Doug Bost


The Bride in the Box
On the coast of Maine, a curious young girl falls under the spell of a terrifying local ghost story. By the time her parents realize what’s happening it might be too late to bring her back.
The Bride in the Box
On the coast of Maine, a curious young girl falls under the spell of a terrifying local ghost story. By the time her parents realize what’s happening it might be too late to bring her back.
Memoria perdida
Tras sufrir un golpe en la cabeza, un periodista de Chicago (Matthew Broderick) pierde la memoria y emprende un largo viaje con su tío (Alan Alda), que padece alzheimer, y con su novia del instituto (Virginia Madsen). El objetivo es buscar un raro cromo de la liga de béisbol, que es muy difícil de conseguir.