salir adelante -desde el sexo telefónico hasta el arreglo floral- hasta el día en que una pareja inesperada llama a su puerta.
Le jour de la grenouille
Director of Photography
A dedicated archaeologist, Anna Brahé, is stubbornly engaged in exploring an underground site, convinced that she will soon come across some important burial artefacts. Her superior is more sceptical and, his patience exhausted, sends Peter Morel, a renowned archaeologist, to make an assessment of Anna’s discoveries so far. Despite their differences Anna and Peter cannot help being drawn to one another as the site collapses around them...
Toussaint Louverture
Toussaint opposes the Spanish army and joins the French troops. On Saint-Domingue he succeeds to push the English back. He proclames himself as the gouvernor of Saint-Domingue. To restore the economy he takes a bold descision. He calls for the workers to return to the plantages...
The New Protocol
A man investigating his son's death learns some horrific truths about the pharmaceutical industry.
Doble Identidad
La vida sonríe a Agathe Verdier: celebra los 30 años próximamente, para lo que Antoine ha propuesto hacer un viaje a Egipto. Pero primero, la joven debe terminar su tesis sobre la historia de las sociedades secretas en Francia. Esta felicidad apacible se rompe cuando la policía rescata en el Sena el cuerpo de una joven asesinada por un ritual. Extrañamente, se parece a Agatha, lleva el mismo nombre y el mismo tipo de ropa. En la búsqueda de su apartamento, el capitán de policía Yann Kervalec y su asistente Emma descubren que estaba escribiendo una tesis de historia de las sociedades secretas francesas. Y en su diario, la víctima se queja de ser acosada ​​diariamente por Agathe Verdier, que al parecer la imita en todo. En estas condiciones, Agatha se convierte en la principal sospechosa. Pero al mismo tiempo, recibe un misterioso e-mail diciéndole que tiene dos meses para resolver el enigma de la muerte, de lo contrario morirá (FILMAFFINITY).
Camera Operator
Léa is a strong person, but when she comes out of prison, she decides to get a fresh start. She would like to forget her cold and aloof father Vittorio Pastore, her young and irresponsible brother Samy for who she went in jail and the Zach's gang, the thug she used to love. But nothing elapses as she expected.
L'Art (délicat) de la séduction
Director of Photography
The film follows Etienne, a 40-year-old car designer, who takes time off from work to study sexual mastery from a Zen master and several prostitutes, in the hopes of having the sexual skill to impress Laure. Laure, a blonde who was introduced to him by his friend Jacques, told Etienne on January 1 that she will not have sex with him until May 27 that year at precisely 9 PM.
Heavy Weather
Director of Photography
Over the course of five seasons, this film chronicles a young woman's rise to power within a tempestuous all-female office. Employing elements of fantasy, realism, drama and satire, much of the story takes place in the confines of an oppressive looking steel and glass skyscraper owned by a powerful insurance company. Though the office is populated only by women, the place seethes with tension due to office politics and the personal turmoil suffered by the employees, something that the beautiful and outwardly ruthless office supervisor Carabosse does her best to ignore. When the ever business-like Carabosse finally gets promoted, she appoints Agate (the story's true protagonist) as her successor. Power corrupts and it does not take long for the compassionate Agate to transform into a copy of Carabosse.