People who are both right and wrong Will there be a problem in the world that is Mai, The most sour girl has questioned herself since high school until she passed the university, crossed her age until now. I still haven't seen any young man who is sincere and true love. Other than the birth father, all men are bad as well - flirtatious. Fortunately, in this life there is also Mum, a best friend who always takes a new wing every time you get drunk from the heartbreak from all the men that come into your life.
Cuatro historias de terror vinculadas de alguna manera para formar una narración continua; historias sacadas directamente de los titulares de prensa más horribles de Tailandia.
Bus es una mujer que ha vivido bajo presión y estrés durante toda su vida, trabaja duro para su familia como cocinera de fideos. A veces ella es controlada por una voz misteriosa que le sugiere hacer o no hacer ciertas cosas. Un día andaba por la calle en el momento en que todo se volvió un caos y es rescatada por un hombre llamado Uttapol, quien luego se convierte en su acompañante. Esa noche después del caos, Bus descubre un hombre muerto tirado debajo de su puesto; entonces ella, discretamente lo mira, y se le ocurre una nueva receta...
One night, a police department receives a call complaining about screaming coming from a house. The police find Ingorn (Mai Charoenpura), a 30-something land lady who is just moving in with her 7-year-old daughter, Pear. The daughter appears to have a mental condition and she has bruises all over her body. Ingorn insists on not letting her daughter have a thorough check-up at the hospital, but according to parental law she has to allow her daughter to see a psychiatrist. During the therapy, Pear claims that she is possessed by a spirit of a boy who haunts and hurts her...