Suphachai Sittiaumponpan


Ghost Game
Ghost Game tells the story of 11 contestants who sign up for a scary reality show which forces them to confront the supernatural and their innermost fears. They're brought to an ancient war museum in Cambodia, which was used as a Khmer Rouge prison twenty years before. Thousands of innocent people were tortured and killed there during the Cambodian war in the 1970s.
The Thai Thief
In World War II, Japanese troops invaded South East Asia and occupied most of the countries as colonies. Thailand allowed troops to deliver weapons and gold via train to Central Asia. This booty-filled train led to an idea for Khom, a well-known thief to stage a brilliant crime. Meanwhile, Toe, the leader of the movement against the troops has a plan to stop the train, but the situation turns upside-down, when Khom and Toe have to help a secret agent from being captured by Japanese troops.
Ong Bak: El guerrero Muay Thai
Ong Bak es una estatua legendaria de Buda que se halla en el templo de Nong Para-du, en la Tailandia rural. Los aldeanos creen que los poderes mágicos de Ong Bak les protegen de todo mal. Un despiadado gánster roba la cabeza del buda dejando al pueblo totalmente desprotegido. Sus habitantes buscarán a un guerrero para recuperar el buda y enfrentarse a la banda de gánsters, encontrando a Ting, un huérfano criado en el templo, y alumno de Pra Kru, un amable monje, experto en el ancestral arte del Muay Thai: “Las Nueve Armas Corporales".