Evelyne de la Chenelière

Evelyne de la Chenelière

Nacimiento : , France


Evelyne de la Chenelière
Evelyne de la Chenelière


Mademoiselle Kenopsia
Set on carrying out her task with dedication, a woman is obsessed with watching over anonymous interiors and occupying them. Both a custodian of the premises and a ghostly presence, she becomes an echo of how we relate to time, solitude and the melancholy of forsaken spaces.
Inside a house he doesn’t recognize, with a family he doesn’t know, a young man tries to make some sense of what is happening to him. Everything keeps changing, his mind is sick. "Trust the protocol" is all he can do.
L'étang, la nuit
Returning to the pond of their childhood, two sisters abandon themselves to a game they once played. Carried by the beauty of the landscape, their reunion leads to a disturbing confession.
As a civil war shakes the Quebec province of Canada, Valerie is the sole survivor of a mass execution where her boyfriend is killed. Years later, she’s in a close relationship with her new partner, Gabriel. At the Long Term Care Center where she works as an orderly, she befriends Jeanne, an erudite and funny woman, dealing with an important physical handicap. Mixing realism and worrying strangeness, The Laugh presents a humane exploration of the survivor’s syndrome, the grieving process, the distance of time, the power of love, and the joy of being alive.
La chute
Une vie pour deux
Freely adapted from the eponymous novel, Une vie pour deux is inspired by real events, the discovery by the novelist's husband (director Jean-Pierre Ronfard) of the corpse of a young woman on a beach in Ireland in the late 1970s.
Une vie pour deux
Freely adapted from the eponymous novel, Une vie pour deux is inspired by real events, the discovery by the novelist's husband (director Jean-Pierre Ronfard) of the corpse of a young woman on a beach in Ireland in the late 1970s.
Café de Flore
Narra los destinos paralelos de Jacqueline, madre de un niño en los años sesenta en París, y de Antoine, un DJ de éxito recién divorciado en el Montreal actual. Las dos historias se unen a través del amor. Un amor eufórico, obsesivo, trágico, juvenil y atemporal. Una odisea amorosa mística y fantástica.
Profesor Lazhar
Theatre Play
Un maestro de primaria de origen argelino entra en contacto con un grupo de adolescentes de Montreal obsesionados por el misterio de la muerte.
Profesor Lazhar
Mère d'Alice
Un maestro de primaria de origen argelino entra en contacto con un grupo de adolescentes de Montreal obsesionados por el misterio de la muerte.
Return to Sender
Michel Beaulieu can't catch a break. He just lost his job as car courier after an encounter with a difficult client, his wife Lucy decided to take break from him and she threatened to take his visitation rights to their daughter away. In desperation, Michael agrees to fulfill the mission of a shady loan shark by kidnapping a gambler who owes him a large sum. Turns the man is the arrogant businessman because of whom he lost his job.
La edad de la ignorancia
Jean Marc intenta evadirse de su mediocre vida por medio de la imaginación. Consigue así entrar en un mundo de fantasía donde es un gran héroe, un caballero de brillante armadura, una estrella del escenario y de la pantalla y un novelista de éxito que tiene a las mujeres rendidas a sus pies. En la vida real es un chupatintas, un marido insignificante y un padre fracasado que fuma a escondidas. Pero, a pesar de todo, no sucumbe a la fantasía y decide buscar otra oportunidad en el mundo real. "La edad de la ignorancia", que cierra la trilogía que completan "El declive del imperio americano" y "Las invasiones bárbaras", es una sátira, una reflexión moral sobre nuestra época.
María Antonieta, la verdadera historia
Biografía de María Antonieta (1755–1793), archiduquesa de Austria y Reina de Francia y de Navarra. Con tan solo 14 años llega a la opulenta corte francesa tras prometerse al rey Luis XVI. Sola, incomprendida y repudiada por su propio marido, la joven pronto se convierte en protagonista de diversos escándalos cortesanos.
La terminal
Viktor Navorski es un inmigrante balcánico que, al estallar la guerra en su país y quedar anulado su pasaporte, se encuentra involuntariamente exiliado en un aeropuerto de los Estados Unidos.