Blair Underwood
Nacimiento : 1964-08-25, Tacoma, Washington, USA
Blair Underwood (born August 25, 1964) is an American television and film actor. He is perhaps best known as headstrong attorney Jonathan Rollins from the NBC legal drama L.A. Law, a role he portrayed for seven years. He has gained critical acclaim throughout his career, receiving numerous Golden Globe Award nominations, three NAACP Image Awards and 1 Grammy Award.
His feature film debut was the 1985 movie Krush Groove. His 1985 appearance on The Cosby Show landed him a short stint on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live, which eventually led to his performance on the TV series L.A. Law, where he appeared from 1987 to 1994.
Underwood broke into film with roles in Just Cause (1995), Set It Off (1996) and Deep Impact (1998). He also had a supporting role as a geneticist in the film Gattaca. In 2000, he played the lead role in the short-lived television series City of Angels. In 2003, he guest starred in four episodes on the HBO series Sex and the City playing Cynthia Nixon's love interest. In 2004, he played the role of Roger De Souza opposite Heather Locklear in NBC's LAX.
He gained acclaim as the sexy grade school teacher in the CBS sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine opposite Julia Louis-Dreyfus for two years. In 2007, he guest starred in an episode of the NBC series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. His also had a role as recurring character Alex in the HBO series In Treatment. Also in 2007, Underwood co-authored the novel Casanegra: A Tennyson Hardwick Novel with husband-and-wife team Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due.
He's also had recurring roles on Dirty Sexy Money, NBC's The Event, Ironside, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Quantico.
He has received three NAACP Image Awards, for his film work in Rules of Engagement, and his television work in L.A. Law, City of Angels, Murder in Mississippi and Mama Flora's Family. He was voted one of People's "50 Most Beautiful People" in 2000, and one of TV Guide's "Most Influential Faces of the 90s".
Examines the unspoken system that has shaped America and chronicles how our lives today are defined by a hierarchy of human divisions dating back generations.
As the United States recovered from the bloody aftermath of the Civil War, Congress passed the Reorganization Act in 1866, that created the first-ever all-Black peacetime regiments. These six regiments would be reduced to four – the 9th and 10th Cavalry and the 24th and 25th Infantry – and soon earn the moniker Buffalo Soldiers. Although they never received the true and full recognition they deserved, Black Patriots: Buffalo Soldiers, will tell their remarkable story of their valor, bravery, and service. From the complicated skirmishes in the Southwest against Native Americans to the heroic battles on foreign soil to the ongoing fight to be treated as first-class citizens, the Buffalo Soldiers served with pride, dignity, and belief in defending a free America.
Narrator (voice)
"Bear Witness" (Osa polar: Cómo se hizo) acompaña a los realizadores de "Osa Polar" de Disneynature en los retos a los que se enfrentan a unos 500 km del Polo Norte. El equipo, que creó un revolucionario campamento ártico "in situ", transitó por ventisqueros prácticamente infranqueables y el frágil hielo el frágil hielo marino para conseguir unas inauditas imágenes que muestran comportamientos adaptativos que sorprendieron hasta a los más veteranos.
Amos Bludso
En 1989, una joven ambiciosa consigue un tejido para triunfar en el mundo obsesionado por la imagen de la televisión musical. Sin embargo, su floreciente carrera puede tener un gran costo cuando se da cuenta de que su nuevo cabello puede tener mente propia.
Captain Richard Davenport
In a segregated army camp in Louisiana in 1944, a black sergeant is shot dead after crying out "they still hate you." As the play examines the murder, the truth of it becomes more shocking and hateful than the murder itself.
Jerome Richmond
Un pintor en ascenso se enamora perdidamente de una joven estudiante de Derecho. Pero las oportunidades y las expectativas amenazan con destruir su gran amor.
