Finn Carter

Finn Carter

Nacimiento : 1960-03-09, Greenville, Mississippi, USA


Finn Carter (born Elizabeth Fearn Carter) is an American actress. She is the daughter of former United States State Department Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Hodding Carter III, and his first wife, the former Margaret Ainsworth Wolfe.


Finn Carter


Halfway Decent
When his wife pressures him to have another child, Tom Black retreats from his marriage and takes a stab at living alone. But in light of his crumbling personal life and a mountain of on-the-job problems, what he had before seems halfway decent.
Taking Back Our Town
A true story about a concerned housewife, Pat Melancon, who tries to block Shintech, a massive Japanese petrochemical conglomerate, from building a plant in her toxic township already known as "cancer alley". Pat and a few newly recruited, fledgling activitsts face the full force of Shintech's wealth and influence peddling, which has bought the cooperation of the government from the local level all the way up to the Governor's office.
Missing Pieces
Atticus (James Coburn) goes to the small Mexican town where his estranged son (Paul Kersey) was a resident to discover how he died.
Love in Another Town
Amy Cantrell
A fortyish interior designer, dumped by her husband, moves across the country and finds love in another town in a relationship with a much younger man.
Fantasmas del pasado
Cynthia Speetgens
En la medianoche del 12 de junio de 1963, una bala acaba con la vida del activista en favor de los derechos civiles Medgar Evers, secretario de la Asociación Nacional para el Progreso de la Gente de Color en el estado sureño de Mississippi. Su asesino es el supremacista blanco Byron De La Beckwith, que resulta absuelto tras dos juicios nulos. Han pasado treinta años desde aquellos hechos, y el asesino sigue libre. ¿Es demasiado tarde para hacer justicia?
Sweet Justice
Sunny Justice
City councilor Susan takes bribes from Reevers and allows him to deposit his garbage illegally in an old mine. But when she learns that he also dumps toxic wastes which threaten the nearby water purification unit, she wants to cancel their agreement. She asks her ex-husband Steve, a cop, for help, but before he can do anything she's found dead. Her sister Sunny decides to take revenge with help of a couple of friends, who once formed a female martial fighting squad.
Rhonda LeBeck
En Perfección, un pequeño pueblo al borde del desierto de Nevada, algo parece suceder debajo de la tierra. Cuando las líneas telefónicas y las carreteras quedan cortadas, los habitantes comienzan a sentir pánico, pues todo parece indicar que hay algo vivo y terrorífico bajo las arenas del desierto.
Dream Breakers
Sister Catherine
A movie about a Chicago family -- a building contractor and his two sons who have opposing ideologies. One brother works for a power-hungry builder with underworld connections; the younger son, a priest in one of the city's poor parishes, is fighting the forces for which his brother works.
Desventuras de un estudiante
Nina Sachie
Marlon está enamorado de Jessica (candidata a presidenta de la clase de secundaria). Jessica quiere ir a la Universidad de Ramsey. Marlon quiere ir a donde sea que Jessica vaya. Problema: baja puntuación en la universidad.