Santiago Ziesmer

Santiago Ziesmer

Nacimiento : 1953-07-25, Madrid, Spain


Santiago Ziesmer


Henry Hail (voice)
Cuando Peter emprende un viaje mágico para rescatar a su hermana pequeña Anne, necesita viajar a un territorio misterioso: ¡la Luna! Anne fue secuestrada por el malvado Moon Man cuando trató de ayudar al escarabajo Sr. Zoomzeman en la búsqueda de su esposa. En su fantástica aventura, Peter aterriza en Star Meadow donde conoce al somnoliento Sr. Sandman. Él sabe, solo en la cena del Hada Nocturna en el castillo en las nubes, pueden averiguar dónde está Anne, pero no hay suficientes asientos para todos. Así que se unen a la carrera salvaje a lo largo de la Vía Láctea contra los cinco Espíritus de la Naturaleza: Gigante Tormenta, Bruja Relámpago, Henry Hail, Rainy Robin y Mother Frost ...
Under ConTroll
During building work in the city of Baden-Baden in 2015, an evil troll who was transformed into stone in the 15th century, is accidentally brought back to life. To prevent being unmasked, the Troll slips into the body of Vanessa and enslaves her. Vanessa Troll then goes looking for Charlie, the virgin boyfriend of Vanessa's daughter, as The Troll needs his blood to evoke a portal to a magical prison. Will the Troll's plans find success?
Goblin 2
César la Maitresse
After 700 years, an evil troll awakes in Baden-Baden to new life. In the form of a woman, he tries to free his demonic companions from a other dimension.
Leipzig von oben
Iron Doof
I like
A horror thriller directed by Michael David Pate.
El séptimo enanito
Mini-Zwerg (voice)
Llámalo torpeza o mala suerte, pero el Séptimo Enanito Bobo y sus seis amigos se las han arreglado para causar una mega crisis en el Castillo de Fantabulandia. Justo antes de que suene la última de las 12 campanadas, en su 18 cumpleaños, la princesa Rose se pincha el dedo, sumiendo a todo el reino en un sueño que durará 100 años. Gracias a Bobo la malvada bruja Dellamorta se ha salido con la suya, así que el pequeño enanito y sus amigos están desesperados por salvar a la princesa y así enmendar su error. ¿Cómo despertar a la princesa y el resto de la corte?
Planet USA
Small Scrawny Little Man
Planet Earth. USA. 2015. The natural oil resources are running out. The hatred between East and West has spread like a plague all over the world. The planet is on the brink of World War III.
Proll Out
The Founder
An alien from the planet Antoria lands on Earth and is promptly assaulted by the porn producer Gerhard Hornbacher, who steals his "form changer". Hornbacher sees this as a way to make money and founds the spiritual TV channel "Teleportal", where he offers people the opportunity to flee to Antoria to escape the impending destruction of the Earth, for a price of course.
Little Big Panda
Kung Fucious (voice)
En una zona montañosa de China, los ancianos panda tratan de encontrar un miembro que pueda cumplir con la tarea de salvar la raza. Después de largas discusiones, la gran responsabilidad recae sobre los hombros de un pequeño panda que participará en una serie de pruebas que tendrán un profundo efecto en el futuro de su familia y amigos.
The Golden Nazi Vampire of Absam: Part II - The Secret of Kottlitz Castle
Spongebob (voice)
If things were up to General Donovan, then the Military Secret Service of the United States would take care of really important things, of which there are plenty in this Autumn of 1942. Let the Waffen-SS search for Atlantis and dance around Germanic Druid Stones - who believes in the occult of "Wunderwaffen" or "miracle weapons" anyway? At least no straightforward American patriot, only pathetic wimps like William Blazkowicz, the only person at the OSS who wears glasses. But then ... can you dare risk to ignore explicit warnings? Secretly shot films? Evidence? What is really happening in Kottlitz Castle? Who killed Smokey Savallas? What kind of research is the "Ahnenerbe der SS" involved in? Who stole Count Dracula's bones from a crypt in Wallachia? And where's the connection between a fanatic SS General, underground laboratories full of German scientists, and a huge pit filled with molten gold? Questions, questions ...
Oh, wie schön ist Panama
El Osito Polar
1. Möwe (voice)
Basada en los maravillosos cuentos infantiles, "El Osito Polar" es una magnífica historia que nos enseña el verdadero significado de la amistad, Lars, es un simpático y valiente osito polar que un día conoce a Robi, una bondadosa y divertida foca y juntos vivirán numerosas aventuras. Un día, Lars queda atrapado en un iceberg que le lleva hacia una nueva aventura lejos del Polo Norte donde conocerá a nuevos amigos. A su regreso, un monstruoso barco está haciendo desaparecer todos los peces y Lars tendrá que salvar a su familia y amigos. Una brillante película animada que estimulará la imaginación de los más pequeños y los mayores.
Letzte Chance für Harry
Two Berlin archetypes - Harald Juhnke and Günter Pfitzmann - convince in this touching big-city fairy tale in insistent roles as typical Berlin characters with everyday wit, temperament and improvisational talent.
Reineke Fuchs
Grimbart (voice)
Stowaways on the Ark
Max Specht
Willie, a sweet little woodworm, accidentally becomes a stowaway on Noah's Ark and Noah and the animals believe he is drilling holes into the wooden boat. Can Willie really be responsible?
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
Zauberer Gritzegrimm
Schneeweißchen and Rosenrot, two very sweet girls give shelter to a bear in distress one night. In the spring the bear wanders off again, but rips his fur on the door on the way out, which makes the girls notice a shimmer of gold shining through. Later, the girls help out a dwarf in the woods, who has got his beard caught in first a fallen tree, then his fishing gear, and the third time they rescue him from a bird of prey.