Narrator (voice)
“Penguins: Life on the Edge” muestra el trabajo de un equipo de grabación muy agudo y tenaz durante la grabación de este documental de Disneynature sobre la entrada a la madurez de un pingüino Adelia llamado Steve. Para cumplir con su misión, este equipo de directores de fotografía expertos deberá enfrentarse a la terrible Antártida, con unas temperaturas de hasta -40 grados, vientos huracanados y el apabullante aroma de un millón de pingüinos.
Go back to the beginning of television's longest-running primetime drama with behind-the-scenes footage, memorable scenes and exclusive interviews with the actors, creators and crew members.
Blair Underwood
Agobiada por los problemas de la vida y el amor, una madre de tres hijos ya adultos decide viajar a Paper Moon (Montana) en busca de la paz que ansía.
Sgt. Ellison
Cuando un video de un aspirante a rapero se hace viral, el asunto pone en peligro sus aspiraciones como músico y piensa que su carrera está terminada. Pero una fiesta desenfrenada en Nueva York le brinda una nueva oportunidad para volver a soñar.
Voice of Ellis Haizlip
On the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, one fearless black pioneer reconceived a Harlem Renaissance for a new era, ushering giants and rising stars of black American culture onto the national television stage. He was hip. He was smart. He was innovative, political, and gay. In his personal fight for social equality, this man ensured the Revolution would be televised. The man was Ellis Haizlip. The Revolution was soul!
Executive Producer
On the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, one fearless black pioneer reconceived a Harlem Renaissance for a new era, ushering giants and rising stars of black American culture onto the national television stage. He was hip. He was smart. He was innovative, political, and gay. In his personal fight for social equality, this man ensured the Revolution would be televised. The man was Ellis Haizlip. The Revolution was soul!
Executive Producer
En las olimpiadas celebradas en 1936 en el Berlín nazi, participaron 18 atletas afroamericanos. La historia solamente recuerda a uno de ellos. Este documental rescata la de los otros 17 y denuncia el racismo imperante en la sociedad de los Estados Unidos de la época.
En las olimpiadas celebradas en 1936 en el Berlín nazi, participaron 18 atletas afroamericanos. La historia solamente recuerda a uno de ellos. Este documental rescata la de los otros 17 y denuncia el racismo imperante en la sociedad de los Estados Unidos de la época.
Makuu (voice)
Kion es el pequeño hijo de Simba, el rey león, junto a su hermana Kira y su madre Nala. Un cachorro de león aventurero y atrevido que pasea por la sabana buscando problemas y los encuentra cuando va a las tierras baldías donde las hienas habitan y donde su amigo Bunga, un tejón melero, queda atrapado...
Ludie Watts
La anciana Carrie Watts (Cicely Tyson) vive de mala gana con su hijo sobreprotector Ludie y su pretenciosa nuera Jessie Mae. Ella no puede conducir, así que le pide a su hijo que la lleve de visita a Bountiful, su ciudad natal. Cuando él se niega, Carrie se escapa a la estación de autobuses, donde se hace amiga de una mujer joven llamada Thelma. Cuando Ludie y Jessie Mae descubren que Carrie se ha ido, llaman a la policía en busca de ayuda, pero la señora Watts convence al sheriff para ayudarla en su viaje hacia Bountiful. (FILMAFFINITY)
David Ames
The Ames' seem to have built the perfect life until their six year old daughter is kidnapped; over the course of seven days they begin to uncover secrets about their past that could rip their marriage and lives apart.
The Ames' seem to have built the perfect life until their six year old daughter is kidnapped; over the course of seven days they begin to uncover secrets about their past that could rip their marriage and lives apart.
George, un adolescente inteligente pero solitario y escéptico, cambia de actitud cuando entabla amistad con la bella Sally, una joven de su clase que le gusta desde hacía tiempo y que oculta su melancolía protegiéndose detrás de su máscara de "la chica más popular del instituto".
