Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaya

Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaya

Nacimiento : 1909-02-21, Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine

Muerte : 1980-12-29


Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaya


The story of the titan Prometheus, who stole fire from Olympus for people and was severely punished for this by Zeus: Prometheus' friend the blacksmith Hephaestus was forced to chained him to the rock, and every day the eagle that flew from Olympus pecked the recovering liver of Prometheus. But the agony of Prometheus was not in vain - people preserved his sacred gift.
The cunning king Polidekt of the island of Serif sends the young hero Perseus to get the head of Gorgon Medusa, whose gaze turns people to stone. He is accompanied by the god of commerce and profits and the patron of thieves and athletes, Hermes, who pursues his personal interests. Perseus gets the head of Medusa, but uses it to save Andromeda, the daughter of King Kef.
A cartoon version of the voyage of the Argonauts (Greek Mythology) with the aim of getting the Gold Fleece.
The Labyrinth
A cartoon version of the Greek myth of Labyrinth.
The Return from Olympus
Olympus. Here are all the most important gods: mighty Zeus, his treacherous wife Hera, handsome singer Apollo, ruler of the seas Poseidon, warrior Ares, goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite and wise Athena. Here is the illegitimate son of Zeus, Hercules - a demigod-half-man. Having missed the Earth, he begs for travel on it from Zeus before sunrise. He is accompanied by an eagle - a cunning and insinuating creature, the same one who once pecked Prometheus and from which Hercules saved him. On Earth, Hercules enters the temple dedicated to him and his twelve feats. There he remembers some of them.
The Cat Who Walked by Himself
The story about the wild creatures of the wild forest and one impudent Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to him.
The Tale of the Golden Rooster
A satirical fairy tale about an old tsar Dadon and a golden cockerel who guarded the borders of his kingdom.
Daughter of the Sun
A never ending polar night reigns. The agitated residents of a village truns to a shaman but he won't help them. A brave young hunter goes in search for the sun.
Barankin, Be a Human!
A lazy school boy finds himself inside magic adventures that cause him to overcome his laziness.
The Amber Castle
In the film an ancient Lithuanian legend is told about an origin of amber. For the sake of love to fisherman Kastytis sea tsarevna Jurate offered herself up. Her fiance, terrible god Perkunas destroyed the amber castle where she lived and it scattered into a thousand slices.
The Enchanted Boy
An animated adaptation of the classic story of Nils Holgerson, a naughty boy who is transformed to a very little dwarf and goes through many adventures, flying with a band of wild geese.
The Orange Neck
Two pairs of partridges, Brovkins and Podkovkins, hatch by twelve chicks. Podkovkins get acquainted with the lark, and both the Brovkins family are killed by a falcon. Podkovkin's wife, the Orange Neck, decides to adopt chicks as their own. In the autumn, she brings twenty-four chicks to a meeting of partridges, and she is chosen as the main chicken.
The Snow Maiden
The tale about a girl with a cold heart who is dying in agony because of joy and love.
The Snow Maiden
The tale about a girl with a cold heart who is dying in agony because of joy and love.
The Tale About the Dead Princess and Seven Strong Men
Animated film based on the story of Alexander Pushkin. The new king's wife wants to get rid of their stepdaughter and expels it to certain death in the forest. Princess finds refuge in the forest in the seven bogatyrs. The queen, finds out about it and poisons her...
With a help of good nature a young brave girl goes to the dark forest for saving her youngest brother abducted by Baba Yaga.
The Hunchedback Horse
Adventures of Ivan the Fool and humpbacked horse in the world of kind magical creatures and cruel people.