Jean-Claude Grumberg

Jean-Claude Grumberg

Nacimiento : 1939-07-26, Paris, France


Jean-Claude Grumberg (born 1939) is a French playwright and author of children's books. Before becoming a playwright, Jean-Claude Grumberg held several jobs including working as a tailor, he takes to the middle part of his play L'Atelier. He discovered drama being an actor in the company. He became a writer in 1968 with Demain, une fenêtre sur rue, and short texts like Rixe which played at the Comédie-Française. He writes about what haunts him since childhood: the death of his father in the Nazi death camps: Maman revient pauvre orphelin, Dreyfus (1974), L'Atelier (1979) and Zone libre (1990). In 1998, L'Atelier returned to Théâtre Hébertot in Paris, won great success and won the 1999 Molière for best play directory. In film, he is writer: Les Années Sandwiches, co-writer with François Truffaut for The Last Metro, La Petite Apocalypse of Costa-Gavras, Le Plus Beau Pays du monde by Marcel Bluwal (1999), Fait d'hiver Robert Enrico (1999). For television, he wrote scenarios Thérèse Humbert, Music Hall, by Marcel Bluwal, Les Lendemains qui chantent, by Jacques Fansten et Julien l'apprenti, by Jacques Otmezguine. He is one of the few contemporary French playwrights alive to be studied in school (including L'Atelier). Jean-Claude Grumberg received the Grand Prize of the Académie française in 1991 and SACD Prize in 1999 for lifetime achievement; the Molière's best playwright in 1991 for Zone libre and in 1999 L'Atelier. Jean-Claude Grumberg is the father of actress Olga Grumberg. Source: Article "Jean-Claude Grumberg" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jean-Claude Grumberg


