Caitlin E.J. Meyer

Caitlin E.J. Meyer

Nacimiento : 1992-02-29, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


Caitlin E.J. Meyer is an American actress. She is the older sister of former child actor Dhylan Meyer.


Caitlin E.J. Meyer


The Christmas Project Reunion
An awkward high school boy is forced to break out of his shell, when his elementary school nemesis moves back into town and tries to steal his girlfriend.
The Christmas Project
Monica Goodman
Even with Christmas around the corner, for the Buckley boys, payback almost always wins out over brotherly love. That is until the four brothers join forces against a common adversary--the Hagbarts, the meanest bullies at their middle school. But now Mom has decided that the Buckley family is going to Elve the Hagbarts this year for Christmas. Eleven-year-old Matthew can hardly stand it. By day the Hagbarts torture the Buckley brothers into submission, and by night the Buckleys secretly deliver Christmas treats and gifts to their sworn enemies. Soon the war of wits escalates to an incredible scheme designed to get the ultimate revenge on the Hagbarts. But now that Matthew has been learning that he's supposed to be good to those who hate him, what will he do when a little push becomes a great big shove?
Una pareja a punto de terminar su matrimonio pasa un fin de semana en diferentes ciudades. Después de un evento cataclísmico, el marido se embarca en una búsqueda física y emocional para regresar a casa cuando una nación se prepara para lo peor.
Miracle Maker - A Christmas Tale
Sarrah Cronin
It all starts with one little seed of love."The Miracle Maker is coming!" Everyone in the tiny hamlet is excited when they hear the news that the renowned man of wonders is coming to their village. But the humble traveler who appears isn't what anyone expected. They were looking forward to someone magnificent who would change their lives. But it seems this man can barely take care of himself, let alone fulfill the dreams of others. However, miracles can come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes from unexpected places.
The Cokeville Miracle
Penny Young
En 1986, en la localidad de Cokeville, en Wyoming, un perturbado y su esposa secuestraron un colegio de primaria con más de cien personas dentro, la mayoría niños.
Un lugar donde esconderse
Una madre y su hija escapan de su casa y comienzan de nuevo en una nueva ciudad , con nueva escuela, nuevos amigos y un duro proceso de adaptación. La reputación de Ashley ( la hija) está arruinada después de que dos niñas crueles se haciesen pasar por ella en un acoso cibernético, es por eso que ella y su madre huyen antes las amenazas temiendo por sus vidas. Comenzar de nuevo en una nueva escuela, intereses románticos y las lecciones conmovedoras de un profesor de historia excéntrico, hacen salir de la reclusión a ambas.
Christmas Oranges
Rose's Mother / Grace Crampton
In a town not so far away and a time not so long ago, baby Rose was left on the porch of Greenwoods Orphanage, where Mrs. Hartley and the children under her tender care become her family. But when tragedy strikes, Rose loses the only home she has ever known and she is abruptly shipped to Irongates—a place that seems as cold and cruel as her previous home was kind. Strict headmaster Mr. Crampton immediately seems to dislike Rose and makes sure she and the other children are punished for any minor infraction of his rules. Rose soon makes friends with Emily, but in spite of her gentle and forgiving nature, some of the children will take any chance they can to get her into trouble. When she learns that every Christmas Mr. Crampton’s generous brother gives an orange to each child, Rose waits in eager anticipation.
17 Milagros
Tamar Loader
Como parte de la Willie Handcart Company, Levi Savage (Jasen Wade) temía que salir tarde en la temporada de invierno conduciría a la desesperación y la muerte. Lo que vino a descubrir es que por cada tragedia, hay una multitud de milagros. Basada en hechos reales increíbles, y traído a usted por el cineasta TC Christensen (Loor al Profeta, La obra y la Gloria), 17 Milagros le abrirá los ojos a las historias de los pioneros mormones como nunca las has visto antes. Algo extraordinario está a punto de suceder.
You're So Cupid
Lily Valentine
Las hermanas gemelas Emma y Lilly son tan diferentes como la noche y el día. Emma, la hermosa rubia, preferiría montar a caballo que cualquier otra cosa en el mundo. Mientras que a Lilly, su gemela pelirroja tímida, le encanta que la dejen sola para acurrucarse con un buen libro.
