Young Greasers, known as Raggare in Sweden, gather at a café outside Stockholm. Roffe is the toughest greaser and kidnaps his girlfriend Bibban, when he discovers that she is out riding with other guys. Bibban falls in love with the sensitive Lasse.
Marianne is unhappily married with the rich Arvid Croneman. Arvid has been ill for some time and Marianne has been looking forward to his passing away. However, Arvid recovers. Marianne has had an affair with Lennart Hägg, her husband's doctor. She steals poison from his office and makes sure that her husband gets a poisonous injection that swiftly kills him. After his burial, Arvid's relatives, who lives in the house, treats her with suspicion. Has she really gotten rid of all the evidence?
Un periodista norteamericano se encuentra en la Riviera francesa investigando la misteriosa muerte de un multimillonario para el que trabajaba. Sus pesquisas lo llevan a diversas ciudades europeas, en las que obtiene la información necesaria para ir atando cabos y llegar, finalmente, a la conclusión de que el magnate había mantenido relaciones con los nazis durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
In England, a famous jewel collection is stolen. The police suspect that the jewels have been smuggled to Sweden, and in Stockholm, the young insurance detective Peter Holmer is commissioned to trace the stolen jewels. The tracks first lead Peter to a certain ballet master Lando, but when he comes to Lando's flat, he finds him murdered. Before the police were summoned, Peter saw a young lady smearing from the floor. He tries to catch her, but when he gets down the street she disappears in a taxi..
Jens Månsson has big financial problems and realizes that he probably has to leave his dear Skåne farm Gåsabo. But suddenly, he inherits a fortune from his brother John in America.
A journalist is writing a critical article about the prison service in Sweden. The magazine's editor in chief does not agree with him and removes the article. The journalist then plans to fake a crime to gain knowledge about life in prison.