Kjell Gustavsson

Nacimiento : 1943-12-27, Enskede, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden


Roland Hassel
Makeup Department Head
Retired police detective Roland Hassel (Lars-Erik Berenett, who played Hassel on TV in the 1980s) is determined to solve the 1986 assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. Without access to police files, however, the best he can manage is to attend an inept re-enactment on the 25th anniversary of the murder...
Tierra de ángeles
Makeup Artist
Daniel Daréus es un director de orquesta de fama mundial. Ha llegado a lo más alto pero se siente solo, miserable y cansado de las servidumbres de la fama y el trabajo. Tras sufrir un infarto, Daniel decide poner fin a su carrera musical y regresar al pequeño pueblo en el que pasó su infancia, situado en una remota zona al norte de Suecia. Su llegada supone una pequeña revolución pues su popularidad le convertirá en objeto inmediato de curiosidad y fascinación entre los habitantes del pueblo que le pedirán "consejo profesional" para el pequeño coro de la iglesia que ensaya cada jueves en el vestíbulo de la parroquia.
Albert Speer
Production Manager
The story of German architect Albert Speer, who became one of Hitler's closest allies.
Peter-No-Tail and the Big Treasure Hunt
Makeup & Hair
Pelle and Maja have moved together. But Maja's mother dislikes her daughter's tailless company, and tries to get Maja to move home again.
Svensson, Svensson - The Movie
Makeup Artist
Lena Svensson has been offered a new and exiting job in Stockholm that she can't say no to. But her husband, Gustav, has no plan of what so ever to move from his quiet little town of Vivalla, and especially his job as a very proud postman. After Lena started to commute between Stockholm and Vivalla, he decides to sell the house and give Stockholm a chance. He starts of with a job as a postman in one of Stockholm's worst districts, but after a mistake on a conference, Gustav seems to do quite a success at his new job, while Lena is struggling with annoying colleagues and a demanding boss.
Las mejores intenciones
Makeup Artist
Año 1909. En el transcurso de una huelga general, Henrik, un humilde estudiante de Teología, conoce a una chica de una familia de clase alta a la que todos adoran, sobre todo su padre. Entre ellos nacerá, a pesar de la oposición familiar, una larga historia de amor que encarna la lucha contra el rígido sistema de clases dominante. Se basa en la historia de los padres de Bergman.
Las mejores intenciones
Año 1909. En el transcurso de una huelga general, Henrik, un humilde estudiante de Teología, conoce a una chica de una familia de clase alta a la que todos adoran, sobre todo su padre. Entre ellos nacerá, a pesar de la oposición familiar, una larga historia de amor que encarna la lucha contra el rígido sistema de clases dominante. Se basa en la historia de los padres de Bergman.
Makeup Artist
Cuando estalla la guerra, Annika vive con sus padres en Värmland, cerca de la frontera con Noruega. Su primo Harald es un traficante en el mercado negro pero tiene que escapar de la policía a Noruega. Annika se traslada a Estocolmo y consigue un trabajo de camarera. Conoce al despreocupado Berit y juntos lo pasan de maravilla. También conoce a un joven, Bengt, con quien se casa. Pero casi de inmediato descubre que su marido es diferente al hombre que la cortejaba. Trama de Mattias Thuresson.
The Shark Who Knew Too Much
Makeup Supervisor
Samuel Plottner is a stockdealer who only wants to get richer, but suddenly things starts to get complicated: His sons meets their longlost mother which not only is after Samuels money, but also can tell them what happened to them the day they were born. The financial expert Benny Hörnsteen is also after Samuels money, and so is the clown Conny Corny and Lennart K. Brons too. How will this end?
Very Dearest Sister
Makeup Artist
Barbro has a sister in secret, a twin sister named Ylva-Li. Ylva-Li lives under a rose bush, but not any rose bush. It is Salikos roses. When Barbro feels lonely and like her family doesn't care about her she can disappear into the hole under the roses. This day, Barbro and her sister are going on a journey. A long journey to the most beautiful valley in the world.
Los Visitantes
Makeup Artist
Frank, Sara and their two children have recently moved into the house of their dreams on the countryside. Frank is disturbed by mysterious sounds and somebody tears down the wallpaper from the walls. He contacts a ghost-hunter, Allan, to find out the truth.
Makeup Artist
The weaponfactory in Rotum is selling weapons illegal, a person called 'Leif' writes in the local newspaper. He must be stopped, even if what he has written happens to be true. Gunnar Volt and some of the other workers at the factory sets out to catch him.
Pirates of the Lake
Makeup Artist
It is the first day of the summer vacation. Jojje, Jerker and Fabian wants to borrow a sailing boat to take a boat trip so they steal it. They plan to examine all of Lake Maelaren, but a storm breaks out and the boat sinks. They go ashore, steal food and a new boat. While everybody else believes them to be dead, they have a wonderful time. They meet a crazy Count and find a dead body.
