Director of Photography
Tommy tiene el diskette de computadora usado por el Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos para imprimir billetes. Asi, se convierte en el objetivo de unos mafiosos que poseen el papel necesario para las impresiones. Cuando estos secuestran a su hija para presionarlo, Tommy entra en acción para rescatarla.
Drug adict teen gets out of rehab only to be accused of her boyfriend's death.
Director of Photography
Poland 1939, shortly before invasion of the German troops. To save their belongings from the Nazis, the Jewish family Diamant transfers them to their 17-year-old catholic maid Fusia. In return Fusia provides them with food until the ghetto is dissolved, and then hides 13 people in her loft for over two years. However, as the front approaches and two German nurses take quarter in Fusias apartment everything seems to be in vain.
Director of Photography
Parodia de la película "El Exorcista". Nancy es una mujer adulta que tiene una familia a la que cuidar. Pero una noche, viendo la televisión, es "reposeida" por el demonio. El padre Jebedaiah Mayii y el padre Luke Brophy intentarán por todos los medios, de nuevo, hacer un exorcismo para liberar a Nancy del mal.
Director of Photography
When their stingy boss suddenly drops dead, two coworkers decide to split the million in cash in his safe, only to find themselves pursued by the criminal owners of the money.
Director of Photography
Ellen Berent es una mujer bella e irresistible; Richard Harland es viudo y rico, una presa fácil para ella. Nada puede interponerse entre su pasión, nada... excepto el gran amor que Richard siente hacia su hijo, algo que Ellen no está dispuesta a soportar. Paulatinamente, los enfermizos celos de Ellen harán que vea el asesinato como la única opción posible, dando lugar a un trágico desenlace...
Director of Photography
A small-time, down-on-his-luck private eye tries to win back his estranged wife and their young disabled son when he takes on a seemingly easy case that sours.
Director of Photography
A high school graduate leaves behind her modest life and finds work in the sex industry, but it ends in disaster. A dramatized account of the life of the adult actress Shauna Grant.
Director of Photography
The Deliberate Stranger es un telefilm de dos partes, estrenado en Estados Unidos por la cadena NBC el 4 mayo de 1986. La película esta basada en el libro de Richard W. Larsen, sobre el asesino en serie Ted Bundy ( Theodore Robert Cowell Bundy ), de quien se estima que el número de sus víctimas podría rondar las cien mujeres. Sin embargo los números oficiales solo lo acusan de alrededor de treinta y seis.
Director of Photography
The definitive photographic record of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, told "from the inside" through the lives of the participants, the words of David Perry, and the singing voice of Placido Domingo. From the opening to closing ceremonies, this unique style of storytelling shows a side of the Olympic Games not seen by television audiences.
When a documentary-maker begins to make a film about child sexual abuse, the subject begins to eat into him and affect his relationship with those around him, particularly his wife.
Director of Photography
The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a doctor from the camp who performed experiments on them as young girls. To their horror they learn that he has already been tried as a war criminal and has served but a few years for his crimes. They decide that they will "execute" him, drawing lots to determine which one will perform the act, without letting the others know who it is.
Director of Photography
En la academia de policía están a punto de finalizar sus pruebas preparatorias para el cuerpo un numeroso grupo de veteranos. Durante un tiempo, coinciden con los novatos de nuevo ingreso, que serán el centro de un montón de bromas que muchas veces se lo harán pasar muy mal.
Moments before being surprised at an anniversary garden party thrown by her husband and their family and friends, Carol Sherwood shocks him by saying she wants a divorce and during the course of the party, she has three separate fantasies with three different men in attendance of being married to them. The first is with egotistical real estate magnate Craig Wyler. The second is with milquetoast English professor David Koenig. The third is with her best friend Elaine's husband Phil.
Director of Photography
A wealthy cosmetic tycoon and her 12-year-old daughter, who's dying from leukemia, strike up a sentimental friendship with a California politician. Since the girl has only six weeks or less to live, the trio fly to New York City where the daughter skates the ice rink at Rockefeller Center, assumes the lead in The Nutcracker ballet, and sightsees most of the city.
Director of Photography
Mickey Spillane's hard-hitting '50s private eye, Mike Hammer, returns to television in the guise of Kevin Dobson to track down the killer of his best friend who was driving Hammer's car. Joining in the hunt are the detective's Girl Friday, the ever-hopeful Velda, and his cop friend, Pat Chambers.