An award-winning feature-length documentary narrated by Golden Globe nominee Blair Underwood, FIRST GENERATION tells the story of four high school students - an inner city athlete, a small town waitress, a Samoan warrior dancer, and the daughter of migrant field workers - who set out to break the cycle of poverty and bring hope to their families and communities by pursuing a college education. Shot over the course of three years and featuring some of our nation’s top educational experts (Richard Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation; J.B. Schramm, College Summit; Dr. Bill Tierney, University of Southern California), this 95 minute documentary explores the problem of college access faced by first generation and low-income students and how their success has major implications for the future of our nation.
A group of 20-something blue-collar workers in Pittsburgh cook up a scheme to make extra money that involves prostitution. Their business takes off, then gets way out of hand.
A group of 20-something blue-collar workers in Pittsburgh cook up a scheme to make extra money that involves prostitution. Their business takes off, then gets way out of hand.
Sylvia (Tricia O'Kelley), una periodista de Seattle que trabaja como mujer del tiempo, descubre que su marido Dale (Mark Harmon) le está siendo infiel anunciándolo cuando está emitiendo en directo, lo que provoca su despido fulminante. Sylvia se muda entonces a casa de su hermano pequeño Walt (Ryan Devlin), y pronto conoce a su amigo y vecino Byron (Patrick J. Adams), un joven diametralmente opuesto a su marido en el que encuentra lo que éste nunca supo darle.
Henry Alabaster
The Hit is the sequel to cult favorite Straight Out of Compton, in which Blair Underwood stars as Hen, an up-and-coming record executive whose goal is to bring all rival rap record labels together and form one black-owned label that gives back to the community. While building this label he crosses paths with the Mob. Suddenly he's not just fighting for his business - he's fighting for his life
Continuación de las aventuras de la matriarca sureña Madea y su numerosa familia que comenzó en el film "Diary of a Mad Black Woman". Una orden judicial acaba de obligarla a hacerse cargo de Nikki, un fugitivo rebelde; sus sobrinas, Lisa y Vanessa, tienen problemas con sus relaciones, y encima tiene que organizar su reunión familiar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mark Harper
Comedia romántica sobre cómo y dónde encontrar el amor... cuando menos te lo esperas. Kenya Denise McQueen (Sanaa Lathan) es una mujer afroamericana independiente y trabajadora con gran éxito profesional, pero no tanto personal. Busca desesperadamente el amor y para su sorpresa, lo encuentra en un hombre blanco, Brian (Simon Baker). Las cosas se complican cuando aparece Mark (Blair Underwood) un hombre de color en principio más "apropiado" para Kenya... ¿Debe Kenya hacer lo que tenía planeado o debe librarse de sus prejuicios y descubrir el amor de verdad?
Palmer Addison
Miniserie de TV de 2 episodios. Un virus mortal desconocido se propaga rápidamente por todo el mundo. Para intentar controlar la epidemia, un agente secreto de Covert One deberá aislar la fuente antes de que mueran miles de personas. Una historia de acción e intriga internacional basada en una novela de Robert Ludlum (creador del personaje de "El caso Bourne").
Gregory Fletcher (voice)
Two African American boys schoolyard rivalry spirals out of control when their fathers develop superpowers.
A modern man is obsessed with finding inner salvation.
Tom Gibbsons
Bill Gluckman (Ryan O'Neal), un rico judío de Malibú candidato a gobernador de California, ve peligrar su carrera política por culpa de su hijo (Jamie Kennedy), un niño rico que, en su afán de convertirse en rapero, no cesa de poner en evidencia a su progenitor cada vez que habla y actúa como tal. Así que Bill, decidido a darle una lección y esperando quitarle de la cabeza la idea de ser rapero, contrata a dos actores para que, haciéndose pasar por gángsteres, secuestren a su hijo y le enseñen lo "duro" que es el mundo en el que se quiere introducir.
