Elena Lari
Un oficial de la Marina alejado ya del trabajo directo en los barcos y adscrito, en consecuencia, a un Ministerio. viene informado de que su esposa envía secretamente a potencias extranjeras diseños militares y proyectos que estaban bajo su custodia. Un cómplice avisa a la mujer quien empieza a tomar medidas para escapar: saluda a su hijito que está jugando y va a su habitación a preparar la maleta. Pero el marido vuelve rápido a casa; la mujer se encierra en la habitación y se suicida con una pistola...
A famous painting by Antonello da Messina, "the man with a gray glove", has been entrusted to an old restorer. When, subsequently, the painting is withdrawn from the restorer's studio and exposed, the art critic Drago discovers that it is not the original, but a copy.
Lucia Perfetti
Thanks to wartime smuggling Gioconda Perfetti, a roman fruit vendor, becomes very rich. She leaves her shop and moves to a magnificent villa which once belonged to a count. She also becomes involved with some very dubious characters who profit from her ignorance and cheat her out of her money.