Director of Photography
With the support of her parents, an Arizona adolescent overcomes severe injuries to run in a 10K race.
Director of Photography
Casey Powell is a teenage girl who is secretly suffering from anorexia nervosa, a mental and physical illness of deliberately starving herself or self-inducing vomiting, because of her inability to cope with family stress and because of social pressures.
Director of Photography
Twelve year old Jennifer is unhappy with her widowed mom's relationship with a family friend. Feeling lonely, she readily accepts the friendship of an adult man named Howie and joins the softball team he coaches. Soon, Howie is convincing Jennifer to pose for photographs which become more and more revealing. Howie turns out to be a pedophile who works in child pornography and he plans to make Jennifer a "star". Will Jennifer's mother be able to help her daughter before it's too late?
Director of Photography
Small-time crook Rooney cons his crippled brother, a street-wise news vendor, into snatching a wealthy, emotionally-disturbed runaway to extort money from her parents, but the brother throws the get-rich-quick scheme awry by falling in love with her.
Director of Photography
Following their parents' divorce and their mother's subsequent suicide, a teenager and his younger brother are resentful of having to live with the father from whom they have long been estranged, and the struggle to reestablish a relationship is explored.
Director of Photography
Clifford Peache (Chris Makepeace) es un joven que llega nuevo a un colegio donde se le recibe con hostilidad en este film juvenil que obtuvo excelentes críticas en USA
Director of Photography
A small-town bar, open only from 9AM to 3PM and owned by Buck (Earl Holliman), is the setting where bored housewives and wandering husbands go to find some adventure in their miserable lives.
Director of Photography
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
Director of Photography
Six former sorority sisters are suspected of murder when a baby's skeleton is found in the ruins of the sorority house.
Director of Photography
A young American woman travels to North Vietnam to search for her husband, an American pilot who was shot down during the war. She is joined by a Canadian reporter, who is looking for a human interest story and sees this as his ticket to the big time.
Director of Photography
While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about a terrorist plot. Before long, Craig becomes concerned that a shocking act of real-life terrorism already may be underway. Meanwhile, radical actor Bret Easton works in cahoots with a group of extremists to coordinate the hijacking of a trio of passenger planes in a devastating, multi-city nuclear attack.
Director of Photography
Un millonario sin escrúpulos reclama a la adorable perrita que vive felizmente en un viñedo de California con un anciano que cuida de sus dos nietos huérfanos. Cuando el poderoso empresario consigue llevarse a Lassie a Colorado, uno de los niños emprende un viaje en busca de la perra. Mientras tanto, Lassie también se ha escapado e intenta volver a casa. Ambos vivirán arriesgadas aventuras y conocerán personajes extraordinarios.
Director of Photography
The marriage of a wealthy, outwardly happy couple is threatened by the husband's alcoholism.
Director of Photography
Biografia completa de Howard Hughes,un hombre ambicioso y visionario que se enriqueció y destacó como director y productor de Hollywood, pionero de la aviación y hombre misterioso.
Two black brothers in a traveling minstrel show in the early part of the twentieth century have two different goals. One brother is determined to succeed in a field that is dominated by white performers in blackface, and the other is a composer fighting to break away from the stereotypes associated with black minstrel performers.
Holmes tiene que acudir a toda prisa a la ciudad de Nueva York después de descubrir que su antiguo némesis, Moriarty, ha secuestrado al hijo de su antiguo amor, la actriz Irene Adler.
Director of Photography
An intimate look at life in the ghetto: Johnny Williams is a house painter who moonlights as a poet, struggling to financially and emotionally support his cancer-ridden wife Mattie. But times are tough and the poverty-troubled streets are even tougher, and it takes every ounce of Johnny's love and courage for the couple to make it through their strife, finding redemption in the River Niger.
A TV producer with a terminal illness is given the strength to keep going by her love for her doctor.
Director of Photography
In the near future, a group of scientists living in a space ship wake up from a hibernation state and come back to an apocalyptic Earth.
Director of Photography
A television series titled Black Bart was produced for CBS based on Andrew Bergman's original story for Blazing Saddles (Black Bart was the movie's original title). It featured Lou Gossett, Jr. as Bart and Steve Landesberg as his drunkard sidekick, a former Confederate officer named "Reb Jordan". The Humour was much more toned down than it's feature film predecessor Other cast members included Millie Slavin and Noble Willingham. Bergman is listed as the sole creator. CBS aired the pilot once on April 4, 1975 as a CBS Special Presentation. The pilot featured guest appearances by Gerrit Graham and Brooke Adams and was written by Michael Elias and Rich Eustis. Elias and Eutis later created and executive produced the ABC sitcom Head of the Class (1986-1991).
