Tim Wolochatiuk

Tim Wolochatiuk


Tim Wolochatiuk


We Were Children
For over 130 years till 1996, more than 100,000 of Canada's First Nations children were legally required to attend government-funded schools run by various Christian faiths. There were 80 of these 'residential schools' across the country. Most children were sent to faraway schools that separated them from their families and traditional land. These children endured brutality, physical hardship, mental degradation, and the complete erasure of their culture. The schools were part of a wider program of assimilation designed to integrate the native population into 'Canadian society.' These schools were established with the express purpose 'To kill the Indian in the child.' Told through their own voices, 'We Were Children' is the shocking true story of two such children: Glen Anaquod and Lyna Hart.
Asalto a Juno
Madrugada del 6 de Junio de 1944. 150.000 soldados cruzan el Canal de la Mancha para lanzar la invasión más grande jamás iniciada por mar. El mando aliado tiene la esperanza de romper las férreas defensas costeras de Hitler y establecer un frente occidental en la Europa continental. Si tiene éxito, la Operación Overlord cambiará el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En el centro de la primera ofensiva aparece un tramo de diez kilómetros de una playa francesa que recibe el nombre en código Juno. Obstáculos, morteros, artillería, cohetes antitanque, ametralladoras y búnkeres esperan a las tropas canadienses. A pesar de la defensa desplegada, éstos logran romper las defensas y hacerse con el control de la playa. Al final del día, las tropas canadienses penetraron en Francia más que ningún otro ejército aliado.
Jonestown Cult Suicides - The True Story
This documentary takes viewers back to November 18th 1978, and the apparent mass suicide by over 900 members of a religious cult and the murders of a US congressman and an investigating journalist. Using dramatic reconstruction, archive footage and testimony from survivors – including cult-leader Jim Jones’s own son Stephan – this film tells the story of what really happened on that apocalyptic day.
Jonestown: Paradise Lost
Jonestown: Paradise Lost is a documentary on the final days of Jonestown, the Peoples Temple, and Jim Jones. From eyewitness and survivor accounts, it recreates the last week before the mass murder-suicide on November 18, 1978.