Ève Duranceau

Ève Duranceau


Ève Duranceau


La suite canadienne
Suite canadienne by Ludmilla Chiriaeff, broadcast in 1958 during l’heure du concert on Radio-Canada, shows ballet dancers disguised as peasants, traversing a fantasized colonial rurality. The discovery of this archival document represents the starting point of Adam Kinner's project.
irlande cahier bleu
In his description of planet Tlön, Borges describes the Tlönite as people who believe that every man is in fact two men, arguing that when we sleep, we are awake elsewhere.
A translator working for a food processing plant that hires seasonal workers from Guatemala is, at first determined to obey the sometimes excessive directives of the young boss, but she befriends the workers and tries to defend them against the exploitation they suffer.
Le gangster et le ministre
This House
Bridgeport, January 17, 2008. A teenage girl is found hanged in her room. While everything points to suicide, the autopsy report reveals something else. Ten years later, the director and cousin of the teenager examine the past causes and future consequences of this unsolved crime. Like an imagined biography, the film will explore the relationship between the security of the living space and the violence that can jeopardize it.
At Dusk
Madame Lessard
On a class trip into the woods, Charlotte is confronted with her inner demons. Venturing alone into the icy forest, away from the pressure of the group and the obligation to eat, Charlotte will have to face her biggest battle yet, the one against her eating disorder.
Chantal Tremblay
After a sexist joke goes viral, Cédric loses his job and embarks on a therapeutic journey to free himself from sexism and misogyny. He and his girlfriend hire a mysterious and liberated babysitter to help shake things up.
Social Hygiene
Filósofo hedonista-delincuente, Antonin siempre encuentra la palabra adecuada para ganarse tanto los halagos como los reproches de sus compañeros/as. Casado, no pierde la ocasión de explotar la bondad y la paciencia de su mujer, Églantine. También es una fuente constante de decepción para su hermana, Solveig. Tratando de evitar a Rose, la recaudadora de impuestos que anda tras su cuello, Antonin no puede quitarse de la cabeza la atracción y el deseo por la bella Cassiopée. Atormentado, debe ahora idear la estratagema y las palabras adecuadas para disculparse ante Aurore, una de sus víctimas. Entre estas cinco mujeres, Antonin se ve atrapado.
There Are No False Undertakings
Lucille Mac
Fiction bleeds into reality. Women declare themselves pregnant with the letter E! Denzel Washington plays himself in a popular sitcom. Chaos reigns and cops crave poetry. Mélusine Catafor abandons her identity in the city of Three-Rivers to seek a new one in Montreal where she hopes to learn English and where her best friend, Marie-Cobra Tremblay strives to birth an Odyssey. Rosaire, a melancholic pastor, organizes a major conference on Impossible Loves. Also, you'll meet La Renarde who hides a hole-punch in her coat. You'll learn the hole-punch is a formidable weapon used to pierce the ears of alley cats. As you can imagine, it's a comedy.
La Crise
In the midst of Quebec's 1970’s October Crisis, Carole, a housewife crumbling under the weight of an oppressive routine, is visited by a home seller who will turn her daily life upside down.
The Twentieth Century
Meighen Acolyte #3
Toronto, Canadá, 1899. William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) cree fervientemente que está destinado a convertirse en Primer Ministro, pero para conseguirlo deberá luchar primero contra sus obsesiones personales y vencer los muchos obstáculos que encontrará en su tortuoso camino hacia el poder.
Everything outside
When circumstances conspire to leave Louise, an established Quebec painter, and Ahmed, an aspiring Lebanese-Canadian actor, sharing a remote lake house, the tension rarely abates. Understandably, Louise resents her solitude being trespassed on, particularly by someone whose backstory is hardly airtight.
Waiting for April
Émilie l'anarchiste
Waiting for April is a romantic, epic cop comedy freely inspired by songs and medieval fables collected by storyteller Michel Faubert. Detective Haffigan investigates a mysterious singing bone, a talisman endowed with dangerous powers, and chased after by a coterie of second-rate outlaws. The bone turns out to be in possession of Mithridate, a seductive actor with a gorilla’s right arm. Haffigan expresses romantic interest in the charming comedian, but he rebuffs her, instead setting his sights on Eleonore, a cashier at the Bank of Permanent Fog, who promises to liberate him from the bone’s curse.
Joleil Campeau : Mon histoire
Donna Sénécal
The Mattress King
Lost Paradise Lost
