Guusje van Deuren


I Don't Wanna Dance
An aspiring teenage dancer finds himself torn between his increasingly destructive mother and his own happiness.
About That Life
Determined to live the high life and make their mark, a trio of audacious teenagers sets out on a riotous quest across Amsterdam to get into the city's most exclusive nightclub.
A family takes a vacation in Limburg, where the annoying behaviour of the father soon causes tension. When the wife can’t take it anymore and leaves with the son, the man gets into trouble when he meets two hunters. Well-made short relies on its resounding punch line. Ouch, ouch!
Fight Girl
Development Producer
Twelve-year-old Bo is a talented but hot-tempered kick boxer. However, Bo is distracted by her fighting parents who are in the middle of a divorce. Bo needs to learn how to control her emotions and at the same time accept the fact she can't control everything.
Se acabó el colegio
Una madre acude a la guardería de su hijo para hablar con la profesora sobre el comportamiento del niño.
Tarik helps his father Elias transport illegal immigrants into the Netherlands. When an accident occurs, Tarik gains the acknowledgment from his father he has yearned for, but at a high price - the loss of his own innocence.
The Intruder
Development Producer
In this smart and incisive thriller, a Dutch cop of Moroccan heritage goes undercover in a Moroccan drug ring and finds there a feeling of belonging he never experienced in "normal" society.
Dos disparos
Mariano, de 16 años, regresa una madrugada a su casa y encuentra un revólver en el garaje. Sin pensarlo, se dispara dos veces, pero sobrevive.
Kluizenaar - de Film
Broeder Hugo is 35, katholiek en al 10 jaar kluizenaar in Noord-Groningen. Hij woont alleen in zijn kapel achter een hek met een slot. Stilte lijkt dan voor het oprapen te liggen, maar afleiding misschien nog wel meer. Een beschouwende documentaire over de menselijke beweging tussen iets heel graag willen en de weerbarstige praktijk.