The grown-ups of Tollembeek make a deal with the suspicious Igor. The Russian can dump all his garbage and toxic waste in the village for a year, and he will pay the inhabitants a whole lot of money. Urbanus seizes the opportunity to finally buy his engagement ring for Miss Pussy. But of course, things don't go according to plan...
Martin loses his job as a result of the financial crisis. Together with his wife, Jasmijn, and their one year-old child, they are forced to move in with Jasmijn’s parents in their flat in Antwerp on a temporary basis’. The love between Martin and Jasmijn rapidly deteriorates. Martin seems to be living in a world of his own and refuses to lower himself into signing on at the employment office. He wanders through town and hangs round near the flat where they used to live. He finds a happy family there. Martin can’t accept that they have the happiness that he couldn’t have and decides to destroy their happiness just like his happiness was destroyed – in his view. When Jasmijn finds out they aren’t eligible for a new house because Martin never signed on at the employment office, it means the bombshell’s been dropped.
Ben carga con la cruz de ser el raro de su clase, el favorito para las bromas y crueldades de los matones del instituto. La inteligencia de Ben es superior a la del resto de sus compañeros, pero también es retraído, exacerbadamente tímido... hasta el punto que parece rayar el autismo. Su vida en el colegio es un infierno pero, cuando llega a casa, al refugio de su habitación, se sienta delante del ordenador y surge el Ben amo y señor del juego online favorito de millones de adolescentes, incluídos los que lo atormentan a diario. Mediante este juego Ben logra mantenerse vivo, dejar de ser una víctima para convertirse en héroe.
De film gaat over een Vlaamse boer, Kamiel Spiessens, die er alles aan doet om zijn grond te verdedigen tegen een Nederlandse zakenman. Die man wil op de grond een pretpark neerzetten.