Annette Drees


We Were Just Playing
First Assistant Director
Two boys from different worlds. Of all possible times, the start of summer vacation is when 10-year-old Jona has to move away from Berlin to the German-Czech border with his mother and new stepfather. He's lonely and angry as he inspects his new surroundings. Across the border, he meets Miro, a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy. Jona is fascinated by the confident but taciturn boy, only slowly discovering the fate that's hidden behind Miro's grown-up façade.
First Assistant Director
For her first television film, director Vera wants the perfect cast. But the first day of shooting is fast approaching and the numerous casting sessions have yet to find a suitable actress to play the leading role. Although the producer and crew are getting ever more exasperated with Vera, Gerwin is happy about the extra work, as he earns his money as an audition reader, delivering the lines of dialogue to the starry candidates at the various castings. When the male lead suddenly has to back out, Gerwin thinks that this might just be his chance.
Summer of '04
Script Supervisor
A los cuarenta años, Miriam es muy guapa y tiene una confianza y una seguridad tan amplia como el mar que linda su casa de verano. No hay ningún tabú en la vida que comparte con André, su novio, y su hijo de 15 años, Nils. Todo es comprensión y tolerancia. Cuando Nils invita a su novia de doce años, Livia, a pasar las vacaciones con ellos, no hay ningún problema. Pero cuando la descarada y sensual Livia empieza a flirtear con Bill, un hombre mayor, Miriam decide acabar con esa relación dudosa.
Feliz Navidad
Script Supervisor
Francia, 1914, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. En Nochebuena, un extraordinario acontecimiento tiene lugar en la sangrienta tierra de nadie que los franceses y los escoceses disputan a los alemanes...