Calvin / Nicholas
Relato sobre la vida de un grupo de personajes de Hollywood en las horas previas a la fiesta de cumpleaños del productor del film en el que están trabajando. Carl Bright (David Hyde Pierce), un periodista que, además, escribe guiones, cree comprender la razón por la cual su esposa Lee (Keener) es infeliz. Ella, ejecutiva de una gran empresa, compensa sus frustraciones despidiendo trabajadores. A Linda (McCormack), que trabaja como masajista en un hotel, lo único que le preocupa es encontrar al hombre ideal. Calvin (Underwood), estrella de una popular serie televisiva, ha conseguido saltar al mundo del cine. El día acaba con la fiesta de cumpleaños de Gus en un exclusivo hotel de Beverly Hills. Película experimental con multitud de cameos.
Chip Hightower
Summer G (Richard T. Jones), un rapero, se enamora en la universidad de la bella Sky (Chenoa Maxwell), pero ella le rechaza para estar con otro hombre (Blair Underwood) por su futuro status social. Tras ser rechazado, Summer G se dedicará durante una década a construir un imperio en el mundo del hip hop, y sus destinos se volverán a unir. Libre adaptación afromaericana de "El gran Gatsby" de F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Det. Harris
Rayne Johnson is a shrewd investment company assistant who turns a mob slaying into a golden opportunity for a new improved lifestyle, managing to outsmart the crooked cops who are very eager to see her disappear.
Capt. Lee
El coronel Terry Childer (Jackson), un condecorado oficial veterano de Vietnam y Líbano, es acusado de asesinato por el ejército. Como abogado defensor elige al Coronel Hays Hodges (Tommy Lee Jones), un camarada que le debe la vida.
When her storyteller mother (Mary Alice) dies, attorney Clara Collier (Alfre Woodard) returns to her Georgia hometown and is soon captivated by a local legend of the "Magic Man" (Blair Underwood). While looking for the source of the tale, Clara uncovers suprising family secrets. Czech filmmaker Ivan Passer directs this family drama that delves into the storytelling tradition of the Deep South. Blair Underwood and Helen Shaver co-star.
Chance Williams
When a freak accident destroys everything in a man's life, he invades the troubled marriage of his best friends.
Mark Simon
El descubrimiento de un meteorito que viene en dirección a la Tierra a gran velocidad pone a toda la Humanidad en estado de alerta. Las naciones de todo el mundo preparan planes para tratar de salvar al mayor numero de personas y de especies animales posibles.
En un futuro cercano, en La Tierra la perfección genética impera. Los seres inferiores, como Vincent Freeman, cuyo ADN es fruto de una relación natural y no de laboratorio, están condenados al fracaso. Pero Vincent quiere triunfar, y conseguirá esconder su verdadera condición para conseguir su objetivo más ansiado: ser piloto espacial.
Keith Weston
Stony, Cleo, Tisean y Frankie han crecido juntas en el mismo suburbio de Los Ángeles. Todas han tenido una vida muy difícil y un día después una trágica cadena de acontecimientos las cuatro amigas se unen más que nunca. Deciden atracar a las entidades financieras más vulnerables y hacerse con un botín lo suficientemente grande como para cambiar de vida. Al principio todo va sobre ruedas, pero a media que se van haciendo con más dinero los intereses de cada una cambian.
Lieutenant C. Hodges
Eddie Ríos es acusado del asesinato de dos agentes de policía, sin embargo es declarado inocente por falta de pruebas válidas...
Jackie Robinson
Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson are the greatest players in the Colored leagues, and everyone expects that one of them will make the leap to the Major Leagues, now that there is talk of integration. But, unexpectedly, it's the rookie with the army record, Jackie Robinson, that gets tapped to be the first.
Bobby Earl Ferguson
Bobby Earl se enfrenta a la silla eléctrica acusado del asesinato de una joven. Ocho años después del crimen, Bobby llama al profesor en leyes Paul Armstrong para que le ayude a probar su inocencia. Armstrong pronto descubre pruebas falsas aportadas por la policía, pero a nadie le importa porque todos creen que Bobby es el asesino.
Un grupo de soldados de infantería, en su mayoría negros, regresan de la Guerra de Cuba (1898) con un alijo de oro. Viajan al Oeste, donde su líder busca a los hombres que lincharon a su padre.
