Original Music Composer
Se trata de la secuela de la película "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" de 2013.
Película "The Mermaid (Mei ren yu)", en la que Liu Xuan participa en un proyecto que involucra la regeneración del mar y el cual amenaza la subsistencia de las sirenas. Shan, una de las sirenas, es enviada para impedirlo, pero termina enamorándose. Sin embargo, cuando Xuan planea dejar el proyecto, Shan y las otras sirenas son cazadas por una organización oculta que pretende exterminarlas.
Original Music Composer
Remake de una película de los años ochenta, que ahora se estrena con los cambios propios del cine actual. Los protagonistas son dos guerreros de la dinastía Ming que están luchando entre ellos. Algo pasa cuando lo hacen, pues los dos quedan congelados debido a lo que parece un accidente. Permanecen congelados durante siglos, hasta que despiertan en nuestros días, una sociedad que tiene poco que ver con la que ellos conocieron. Así, los dos van a continuar con la lucha en el mundo actual. Se tendrán que adaptar al nuevo mundo, pues la lucha ha cambiado mucho desde que ellos empezaron su pelea, ya que ahora hay armas de todo tipo. En la cinta se ven artes marciales mezcladas con ciencia ficción, por lo que gustará mucho a los amantes del cine de acción y de las artes marciales, un género que ahora no se prodiga mucho en el cine.
Original Music Composer
Una ola de asesinatos sacude Hong Kong. El joven detective Wang Bu Er está seguro que son obra de un asesino en serie y, junto a su compañero Huang Fei Hong, maestro de kung emprenderán una trepidante aventura para investigar el caso.
Original Music Composer
Adaptación en clave de humor del clásico de la literatura china "Viaje al Oeste". En un mundo plagado de demonios, que causan sufrimientos indeseables a los humanos, un joven cazador de demonios llamado Xuan Zang, se arriesga por el bien común y conquista a un demonio-pez, un demonio-cerdo y al demonio de todos los demonios, Sun Wukong. Los toma como sus discípulos, y los cuatro se embarcan en un viaje hacia el Oeste plagado de obstáculos.
Original Music Composer
One suspects writer-director Carol Lai may have harboured some Black Swan ambitions with a tale that also centers around a stage practitioner who embarks on an unwitting destructive journey when playing a role to die for. The Second Woman, whose Chinese title Romance Riddle may hold better clues as to how this film developed, being more of a guessing game that threw constant clues rather than a overly romantic film about twins falling in love with a man who decided it's perfectly OK to string both women along, until he discovers that this spells double trouble.
Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. A robbery happened at he city's richest man Ho Pak Man's home where his whole family was killed and their family treasure the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" was stolen and the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching investigates the case. Kung and Lo Pa cannot participate because of their low status. Coincidentally, Master Kung and Lo Pa arrest a pair of twin sisters, Water Dragon Girl and Fire Dragon Girl, who always pretend to catch wanted criminals to get monetary rewards. The twin sisters know that the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" would be brought to the "Treasure Inn" for an auction. Wanting to hit big, Master Kung and Lo Pa go to the "Treasure Inn" with the twin sisters to investigate the truth. During that time, Master Kung and Water Dragon Girl become lovers from a kiss.
Un policía viaja atrás en el tiempo para enfrentarse a una corporación que busca eliminar a un médico que ha creado una nueva tecnología que puede romper el monopolio de los recursos energéticos.
An assassin who is fresh from his latest kill becomes stranded in an island, when he inadvertently befriends a female police officer. As the night progresses, the unspoken truth honored by the two sides of the law is broken. After the remains of a body that belonged to a drug lord and syndicate crime leader are found, chaos ensues and criminals ravage the once peaceful streets in a race against time to find the mysterious murderer that's loose and out for blood.
Ti es un padre que, al no tener dinero para comprarle juguetes a su hijo, se acerca al vertedero a ver si encuentra algo decente y en buen estado. Finalmente, se lleva un juguete, que resulta ser un objeto alienígena.
May's son has gone missing, and in order to win him back, the devoted mother is going to have to face her worst fears as she navigates a treacherous maze of incomprehensible evil. If she can make it out alive, she might just get a second chance at motherhood. If she falls prey to the darkness that surrounds her, however, she will suffer a fate worse than death as she is forced to confront every mother's worst nightmare.
Ambientada en el caos de la China prerrevolucionaria, un ladrón de poca monta, Sing (Ste-phen Chow), aspira a ser uno de los crueles y sofisticados miembros de la Banda del Hacha cuyas actividades ilegales ensombrecen la ciudad. Sing intenta extorsionar a uno de los habitantes de un complejo de apartamentos llamado 'Pig Sty Alley', pero los vecinos no son lo que parecen. Sin pretenderlo, los cómicos intentos de intimidación de Sing atraen a la Banda del Hacha, desencadenando una serie de sucesos que enfrentan cara a cara los dos mundos tan diferentes. Mientras los habitantes de Pig Sty luchan por sus vidas, el choque de titanes de kung fu que sigue desentierra algunos maestros legendarios de artes marciales.
