After the attacks that bloodied Paris, everyone is worried about terrorist acts. A man is running in the middle of the night. He has blood on his face. He arrives at the radio station and explains to his colleagues that he was investigating a cell of terrorists but that one of them has just committed suicide in front of him. Just before he told her that a bomb was on the 11 p.m. Paris-New York flight. It's scheduled for four in the morning: in one hour. Should they disseminate the information?
From inside Bolivia's craziest prison a cocaine worker, a drug mule and his little sister reveal the countries relationship with cocaine.
While thousands of tourists invade the beaches, camping grounds and clubs, five teenagers from Porto Vecchio hang out. One evening one of them leads the others to an unoccupied luxury villa. They spend the night there. Before they leave, they steal some objects of no value and two prize rifles. When the house owner arrives from Paris, she complains about the theft to a small local boss she knows…
A teenager unwittingly reveals a terrible family secret to her new neighbors.
Short film about the difficulty of casting fo a film about Algeria.
A man investigating his son's death learns some horrific truths about the pharmaceutical industry.
Para Anna, una niña de nueve años, la vida se desarrolla apacible y confortablemente entre su escuela religiosa y la casa de sus padres, Marie y Fernando. La única sombra la representa un tío que lucha contra el franquismo en España. Es comunista y de él no se debe hablar en familia. Finalmente, la detención y la muerte de este tío, un viaje a Chile y algunos encuentros, acontecimientos cuya importancia Anna no percibe, transformarán profundamente a sus padres y enriquecerán su visión del mundo.
Lilia es una viuda aún joven que vive con su hija adolescente Salma. Su existencia es enteramente normal, hasta el momento en que, al intentar proteger a su hija, quien mantiene un romance con un músico de cabaret, descubre la vida nocturna en dichos lugares. Allí, un atrayente e inquietante mundo nuevo, lleno de placeres desconocidos, se abre ante la protagonista, quien descubre en ese ámbito, además de la amistad, su gran talento para la danza, a través de la cual recupera su sexualidad reprimida ante la presión social. Así, Lilia pasa de madre ejemplar a deseada mujer de la noche, aunque eso signifique competir con Salma por el amor del mismo hombre.
Spring to summer 2000. Gwenaëlle and Angéla are friends. They are seventeen and eighteen years old and live in the same town in the suburbs of Paris. Summer vacation is coming up. They put in a project at the Youth Department of the local town hall. It is selected and funded. They will be able to carry it out. Their project is a trip around France to photograph people's homes. They invite people to pose in front of their houses and take photographs of themselves. When school goes back, an exhibition is organized at the town hall. Full of curiosity and strengthened by their friendship, they encounter people from a range of backgrounds. They broaden their horizons and open up to the possibilities life has to offer. They have many adventures and sometimes their encounters lead them to stay in one place for several days
La muerte de su hijo lleva a la caída a Caco, un patriarca gitano que se refugia en el alcohol y las fiestas. Pero a su vez tiene la responsabilidad del cuidado de Diego, hijo parapléjico de su hermano huido al extranjero por una deuda de muerte con una familia gitana que busca venganza.
Jacques, a morgue employee haunted by nightmares, develops a invisible serum made from transparent little fish.
Dialogue Editor
Después de haber sido despedido, el vigilante de un museo (Travolta) secuestra a un grupo de niños con el fin de recuperar su puesto de trabajo. Un veterano reportero (Hoffman) que necesita recuperar el prestigio perdido, intenta conseguir la primera crónica del suceso. (FILMAFFINITY)