Prisoners of their technology-bound lives, Julie and Victor feel disillusioned with humanity. They stumble upon a mysterious group who, after stripping them bare, welcomes them and gives them ready-made roles to play. Joining the strangers, they head into the forest toward an unknown destination, until they suddenly come under attack. As they face this threat together, Julie and Victor will need to separate truth from fiction. Or simply surrender to the pleasure of artifice...
A dissection of hybrid identity in ten chapters through the life of a chimeric evolving creature 'Mosaic' and confessions by the most influentials scientists of our time.
The Squealing Game
The Art of Speech
Koroviev, a police officer who teaches poetry in a brigade of police poets, is in search of a precious Bible annotated by Pierre Maheu, the captain of the St. Elias, a legendary ship. His quest leads him to befriend a young thief who introduces him to a mysterious woman named Coriandre.
A Done Deal
Remy, a hitman for a small-time Montreal mobster, has to kill Fernand, an old associate who talks too much. The plan is simple: invite him for coffee, offer him a ride and shoot him in the alley. Easy! A done deal...
Boris sin Béatrice
Boris Malinowski es un hombre que ha logrado todos sus objetivos en la vida. Mientras que su esposa, Beatrice, Ministra del Gobierno de Canadá, se encuentra en la cama por una enfermedad desconocida, Boris trata de evadirse y hacer frente a sus necesidades emocionales con su compañera de trabajo Helga y su empleada doméstica, Klara.
News, news
That winter in Montréal, there is a girl. Three captains are wooing her. Cinema killed Jean-Baptiste Lamirande, the disastrous Liberator, who comes back to life just before Christmas. Héloïse, an amnesiac actress who lost her watch, has been reported missing.
Sarah Prefers to Run
When Sarah has a chance to go to a first class university and to join its premiere athletic club, her suburban mother is fearful of the change and refuses to help financially. But Sarah's roommate knows that they will get a grant if they marry. Sarah agrees but only to discover that her true heart lies elsewhere. Sarah prefers to run.
Herd Leader
Clara is a lone, much to the chagrin of her family, who wish she could find happiness with a partner. After her aunt dies, she inherits a pet...
Le Pays des âmes (a jazz fable)
In today's Montreal, the devil, through discreet manners of seduction, takes liberty upon death. A brave trumpet player in love with a damned soul must fight him.
Tough Luck
Lorsque vous rencontrez Réjean, (Rémy Girard) il est impossible de séparer le monde réel de son imaginaire. Biographe de métier, son rôle est d’embellir la vie de ses clients. Très bientôt, Réjean sera confronté au même problème sur le site de rencontre Réseau Contact. Il doit faire parvenir une vidéo qui parle de lui, de sa vie. Bref, d’être vendeur. Hésitant, il commence à raconter sa vie à la caméra. Tant bien que mal, il essaye désespérément de reconstruire sa vie tel qu’il s’en souvient. Malheureusement, sa profession déteint sur sa propre histoire. Pris au jeu, il choisira la facilité en se cachant derrière sa technique, pour faire de sa vie une aventure rocambolesque digne d’un auteur à succès. Une histoire à la fois drôle et poignante remplie d’intrigues où le spectateur tentera de discerner le vrai du faux. Y’en aura pas de facile.
Student with the Ear Injury
Se basa en los testimonios de los supervivientes del drama ocurrido en la Escuela politécnica de Montreal, el 6 de diciembre de 1989. La película cuenta los hechos a través de los ojos de Valérie y Jean-François, dos estudiantes cuya vida dio un vuelco cuando un hombre entró en la escuela con la idea de asesinar al mayor número de mujeres posible.
All That She Wants
Caught in the tensions of the returning Pierrot, an ex-con, and the neighboring outlaws, Coralie attempts to distance herself from an ambiguous if not tormented past. Set against a busy highway, the butting houses dominated by a boss loosing sight of his operation are suspended as an anarchic surge approaches.
La blonde de Julien
Hace un año, Nicolás era un exitoso fotógrafo. Trabajaba en una revista de farándula y vivía con su novia Margarita. Todo parecía ir de maravilla. Hasta el día que encontró a su novia a punto de hacer el amor con Mallarino, su jefe y dueño de la editorial donde trabaja. En ese momento perdió a Margarita, su casa y de paso su empleo.
Dans les villes
Four strangers are wandering through town. Fanny, a young woman who takes care of trees, will cross paths with three people along her way and offer them her help: Jean-Luc is blind, Joséphine has reached the end of her life, and Carole is suicidal.
Since her aunt threw herself into the depths of a quarry, Josette has been obsessed with death. She decides to run away, hoping to escape the madness she believes is running in her family blood. In her frantic race, her destiny will crash into another fugitive, Michelle, who may well save her from her curse. But the harsh reality will catch up with them at high speed.