Skye Lourie

Skye Lourie


Skye Lourie


God's Petting You
Tattoo Girl
Charlie is a drug addict. He meets a girl. She's a sex addict. What could possibly go wrong?
Star Dogs
Star Dogs is a brand new British comedy that follows the exploits of a rag-tag group of space-pirates as they try and make a living in a strange new future.
Chris and Lucy are cut adrift in their thirties struggling to remember what initially attracted them to one another and wondering where do they go from here. Cue an impulsive decision to spend a fortnight interrailing around Europe's most romantic destinations, in the hope that this might save their seemingly doomed relationship.
Enitan es un joven nigeriano que fue "cedido" por sus padres a una familia británica blanca con la esperanza de darle un futuro mejor. Atrapado entre dos mundos y sin pertenecer a ninguno de los dos, la necesidad de amor y aceptación de Enitan es explotada por los adultos, transformando a un dulce muchacho en una amenaza adolescente. Basada en la propia experiencia del director en la Inglaterra de los 80.
The Marker
Un thriller sobre un criminal que busca redención localizando a la hija de la mujer a la que mató. Por el camino, su culpabilidad se manifiesta a través del fantasma de la mujer.
Ben is a control-freak, charmer, abuser and warped product of the digital age. He films everything. Jess is just out of rehab. Their worlds are dominated by each other. Jess now needs some space and time apart from Ben and is invited by her friends to their house in the woods for the weekend. People arrive and the party kicks off… but not everyone attending has been invited.
Mandíbulas contra Anaconda
Un cocodrilo se bate cuerpo a cuerpo contra una anaconda gigante. El sheriff de la ciudad deberá encontrar una manera de destruir a los dos monstruos antes de que maten a toda la población de la ciudad.
A teenage boxer searching for self-definition gives in to his true colours at the risk of losing everything.
The Facility
Carmen Van Percy
Ocho voluntarios se encontrarán luchando por sobrevivir después de que una prueba con drogas a la que se someten voluntariamente como cobayas vaya terriblemente mal.
The Devil's Dosh
Every great London crime boss has a tragic beginning. This is Marcus' story.
The Holding
A heart-pounding suspense thriller, set on an isolated farm in England's beautiful, rugged Peak District.