Ljiljana Bogojević


Dr. Shpishich - Dupesheski
Two couples are decent at the beginning and happy at the end.
Safe Place
A traumatic event – a sudden suicide attempt – opens a gap in the everyday life of a family of three. Their lives change fundamentally, as if they've been pulled into a war invisible to everyone else. The plot is limited to the most acute, a short period of time and a situation that boils down to the most important thing – to save a loved one. The film was based on the personal experience of the director, who also plays the leading role.
The staffroom
Una nueva orientadora escolar intenta evitar las dinámicas de poder impuestas por la directora, los profesores y los padres. La sala de profesores se convierte en una jungla salvaje donde solo el más fuerte podrá sobrevivir.
The Rudeness of a German Lady
Under the burning sun, beachgoers are trying to take advantage of every minute of their paid trip to a desolate beach. Among them are a mother with her grown son, two ladies and their dog, a passive-aggressive married couple, loud Italians, happy Hungarians, and an overweight, possibly dead, German lady.
Dios es mujer y se llama Petrunya
Woman at Factory
Cada mes de enero tiene lugar el mismo festival en un pequeño pueblo de Macedonia: uno de los sacerdotes de mayor rango eclesiástico lanza una cruz al agua que un grupo de hombres ha de buscar. Se dice que aquel que la encuentre tendrá para siempre buena suerte en la vida y prosperidad. Sin embargo, este año es una mujer, Petrunija (Zorica Nusheva) quien tiene la suerte de encontrarla. Dado que vive en una sociedad basada en antiguos códigos morales y sociales, la comunidad de hombres se siente con el derecho de estar enfurecidos. ¿Cómo es posible que una mujer se haya atrevido a hacer lo mismo que ellos, teniendo éxito en el proceso? Sin embargo, Petrunija se siente la legítima ganadora del concurso y no está dispuesta a devolver la cruz bajo ningún concepto.
For Good Old Times
Two childhood friends face adulthood in different ways. Life is still a game for them – girls, football, parties. But the choices they make will determine the course of their lives and put their friendship to the test. In the Balkans, every generation has their own reasons to leave. This is a story about a generation caught in the transition from socialism to capitalism, marked by a brutal war.
No Laughing Allowed
Boris is a satisfied fifty-year-old man with a wife, a daughter, a son, and… A lover. Younger one, of course. But he suddenly runs out of luck and thinks up a new plan to get back his harmonic life. However, with each new move he becomes more tangled up in a web of unexpected situations, his baits fall on unforeseen places, and his marital triangle gets more and more angles…
The Man Under the Table
The microcosmic world of a street market on the outskirts of Zagreb: traders, thieves, prostitutes, self-appointed security guards and other lost souls, each with their own unique ideas, passion or mania. We follow the tragicomic, mutually intertwined mini dramas of each character, as they fight to save the marketplace itself, when city planners threaten to raze it to the ground and replace it with a skyscraper.
Filipova majka
Eliciting images of cancer, this drama explores the illnesses that plague modern Croatia. Four young junkies in Zagreb maturing in the wake of war reflect the petty hatreds, violence, prejudices and mood hanging over the country like a disease that spreads with no cure in sight.
Sleep Sweet, My Darling
Gospodja Hižak
"Sleep Sweet, My Darling" shows a bittersweet coming of age of Tomica Skrinjar, starting at the tail end of World War II in 1945.
A panoramic view over society across ten unfortunate characters whose stories sometimes intertwine.
Leaving Paskvelija
Ženata na Zurlo
A TV film adaptation of the book Paskvelija by renowned Macedonian author Živko Čingo.
The Life of Stipe Zvonarov
After Stipe Zvonarov returned from the Austro-Hungarian army to his Slavic village, he found his wife Mara and mother. Women rightly expect Stipe to accept rural jobs, but he can no longer accept the monotony and restrictions of rural life.
Clement of Ohrid
Moma vo manastirot
Life and work of Saint Kliment of Ohrid, a medieval Slav saint, scholar, writer and patron saint of the Republic of Macedonia.