Original Music Composer
Yip is attractive but for some strange reason, no man has ever been interested in her. Yip meets Lai, a famous feng shui expert and she thinks that Lai can change her luck. But Duen, also a famous feng shui expert continually cast all kinds of spells on Yip. A fierce battle of feng shui and horoscope techniques ensues. Will Lai and Yip live happily afterwards?
Original Music Composer
Follows the adventures of a compulsive Mahjong player named Andy and his aging mother, estranged brother, loyal ex-girlfriend, and a local gang.
Original Music Composer
En esta secuela de “Running Out of Time”, Lau Ching Wan reprende su papel del mejor negociador de la policía de Hong Kong: Sang. Esta vez deberá enfrentarse a un peligroso y meticuloso criminal que ha robado tres obras de arte y exige un rescate por ellas.
Original Music Composer
Un joven seguidor de Shaolin reúne a sus hermanos para formar un equipo de fútbol usando sus habilidades en artes marciales a su favor.
Original Music Composer
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
A trio of idealistic young doctors take on a corrupt, ineffective hospital management more interested in saving dollars than lives. Sub-plots crop up in the form of a love triangle, an electrical blackout, and a major car accident.
Original Music Composer
Un diseñador informático es secuestrado y torturado. Desde entonces, su novia siente que ya no es la misma persona y cree que algo sobrenatural está dominando su alma. El policía encargado del caso también está determinado a llegar hasta el final del caso. Pero la verdad es más aterradora de lo que nadie hubiera imaginado.
Wah, un inteligente criminal al que sólo le quedan 14 días de vida, decide dar un último golpe intentando apoderarse de unos diamantes, y así atraer la atención de la policía, y especialmente la del oficial San, experto en negociación y de métodos particulares. San cree que Wah está retándolo a un juego de sabiduría y coraje, y se pone ansioso para arrestarle...
Wah, un inteligente criminal al que sólo le quedan 14 días de vida, decide dar un último golpe intentando apoderarse de unos diamantes, y así atraer la atención de la policía, y especialmente la del oficial San, experto en negociación y de métodos particulares. San cree que Wah está retándolo a un juego de sabiduría y coraje, y se pone ansioso para arrestarle...
Jack and Martin are gunmen who work for two rival kingpins. Jack and Martin have been fighting on their bosses behalf for close to a year. When a truce is made both Jack and Martin are cut loose. The two men then decide to join forces and take on the gangsters who used them.
Louis Koo plays an assassin who wants to go straight after getting out of prison, so he turns down a job from his former employer Simon Yam to kill a politician. Yam carries out the hit himself and manages to frame Koo for the crime, who then must run from both the cops and criminals as he tries to clear his name.
Caught in the middle of a fierce gang war in Macau, a corrupt cop named Sam handles negotiations between two Triad leaders who plan to join forces. He meets a suspicious bald man named Tony, who keeps following him around and disrupting his personal business. But when Sam finds out he's a suspect in a nightclub owner's murder, he's sure his stalker has something to do with it.
Remake de Corey Yuen del boxeador de Shantung dirigido por Chang Cheh, trata de un trabajador de Shantung que sube a la cima de la tríada de Shanghai.
Sigue las vidas de un equipo de bomberos de Hong Kong en sus desgarradoras misiones de rescate y sus dilemas personales.
A young man adopted by a renowned swordsmith, discovers that his real father was killed by a powerful bandit called Lung. Leaving to seek revenge, he runs foul of a group of vicious desert scum, losing his right arm in the process. After being nursed back to health, he eventually learns to compensate for his loss and returns to confront the man who murdered his father.
Begging Villager
A young man adopted by a renowned swordsmith, discovers that his real father was killed by a powerful bandit called Lung. Leaving to seek revenge, he runs foul of a group of vicious desert scum, losing his right arm in the process. After being nursed back to health, he eventually learns to compensate for his loss and returns to confront the man who murdered his father.
Like many young people of the 1920s, Kong and Yan are infected with the "happily ever after" syndrome waiting for their perfect match. Unlike other love stories, this couple journeys through murder, ghostly spirits and true sacrifice all in the name of love.
Original Music Composer
In 3A.D., during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, parents dress a very pretty, very privileged girl like a boy so she may be educated in a local boarding school. There, she falls in love with a poor, but handsome and industrious young man, but their short love affair ends in disaster.
Ling's parents has been separated when she was small, however, she always miss her brother, Ding. Ling's boyfriend is a social worker. One day, he sees a youngster who looks like Ling's brother and loves drinking cream soda and milk. Nevertheless, Ding doesn't want to meet his sister..