Robert O'Connor


A Different Kind of Christmas
Executive Producer
When you're the city attorney you don't need the kinds of problems that her father was giving her. After her mother died, her father began doing his "Santa Schtick," as she called it, much more intensely... which meant that he turned his home into a kind of year-round Santa Claus castle where children of all ages could come to see the wonderful presents and no child ever left without a gift.
Drácula de Bram Stoker
Executive Producer
Antes de convertirse en vampiro, el conde Drácula era el príncipe Vlad, quien tras conocer la muerte de su prometida, vendió su alma al diablo. Cuatro siglos después, en Londres, encuentra a Mina, reencarnación de su amor perdido.
Criminal Justice
Executive Producer
A knife-scarred victim must identify her assailant beyond a reasonable doubt. Meanwhile the accused is offered a deal if he pleads guilty. Is he as innocent as the victim? Is the justice system guiltier than both?
Shootdown (Derribado)
Executive Producer
Estamos en plena Guerra Fría, la tensión entre las potencias mundiales se incrementa tras un lamentable incidente. En 1983, un misil soviético alcanza un avión civil 747 coreano, repleto de pasajeros, que volaba a más de 10.000 metros de altitud. El avión cae y se hunde en el mar del Japón. No hay supervivientes. El mundo se conmueve e indigna cuando la noticia, a pesar del intento de las superpotencias de silenciarla, llega al público. Esta es la historia real, que descubre la verdad y proporciona aclaraciones de vital importancia, pero también levanta terribles preguntas que aún hoy esperan respuesta.
Frank Nitti: The Enforcer
Executive Producer
Al Capone may be the most famous Chicago mobster, but his successor, Frank "The Enforcer" Nitti (Anthony LaPaglia), was just as ruthless. This biopic goes to great lengths to accurately trace Nitti's rise to the top of the Windy City's underworld, amid corruption, betrayal and violence. The result is an engrossing glimpse into mob life in the early 20th century.