Leviathan: The Story of Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a feature length documentary uncovering the history and the making of Clive Barker's Hellbound: Hellraiser II. Released on three DVDs, part two looks in-depth at Hellbound.
Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a feature length documentary uncovering the history and the making of Clive Barker's Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II films.
Hayley Forbes-Clinton
Stevie "Smudger" Smith and his wife Marie are both addicted to drugs; he's also a dealer. The day he 'deals with' another dealer, she gives birth to a baby. The baby appears to be addicted too and Marie decides to give up the habit. Because Stevie doesn't want to give up using and dealing drugs, they take Marie and the baby away from him. The new, tough, social worker Liam Kane tries to get Stevie in his group sessions, by using his violent approach and by telling him it's the only way he'll ever see Marie and the baby back. So there seems to be hope to get Stevie clean, if only he wants to himself. That things aren't that easy is shown by the drugs addicted hooker Gail, who's satisfied with the life she leads.
Kirsty Cotton acaba recluida en un sanatorio donde intenta olvidar la pesadilla vivida con la muerte de sus padres. Sin embargo, allí coincide con el siniestro Doctor Channard, quien encuentra en la joven la pieza que necesita para llegar al éxito en sus intentos de encontrar la puerta a una dimensión oculta.
Alice Liddell, la mujer que inspiró a Lewis Carroll el personaje de Alicia, tiene ya 80 años en 1932 y viaja a Nueva York para asistir al centenario del genial escritor. En América, Alice se asombra de la enorme popularidad de los libros de Alicia y de la figura del reverendo Hodgson que se escondía tras el seudónimo de Lewis Carroll. En ese contexto, Alice comienza a repasar su infancia como joven amiga y musa de Carroll.