Jared Williams
Drama, African-American Dramas, Made-for-TV Movies - As he approaches the end of a 15-year prison term, an embittered inmate crosses paths with a tough new prisoner and wonders whether he could be the son he left behind years ago. And if so, can the family chain of crime and violence be broken? Oscar winner Louis Gossett Jr., Blair Underwood and Rae Dawn Chong co-star in this made-for-television drama also known as Dangerous Relations.
Jared Williams
Lou Gosset Jr. is a boss-con. A new prisoner, Blair Underwood, is revealed as his long-lost son. When Underwood is released from jail, the parole board stipulates that Gosset live with him. Gosset gets a job as a car mechanic, and falls in with Rae Dawn Chong. Underwood falls in with his old criminal buddies, who decide to rob the dealership where Chong and Gosset work. Underwood gets cold feet, and the gang turns on him. Gosset stops a bullet meant for his son, who then builds a relationship with the daughter he never knew he had.
Memorial: Letters from American Soldiers is a 1991 American short documentary film directed by Bill Couturié. It shows footage from World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War, overlaid with readings of letters from US troops fighting in each war. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
American Experience
Bob Richardson
A rookie black journalist investigates the tensions of the Watts section of Los Angeles in the bloody summer of 1965.
Self - Choir Member
Behind the scenes making of the charity single "Voices That Care".
James Chaney
En la noche del 21 al 22 de junio de 1964, tres activistas pro derechos civiles, James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman y Michael Schwerner, fueron amenazados, agredidos, asesinados y, finalmente, enterrados por miembros del KKK y de la oficina del sheriff del Condado de Neshoba, Mississippi. Tras una ardua investigación y la gran repercusión que tuvo en los diferentes medios de comunicación, los cadáveres fueron hallados, al cabo de 44 días, en un terraplén cercano al lugar del crimen. El asesinato conmocionó al país a nivel nacional y fue el detonante de la Ley por los Derechos Civiles de 1964 y la Ley de Derecho al Voto de 1965. En Mississippi, la población afroamericana y otras minorías, al igual que durante el gobierno confederado, vivían bajo la segregación racial y las leyes de Jim Crow, que fueron abolidas tras la Constitución de 1890.
El FBI se refirió al caso como "Mississippi en llamas" o "Arde Mississippi" (Mississippi Burning).
Horace Bouchet
Julia Duffy is the cover girl and Dinah Manoff the cop in this made-for-TV contrivance.
Jonathan Rollins
This film combines live action/original animation and library animation. Mickey steals a magic hat from a Sorcerer and is put under a spell by the angry magi so that no one will recognize him until he finds his own magic within. While Mickey is on his quest, network news teams around the country desperately try to find the famous, beloved mouse who has mysteriously disappeared. On his quest, Mickey goes into the "Cheers" bar, meets up with the characters from "Family Ties", and winds up on Disneyland's Main Street the night before his Birthday celebration is to take place. It is there that he finds he has all the magic inside him that he will ever need. The spell is broken and the Birthday bash commences as the whole World celebrates the beloved Mickey Mouse.
Russell Walker
Russell Walker is a young, successful manager of rap performers, handling acts for the Krush Groove label, including Run-DMC and The Fat Boys. When Run-D.M.C. has a hit record and Russell needs more money to press more copies, he borrows it from a street hustler and soon regrets his decision.
FBI Agent Lee Harker is a gifted new recruit assigned to the unsolved case of an elusive serial killer. As the case takes complex turns, unearthing evidence of connections to occult practices, Harker discovers a personal connection to the merciless killer and must race against time to stop him before he claims the lives of another innocent family.
Written by Joe McClean, the story centers on a man named Andrew (Underwood) who falls into paranoia after his wife (Mason) goes missing, and finds the only way out of a years-long spiral in his new girlfriend Emilia (Silverman).
Written by Joe McClean, the story centers on a man named Andrew (Underwood) who falls into paranoia after his wife (Mason) goes missing, and finds the only way out of a years-long spiral in his new girlfriend Emilia (Silverman).