The Narrator / Stan
Stan is young, but had already been in hell. Once he was accused in a series of brutal murders, though the evidence was not accurate. The verdict of the court sent him to hospital, where they hold dangerous mentally ill. A few years later at the urging of his psychiatrist dealing resumed, and Stan was released.However, after his release from the hospital once again began killing one another frightening ...
An insane face-off between two smart serial killers. This thriller supsense is 100% intense: sensitive souls beware!
French writer recalls her start as the country wife of a Paris publisher who called her erotic work his own.
With his job in the balance, Gérard bets his boss that he can transform bad-tempered street person Lola into television star material. With the inducement of stardom as his lure, he takes Lola in hand and becomes her instructor, sending her to ballet and acting classes, where she misbehaves. Most of her petulance is reserved for Gérard, however, but in the tradition of Pretty Woman and My Fair Lady, in the end he gets the girl and a new star -- in the same package.
Una joven criminal, condenada por asesinar a un policía, es adiestrada para matar a cambio de la conmutación de su pena. En Hollywood se hizo un remake protagonizado por Bridget Fonda.
Jacques Mayol es un joven francés con un talento especial para el buceo, y ayuda al profesor Lawrence en sus experimentos marinos. Cuando era niño y vivía en una pequeña población griega junto a su gran amigo Enzo Molinari, ahora campeón de buceo en apnea, Jacques perdió a su padre, que trabajaba como buzo, pero a pesar de ello ama al mar por encima de todo. Nada de lo que tiene o consigue en la vida le llena tanto como estar bajo el agua.