Miljenka Androić


Simon Magus
After finding out by chance that his ex-girlfriend Mina’s mother died, Simon decides to steal her body to provoke cathartic processes in Mina. Mina hasn’t been in contact with her mother for years because of some dark family secrets. Simon plans to keep the body hidden for a few days and then revive it. He possesses the powers needed to do this. However, the body is stolen from Simon and he has great difficulty retrieving it. Unaware of Simon’s problems, Mina confronts her past and the emotional baggage she’s been carrying for years.
Es el año 1992 en Croacia, en una pequeña ciudad cercana a la frontera con Bosnia. En mitad de la noche, se comete un asesinato, resultando muerto el único vecino serbio de la localidad. El jefe de la policía local, una periodista y un ex combatiente que acaba de enterrar a su padre son los únicos que parecen interesados en el caso, pues para el resto de la población no es más que un "acto de guerra" más y tratan de persuadirles para que dejen sus investigaciones. Por otro lado, una familia croata da el último adiós al padre, muerto en la guerra. El hijo pequeño, jura venganza. (FILMAFFINITY)
Slow Surrender
Petar Gorjan is a 40-year-old successful propagandist and cynical strategist of consumerist society that is faced with family and identity crisis. He embarks on a journey from Zagreb to Dubrovnik, transporting humanitarian aid in his off-road vehicle, and on his way he will be accompanied by slightly mentally troubled Lukas and a vagabond girl.
Territorio comanche
Mujer del granjero
Guerra de Bosnia, principios de los noventa. Cuando estalla la contienda, son muchos los corresponsales de guerra que acuden al lugar del conflicto. Pero también estalla la lucha entre los medios de comunicación, que no dudan en explotar el dolor ajeno con tal de subir la audiencia. Laura, una joven periodista de éxito, se instala en Sarajevo durante el asedio al que se vio sometida la ciudad. Allí conoce a Mikel, un experto reportero de firmes principios, y a José, su cámara. El contacto con las víctimas, los encuentros con periodistas de otros países, las disputas con Mikel y José, que desaprueban el enfoque oportunista que ella da a la información, llevan a Laura a reflexionar seriamente sobre su trabajo. Mientras tanto, con colegas de todas las nacionalidades y con la intérprete croata Jadranka, Laura recorre cada día la zona más peligrosa de Sarajevo: lo que ellos llaman "territorio comanche".
The Harbor
Next to a small Dalmatian town of Murvice oil was found, and politicians make a hasty decision to build a tanker port, although there is no oil in the quantities required for exploitation. Urged by his ambitious wife, the engineer Slobodan Despot becomes director of the port construction, which his wife's lover skillfully exploits to use Despot as scapegoat. The construction of unprofitable airport gradually destroys the patriarchal structure of Murvice, as well as Despot's personal life and ideals, which he tried to restore by having affair with the young and unspoiled girl.
In order to save her marriage, Marija tries to erase from memory the trauma that she's been haunted by ever since youth. The shock she had suffered killed all the love she felt for Dinko. When she meets him again, now that he has become a hopeless drunkard, she feels lost even more.
Bombing Process
In 1928 young Communist activist was arrested and put on trial for anti-state activity. Years later he became known as Tito, Communist president of Yugoslavia, and this TV-movie was made for the 50th anniversary of those events.