Director of Photography
An examination of the workings of a big city's legal system as seen through the eyes of people involved in a sensational murder trial.
Director of Photography
Who is the father of Ann Collins’ baby? Her husband had a vasectomy years ago. And Ann hasn’t been with another man. Even more mysterious: as the baby grows inside her, Ann begins to change. She is beset by strange illnesses, pours tablespoons of salt on her food, turns the thermostat to 50 degrees, speed-reads academic tomes. But much bigger shocks are yet to come. Barbara Eden stars in this hypnotic, swiftly paced blend of horror and sci-fi from Richard Matheson, the popular and prolific writer who also penned the novel I AM LEGEND and several notable THE TWILIGHT ZONE scripts.
Director of Photography
Dos jóvenes apasionados por el circuito de Nascar, el piloto Larry (Peter Fonda) y su mecánico Deke, (Adam Roarke) cometen toda clase de delitos para poder financiar su aventura deportiva. (FILMAFFINITY)
After being cryogenically frozen for more than 30 years, a woman wakes to find her husband an old man and her children older than she is. Her daughter has also developed a psychotic obsession with her and may be out to kill her.
Varios países con recursos financian el Proyecto Questor, la idea es llegar más allá en el arte androide con la fabricación de un super-humano, partiendo del material dejado por el desaparecido creador principal del proyecto el profesor Vaslovik. En ausencia del Dr. Vaslovik, sus antiguos colegas intentan descifrar las cintas de programación para asegurarse de que no haya nada malicioso y destruir parte de ellas en el proceso.
Director of Photography
Bumper Morgan is a veteran Los Angeles Police Department street cop. He is due to retire after 20 years on the job, but is not letting up on the criminal element on his beat.
Director of Photography
Ann es una asistenta social que recibe un caso muy especial, tiene que visitar a la familia Wadsworth: la madre, dos hijas y un bebé. Lo que hace más difícil este caso es que el pequeño tiene 21 años y Ann, que atraviesa un mal momento en su vida personal, se dedica plenamente al niño.
Director of Photography
In this pilot for the 1972-73 series, a detective specializing in missing persons cases finds himself accused of murder after being found unconscious in the apartment of a slain state official.
Director of Photography
Un joven ex-soldado americano es acosado por unas chicas que viajan en una furgoneta en un bosque, huirá de ellas hasta ir a parar a la orilla de un río donde conocerá a una bella joven a la que una bruja robó su alma.
Director of Photography
Minnie Moore trabaja en un museo y vive con un hombre que la maltrata. Seymour Moskowitz es un viejo beatnick aparcacoches que no encuentra su lugar en el mundo. No tienen nada en común, excepto su soledad. Se conocen en un parking, cuando Moskowitz defiende a Minnie de la agresión de su acompañante. A pesar de sus diferencias y su amargura, descubren la gran necesidad que tienen el uno del otro.
Director of Photography
La muerte adopta forma humana y visita la Tierra para tratar de averiguar por qué los seres humanos quieren aferrarse desesperadamente a la vida. Inesperadamente, se enamora de una mujer joven y bella.
Director of Photography
George Plimpton got a job playing one of the bad guys in the Howard Hawks-directed John Wayne Western "Rio Lobo." In this special we see him talking to Hawks about whether he'll be killed off or not, to Wayne about how to cultivate a special walk to make oneself a star in movies and to himself as he attempts to rehearse his tiny part and while doing so is caught in the frame of a setup for another scene and chastised by Wayne. Wayne calls Plimpton "Pimpleton" throughout this special.
Camera Operator
Un reportero de televisión se involucra personalmente en los episodios violentos que irrumpen en la Convención Demócrata de 1968. El film presenta una reflexión sobre la política norteamericana de finales de los '60 y el rol de los medios de comunicación.
Director of Photography
Documentary about two boys and a girl who travel to surfing spots around the world.
When the schoolboy Petryk takes revenge on his classmates by erasing their names from a letter, they disappear from the real world and fall into the land of Baronia. In order to save them, Petryk must change himself and reveal the secret of Baronia. Together with his friend Katya and their teacher Bo-Bo, Petryk travels to Baronia to save their friends. Petryk turns from an avenger into a hero and conquers the cruel world of Baronia.