Bahram Ebrahimi


The Sixth Day
A prisoner named Ahmed, who has only five days to find the answer to a few riddles in order to survive.
The Late Father
This movie addresses the plight of a family after the sudden death of their father. Their family, who live on the outskirts of the city, have no income other than selling vegetables.
Child Eater
A young boy alone with no parents who makes a living by vending falls in love with a girl in a gaming club. For the dangerous men in the gaming club no prey is more delicious and tempting than that little girl. The boy with his lean and weak little body has to enter an unfair fight against a cruel world.
Sensitive Floor
After an unexpected incident happens for a middle-aged man's wife's corpse, he gets very depressed, anxious and violent.
The Lizard
El comentario satírico sobre los clérigos en el Irán posrevolucionario. Mientras está en prisión, el pequeño criminal Reza (Parviz Parastui) se encuentra con un clérigo, lo que desató un plan para escapar. Reza se pone la túnica clerical de su nuevo conocido y apuesta por la libertad. Pronto se entera de que ser un clérigo trae poco respeto del público. Reza viaja a las aldeas periféricas, desde donde planea escapar del país. Sin embargo, sus planes deben quedar en suspenso cuando los aldeanos lo acepten en su comunidad y esperen que realice tareas religiosas. ¿La ruptura de la prisión de Reza lo convertirá en un pilar poco probable de la comunidad?