Faris Kermani


Heroic Bodies
Director of Photography
The history of systematic oppression of women in Sudan dates back to the 16th century. Heroic Bodies presents many examples of the ways in which the female body was regarded and treated as property, from women forced to live as concubines or slaves, to genital mutilation and facial disfigurement. Women’s rights advocates—most of them women, but also a few men—tell stories of horrific traditions and oppression, as well as brave resistance and change.
Kumbh Mela - The Greatest Show On Earth
February 2013, Allahabad, India. Over the next 55 days, nearly a hundred million people will come here, to the Great Kumbh Mela. This incredible and awe-inspiring celebration of the world's oldest religion happens every 12 years at the place where Hindus believe two sacred rivers meet. For many Hindus this is their most important pilgrimage, and it happens at one of the most holy sites in India. Hindus come to cleanse themselves in the sacred waters of the river Ganges, to pray and emerge purified and renewed. This follows British pilgrims as they embark on a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual journey. A journey that will take them into the heart of Hinduism - its philosophy, its beliefs and its traditions. A journey that will culminate in the largest ever gathering of humans in one place.
Kumbh Mela - The Greatest Show On Earth
February 2013, Allahabad, India. Over the next 55 days, nearly a hundred million people will come here, to the Great Kumbh Mela. This incredible and awe-inspiring celebration of the world's oldest religion happens every 12 years at the place where Hindus believe two sacred rivers meet. For many Hindus this is their most important pilgrimage, and it happens at one of the most holy sites in India. Hindus come to cleanse themselves in the sacred waters of the river Ganges, to pray and emerge purified and renewed. This follows British pilgrims as they embark on a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual journey. A journey that will take them into the heart of Hinduism - its philosophy, its beliefs and its traditions. A journey that will culminate in the largest ever gathering of humans in one place.
Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World
In this fascinating documentary, historian Bettany Hughes travels to the seven wonders of the Buddhist world.Her journey begins at the Mahabodhi Temple in India, where Buddhism was born; here Hughes examines the foundations of the belief system - the three jewels.At Nepal's Boudhanath Stupa, she looks deeper into the concept of dharma - the teaching of Buddha, and at the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka, Bettany explores karma, the idea that our intentional acts will be mirrored in the future.At Wat Pho Temple in Thailand, Hughes explores samsara, the endless cycle of birth and death that Buddhists seek to end by achieving enlightenment, before travelling to Angkor Wat in Cambodia to learn more about the practice of meditation.In Hong Kong, Hughes visits the Giant Buddha and looks more closely at Zen, before arriving at the final wonder, the Hsi Lai temple in Los Angeles, to discover more about the ultimate goal for all Buddhists - nirvana.
Seven Wonders of the Muslim World
Starting from six historic mosques in various parts of the Muslim world, a half-dozen pilgrims travel to Mecca in this gorgeously filmed PBS documentary. The journey sheds light on their beliefs and their lives as well as the beautiful worship sites. The seven wonders are Mecca's Grand Mosque, Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque, Granada's Alhambra, Istanbul's Blue Mosque, Mali's Great Mosque of Djenné, Iran's Imam Mosque and Pakistan's Badshahi Mosque.
The Bangladesh Story
An interview based documentary directed by Faris Kermani which tells the story of how Bangladesh was created. It was broadcasted on Channel 4 of UK in January, 1989. The doc is divided in 3 episodes. The total runtime is just over an hour.