Makeup & Hair
Mientras su familia se reúne para celebrar su cumpleaños, el periodista Alexander se siente angustiado por la desoladora falta de espiritualidad que caracteriza al mundo contemporáneo. Sus peores temores se confirman cuando, durante la fiesta, llega la noticia de un inminente conflicto nuclear: la Tercera Guerra Mundial. El final, definitivo e irreversible, está cerca. En ese momento están con él su angustiada esposa, sus dos hijos, un amigo médico y un peculiar cartero, que lo convence de que una de sus criadas es una bruja que tiene el poder de salvar al mundo mediante un último sacrificio.
The Smuggler King
Makeup Artist
It's the early 20s, just after World War I. In Sweden, restrictions on alcohol are harder than most people like and so, smuggling is abundant. In this particular little town, smuggling is ruled by one man, who is the king of smugglers. The smugglers who work for him don't get to keep much of the profit themselves, but if they don't work for him, they get in trouble, which his henchmen make sure. However, Albert Jansson arrives in town and starts taking up the competition with the smuggler king. Meanwhile, the police, together the customs office, try to catch the smugglers.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Marilyn Jordan, an American, lives in Stockholm with her Swedish husband and family. Her behavior is bizarre, perhaps mad: she poisons the dog's milk and advises the dog not to drink it; she sets the sheets afire as her husband sleeps; she crawls under the dining table to sing. While detained at airport customs for carrying pruning shears, she meets a young Yugoslav woman and goes with her to a Gypsy enclave where she's fought over, takes a lover, helps with the sordid entertainment at a bar, and returns home more dangerous than before. The film also tells parallel stories of Marilyn's daughter becoming a junior homemaker as the young immigrant practices her striptease.
The Rooster
Makeup Artist
1944. Cederqvist llega a una pequeña fábrica de telas para ver cómo el personal femenino puede trabajar de manera más eficiente. Cuando llega por primera vez es recibido con sospecha y sus esfuerzos por cortejar a las jóvenes son inútiles. Pero tan pronto como se compra un automóvil, se vuelve mucho más fácil, especialmente porque está autorizado a reubicar a las personas en una línea de trabajo más fácil.
Madicken of June Hill
Makeup Department Head
A second movie based on Astrid Lindgren's novel "Madicken och Junibackens pims", which is about two sisters and their adventures in 1910s Sweden.
You're Out of Your Mind, Madicken
Makeup Department Head
Madicken is a Swedish girl from the upper level family, growing up during the time of first world war which did not include Sweden. She lives happily with her family, experiencing the world and making brave and crazy things.
ABBA: The Movie
Makeup Artist
Película que detalla la mega exitosa gira de ABBA por Australia a mediados de 1977. Mientras que en su mayoría contiene grabaciones en el escenario y también como canciones famosas de ABBA como "Dancing Queen", "Tiger", "Name of the Game" y "Eagle", entre otras, cantadas durante sus conciertos en Sydney, Melbourne, Perth y Adelaide, tiene la trama secundaria del joven disc jockey de country y western, Ashley, cuyo jefe le ordena que tenga una entrevista profunda con ABBA y los problemas que tiene tratando de contactarles mientras olvida su pase de prensa y el guardaespaldas principal de ABBA. , (Tom Oliver) está decidido a detenerlo ...
The Assignment
Makeup Artist
A Swedish diplomat travels to a civil war in a Latin American country. His mission is to mediate between the two extremist groups.
City of My Dreams
Young Henning and his friends are struggling to stay alive in 19th century Stockholm, where he has ended up in search of employment. In the harsh city, he and his friends dream of the good life while struggling for their survival.
Karlsson on the Roof
Makeup Department Head
Svante is a young boy who lives with his family in a Stockholm apartment. One day he meets Karlsson, a chubby little man in the prime of his life, who can fly using a propeller on his back and who lives in his little house on the roof.
Makeup Artist
A terrifying drama about what might happen in a disaster situation. An airplane loaded with bacteriological weapons crashes in the south of Sweden, causing an epidemic.
La Gaviota
Makeup Artist
Adaptación de la célebre obra de Chejov. Describe la visita que una actriz madura hace a su hermano y a su hijo en su casa de campo. Le acompaña para la ocasión un afamado novelista, de la que se enamora una jovencita que vive cerca del lugar.
La hora del lobo
Makeup Artist
En una isla viven los Borg: Johan, que es pintor, y su mujer Alma. Sus vecinos, los siniestros Von Merken, poseen un círculo de amistades tan escalofriante que Johan comienza a obsesionarse con la idea de que los demonios lo acechan...
El fuego de la vida
Makeup Artist
Adaptación de la novela de Eyvind Johnson que traza una historia de la Suecia rural a partir del año 1914, a través de un chico que deja la escuela para trabajar en los más diversos oficios.