Claudio Mattone


Con tutto il cuore
Original Music Composer
Crociera Vianello
Package, Double Package and Counterpackage
Original Music Composer
Cuenta la historia de algunos de los jóvenes internos del reformatorio Nisida, en Nápoles, comprometidos con la construcción de un teatro musical bajo la dirección del actor Assante. A través de las historias individuales de los chicos, la película presenta al espectador una perspectiva interesada en las difíciles cuestiones de la problemática juvenil en la Camorra napolitana.
Il mistero di Bellavista
Original Music Composer
Thus Spoke Bellavista
Original Music Composer
In Naples, Professor Bellavista is a retired man, passionate about the philosophy and thought of Ancient Greece. Every day, in his luxurious apartment, he teaches his lessons of life to the poor-nothing (his friends), who are dazzled by his reasoning. One day, however, the quiet life of the building of Bellavista will be disturbed by the arrival of a director of Milan. Between Naples and Milan there contrast, because the Neapolitans are accustomed to enjoy a quiet life, always based on the "philosophy of pleasure and delay", while the northern Italians are very strict and punctual.
FF.SS. cioè '...che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?'
Mi prima carnal
Original Music Composer
La historia plantea el triángulo sentimental que se establece durante unas vacaciones entre un adolescente, su muy atractiva prima y el padre del chico.