Sandro Veronesi
Nacimiento : 1959-04-01, Firenze - Italy
Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.
Giorgio and Tito, father and son. A successful journalist and a lazy teenager apparently impossible to understand. Giorgio's dream is to take Tito to the Nasca Hill in Liguria, but Tito prefers to spend his entire day with his group of friends, eating, talking about nothing and playing video games. Until one day when he suddenly informs his father that he would join him in this trip. After a series of accidents and misunderstandings, at the end, somehow father and son will find the way to communicate … or at least they will try.
Narra de manera pausada el drama existencial de unos personajes perdidos y atormentados en una Roma caótica, prepotente e inmersa en sus ruinas y sus ritos cotidianos.
Cuando la mujer de Pietro (Nanni Moretti) muere de improviso un día de verano, en ese preciso momento él estaba en la playa salvando la vida de una desconocida. Desde entonces Pietro se dedica sobre todo a estar con su hija y a no hacer nada: empieza a observar el mundo desde otro punto de vista y, poco a poco, va descubriendo el lado oculto de los demás. Sus jefes, sus compañeros de trabajo, amigos y parientes, intentan consolarlo, pero acaban rindiéndose ante su incomprensible e inquietante calma.
War and love. tears and laughter, the worst and the best that can happen to someone - in brief, life, in Rome, ruled by the Nazis, in 1943. The man in question is called Vittorio, Vittorio De Sica. Easy to speak well of him now, but then he was just a 'comedian', an actor without future, protégé of no-one: someone who could count only on himself and his own imagination. And, one day, a German patrol turns up on the movie set where he is working. They are looking for him, find him and take him away, to their commander who wants a word with him. Goebbels in person has written to him, sending him a request which is an order. De Sica is trapped, but...
In a world parallel to ours, things and people have supernatural powers. Witches exist, they are beautiful and attractive and try to do their 'work' to the fullest.
Una historia del paso a la madurez, en la que un chico se resiste al mundo de los adultos y la inevitable pérdida de las alegrías de la infancia.