Minor Details
Someone at the prestigious Danforth Academy is trying to make the students sick. Is it Mia or Riley, the rich girls? Or could it be Emily, the Principal's daughter? Whoever it is, Abby, Paige, Claire and Taylor will have to put aside their differences and join together to solve the mystery!
One Man's Treasure
Elder Johnson (Darin Southam) esta trabajando duro cerca del final de su servicio, pero todavía no ha visto ningún fruto de sus labores. Su compañero, el tranquilo Elder Sarath (Charan Prabhakar), ha tenido una gran cantidad de bautismos, a pesar de que la obediencia no es su atributo más fuerte. Un descubrimiento casual de una viejo diario lleva a los Elderes (y los otros misioneros de la zona) en una búsqueda del tesoro y que se esfuercen por resolver las pistas, y esto les llevará a una recompensa inesperada.
In the Bible, Saul persecuted Christ's church and its followers. Overcome parallels this story. Set in modern day, a young man in high school mistreats anyone good around him, until he has a fateful accident which changes his life. Now he must make amends to all those around him, and try to become the person he knew he should have been the whole time.
Turn Around
Ashley Pratt
Based on the story of Alma the Younger. Sara is at the top of her game. She has the chance to be chosen for an elite summer tennis program, but her hopes are dashed unexpectedly by the one person no one likes - Colton. Colton is at the bottom of life, constantly leading others away, hurting people, giving no one respect, and making fun of other teens for going to church. But then his parents pray for some intervention in his life. When he's partying one night, Colton ends up in a car wreck with Sara, and goes through an experience that changes him. But facing life after you've done everything wrong can sometimes be the hardest step, and Colton must find a way to prove to everyone - especially to Sara - that he's changed.
Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-Day Tale
Kelli Watson
Eric Landry es un hombre de corazón frío que la gente ha apodado 'La Bestia'. Los años de ira y amargura le han consumido, convirtiéndolo en un hombre egoísta. Pero Belle Watson es exactamente lo contrario. Ella es cariñosa y amable. Ella trabaja duro para ayudar a su familia, a menudo sacrifica sus propias necesidades y deseos para satisfacer las necesidades de los demás. Cuando su padre rompe accidentalmente una valiosa obra de arte en la mansión Landry, Belle se ve inmersa en la vida de la Bestia. Tratando en lo posible de no ser intimidada por su mezquindad, Belle se compromete a trabajar con Eric en un esfuerzo por pagar y conservar el empleo de su padre. Ella descubre que hay mas de Eric. ¿Encontrará el hombre dentro de la Bestia?.
A Pioneer Miracle
Belle Richards at age 8
“A Pioneer Miracle” tells the story of 8-year-old Belle Richards, who, after disobeying her father’s counsel, finds herself and her brother in serious danger. With divine intervention, the pair survive a terrible rockslide, imprinting on Belle a lifelong lesson of faith, prayer, and the importance of obedience.
La magia de Santa Claus
Mary Poindexter
El mejor amigo de Justin está pasando por una dificil situación , ya que sus padres están tramitando su separación matrimonial. Pero Justin, que está muy afectado por su amigo Bobby, se siente peor cuando por casualidad presencia u hecho insólito: ve a su madre besar a Santa Claus y piensa en una inminente separación de sus padres.
Young Larsen child (uncredited)
This is a fictional love story with the 1856 Handcart Pioneers as the backdrop. Sam Hunter, falls for a Mormon Pioneer woman, Abigail, as she is moving west. As the pioneers stop in his town of Iowa City, he pretends to desire joining the Mormon Church to show his love for Abigail. As hardships prevail, his faith is tested on their way to Zion.
El rincón de los secretos
Emily es una joven violoncelista de catorce años que se pierde las vacaciones de verano con sus amigas del campamento porque se quiere presentar a unas audiones para una orquesta sinfónica. El verano se le está haciendo más pesado de lo que esperaba, ya que su madre está en estado y parece mucho más preocupada por el nuevo bebé que está en camino que por ella. Aburrida por la situación dedide montarse su propio negocio: cobra 50 céntimos por cada secreto que guarda a los niños del vecindario. (FILMAFFINITY)