Hélio Ferraz


Neville D'Almeida: Chronicler of Beauty and Chaos
This film seeks to rescue the role of filmmaker Neville D'Almeida by using many rare images, numerous interviews, vast archival and audiovisual material.
El sexo lo cambia todo
Associate Producer
Isolda (Irene Ravache), tía de Dolores (Laura Ramos), envía a su sobrina a La Habana 5000 dólares desde su casa en Río de Janeiro, para que pueda montar el restaurante que tanto desean ambas. Dolores no sabe que los dólares viajan camuflados en el tacón de unos zapatos de baile. Los zapatos llegan a La Habana, pero son canjeados una y otra vez por diversos artículos y distintas personas, sin que nadie sepa lo que esconden en su interior. Cuando Dolores se entera, intenta recuperarlos a toda costa, revolviendo toda La Habana, ayudada por su amigo José (Jorge Sanz) un buscavidas español que se hace pasar por cubano para sobrevivir y Mercedes (María Galiana) antigua ama de llaves, diabética y algo transtornada.
For All - O Trampolim da Vitória
Associate Producer
1943, World War II. The northeastern coast of Brazil is an strategic region for the Allies. Giancarlo, an Italian immigrant married to a Brazilian woman, lives nearby the Parnamirin Field, the largest military base built by the USA outside of their territory. In this new base, Brazilian recruits who speak English suddenly find themselves reaching privileged positions.
Razor in the Flesh
Associate Producer
Neusa Suely, a prostitute, is accused by her pimp Vado of stealing his money. To get rid of the accusations, she blames her neighbour, Veludo. The three characters then start to live a small tragedy set in the underground Rio de Janeiro scene.
Love Me Forever or Never
Young and recently separated couple meet in a modern house and start discussing their past relationship.
The story of João "Jango" Goulart, the Brazilian left-wing president deposed by the military.
Santo and Jesus, Metalworkers
From its very title, Cláudio Kahns and Antônio Paulo Ferraz's Santo e Jesus, Metalúrgicos is crystal clear about where it stands and about its messianic flair. Through a wordplay with the religious connotation of the names of the two men, murdered during the worker strikes of the late 1970s in São Paulo, it associates sainthood and Christ himself with the working class. That association is reaffirmed throughout the film, from the very beginning, including by a priest. The martyrdom of metalworkers Nelson Pereira de Jesus and Santo Dias da Silva is the starting point to denounce the working conditions faced by factory workers, and the repression which ensues whenever they try to resist them. However, the film also presents us with the 'official' version of the facts, going so far as to feature interviews with the man who killed Nelson. Obviously, it sides with the workers, as it conveys the strength of the oppressed and the impudence of the oppressors.
Rio Babilônia
A public relations man is invited to guide an American millionaire during his stay in Rio de Janeiro. He gets involved in the most bizarre situations, from orgiastic mega-parties to confrontations with the police, meetings with drug dealers and movie stars, facing corruption and even murder.
Xica da Silva
Describe la vida de Xica; una singular esclava negra en tiempos de la Colonia, mujer que cautivara al contratador de una región rica en diamantes, Gonzalo Fernández de Oliveira y, a base de audacia y desenfado, ascendiera hasta reina de su imperio.