The Art Dealer
A young woman is searching, today, in Paris, the collection of paintings stolen from her Jewish family during WWII.
El capital
El director de origen griego Costa-Gavras, continúa en la senda de su cine político y reivindicativo con la historia de un hombre que, desde la nada, comenzará un ascenso imparable por los entresijos del mundo de la banca hasta convertirse en una de las personas más poderosas e influyentes del país. El director se embarca en esta sátira crítica en torno al sistema capitalista a partir de un tiburón de las finanzas francesas, Marc Tourneuil (interpretado por Gad Elmaleh, 'La felicidad nunca viene sola') y de su descenso a los infiernos de la corrupción económica y moral. 'Le Capital' es un viaje por las finanzas en un mundo globalizado: por eso el film se mueve por diversas ciudades, por París, Miami, Londres o Tokio. Una película que reflexiona sobre el dinero, el poder, la ambición y la situación actual de crisis monetaria.
The Artist
Hollywood 1927. George Valentin es una gran estrella del cine mudo a quien la vida sonríe. Pero la llegada del cine sonoro le conducirá al olvido. Por su parte Peppy Miller, una joven actriz, verá impulsada su carrera a lo más alto, al firmamento de las estrellas.
Les Livres qui tuent
Cigarettes et bas nylons
France, Normandy, towards the end of World War II: Young French women are recruited as wives for American GIs. In US Army recreation camps, the so-called "Cigarette Camps", they are being prepared for their trip to the US - to men who have married them.
Vers toi terre promise
"At the end of the war, despite the loss of one of their two daughters at Auschwitz and with the vain hope of finding the other entrusted to the Carmelites, a dentist and his wife are trying at all costs to return to life. Perhaps the Promised Land will heal their sorrows ... "
Edén al Oeste
L'homme à la sortie du métro
Elías es un joven emigrante que debe afrontar numerosos contratiempos para entrar ilegalmente en la Unión Europea. Al igual que en "La Odisea", el Mar Egeo es el escenario de sus aventuras. Después de innumerables peripecias, de una escala en el paraíso y una estancia en el infierno, su periplo termina en París. Es un intento recrear el viaje de aquellos que cruzaron tierras y océanos embravecidos a la búsqueda de un hogar.
Edén al Oeste
Elías es un joven emigrante que debe afrontar numerosos contratiempos para entrar ilegalmente en la Unión Europea. Al igual que en "La Odisea", el Mar Egeo es el escenario de sus aventuras. Después de innumerables peripecias, de una escala en el paraíso y una estancia en el infierno, su periplo termina en París. Es un intento recrear el viaje de aquellos que cruzaron tierras y océanos embravecidos a la búsqueda de un hogar.
The Colonel
A "Reformed Colonel" is found dead in Paris, a couple of decades after Algeria's struggle for independence was won from France. Lieutenant Galois is assigned the investigation of this murder. She receives the diary of Lieutenent Guy Rossi who served under The Colonel in Algeria in 1956, and has been reported as missing in action since 1957. The revelations found in Rossi's diary go far beyond The Colonel's actions in Algeria, and give an insight on how dirty Algeria's War for Independence really was.
Bruno Davert es un alto ejecutivo que trabaja desde hace quince años en una fábrica de papel. Debido a la reestructuración económica de la empresa, él y cientos de empleados son despedidos de la noche a la mañana. En principio la medida no le preocupa; es joven (ronda los cuarenta), tiene una preparación excelente y confía en encontrar pronto un puesto de trabajo similar. Tres años después, aún sin trabajo, sólo piensa en sobrevivir y garantizar el futuro de su familia. Por ello, decide, con la ayuda de un arma, pasar a la acción y aniquilar a la competencia de una forma ordenada y lógica. Al mismo tiempo prepara el asalto a la Corporación Arcadia, el último obstáculo entre él y el puesto laboral que ansía.
93, rue Lauriston
93, rue Lauriston, in the 16th arrondissement de Paris, is an address of bleak memory. It was indeed the headquarter of the French Gestapo, which was active between 1941 and 1944 and was headed by Henri Lafont and Pierre Loutrel, two wanted criminals. On the day of 1940 he was demobilized, little did well-meaning Léon Jabinet know that he would be associated with such disreputable characters. And yet, some time later, Odile Panzer, the Jewish girl he has been hiding at his parents'place, is arrested by the Gestapo. On this occasion Léon is offered a deal for her release: collaborating with the Carlingue (another name for the French auxiliaries of the Nazi police) and Odile will be free. Or else... What should he do?
Un fils de notre temps
Somewhere in Europe in the twentieth century, a young man decides to change his life by engaging in the army. A modern and quirky tale, with Jérémie Renier and Bernard Le Coq.
Dos sistemas: por una parte, la maquinaria nazi y, por otra, la diplomacia del Vaticano y de los Aliados. Pero dos hombres luchan desde dentro. El primero es Kurt Gerstein (personaje real), químico y miembro de las SS que se encarga de suministrar el gas Ziklon B a los campos de la muerte. Pero eso no le impide denunciar los crímenes nazis a los aliados, al Papa e incluso a los miembros de la Iglesia alemana a la que pertenece, jugándose de este modo su vida y la de su familia. El segundo, Ricardo, es un joven jesuita que representa a todos los sacerdotes que supieron oponerse a la barbarie, pagando muchas veces con su propia vida. Kurt Gerstein sabía lo que estaba ocurriendo y quería que el mundo entero también lo supiera. La película denuncia la indiferencia de todos aquellos que sabían lo que estaba pasando y decidieron callarse.
Julien l'apprenti
The apprenticeship of Julien with the Rosmers, furriers, beginning in 1933 just before their world is transformed by anti-Semitism.
Fait d'hiver
This is a psychological drama about Louis Riquier (Charles Berling), a veteran of the Algerian war and a divorced father whose wife (Beatrice Palme) has custody of their children and who barricades himself with the kids in his country house. The police and the press surround the house, but he does not want to surrender. Instead, he gets more and more violent. Manipulated by their father, the kids go along with the scenario, taking it as a game. The film has as background the turbulence of 1968, with all its left-wing political implications. As in the director's previous film (Vieux fusil (The Old Gun), the gun also has multiple purposes here. Literally speaking, it is the instrument of crime; metaphorically, it is the force that would liberate the poor victim from his tragic fate. But the hero is just too violent and emotionally disturbed to evoke one's pity.
Amor en tiempos de guerra
le père de Raymond
A love story or a tale of the resistance, this poignant movie tells both the haunting story of a French resistance cell in Lyon but also the love of Lucie Aubrac for her husband...
Les Milles
In the beginning of the Second World War, Germans, Austrians and persons without nationality living in France are sent to the concentration camp of Les Milles by France government. Commander Charles Perrochon is the responsible for this camp and he promises to the leaders of the prisoners to protect them from the Nazis. When France is invaded by the Germans, Commander Perronchon will disobey orders and his superiors trying to save these men. He gets a train, a ship and money from USA to send about eight hundred of these prisoners to the safety of Casablanca, in Marrocos.
El último metro
Durante la ocupación de París por las tropas alemanas, un grupo de actores trata de sacar adelante una obra de teatro. Nadie sospecha que, en el sótano del edificio, se oculta el director del grupo, un hombre de origen judío que desde su escondrijo dirige la obra a través de las indicaciones que da a su mujer, que es la protagonista.
The Most Precious of Cargoes
During World War II a French Jewish family is deported to Auschwitz. On the train to the death camp, in a desperate gesture, the father throws one of his twins out into the snow, where he’s discovered by a childless Polish couple.
The Most Precious of Cargoes
During World War II a French Jewish family is deported to Auschwitz. On the train to the death camp, in a desperate gesture, the father throws one of his twins out into the snow, where he’s discovered by a childless Polish couple.